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Everything posted by EISHUND

  1. Hi Valleywa, Owner of a rare breed here! Very rare! The initial importer of the breed brought over 3 bitches & a dog. 2 of the bitches are litter sisters, and the other dog & bitch have the same dam. He has had one litter of 3, and another litter but I'm not sure of quantity. Fanuilos & I have recently imported 2, a dog & bitch, both littermates. And just this month, another bitch has come over from France. I know that more are in the pipeline, and the ones I know of have opted for lines different to what we already have in the country, which is fantastic. We just have to hope & pray that breeders will be open to working with each other, or the breed will struggle. In total, I'd say we currently have UNDER 15 animals registered with the ANKC of our breed. 1 stud dog, plus our boy, who is only 5 & a half months! Personally, I'd like to establish a solid foundation, and then introduce the genetic diversity. But in saying that, I don't think i'd be one to hesitate taking a step back (a small step back, not too big!) & slightly sacrificing quality (not health or temperament though) to introduce a new line I like & want to work with, & then move forwards improving on that. Isn't that the whole point of breeding, to improve? Sometimes these things need to be done to ensure a solid future. Rome wasn't built in a day & I'm here for the long haul. Frozen semen is going to be our friend Yes, I'm a realist & I can see us bottle-necking in a few years, so we do have to plan ahead for that & keep our heads above the sand. Keep our ears & eyes open to what others around us are doing, but it's important to not let others decisions affect your own. For example, you think DogA could really improve what you are doing, but BreederA & B have already used him. They are going to take those matings in a different direction to you, so if you feel DogA is right for you, I'd use him! Some people wont, as 'so & so & so & so' have already used him so we'll have the same lines. Oh gee, I just rambled, hopefully you can make some sense of what I wrote
  2. Wound Gard! eta: I'm going through EXACTLY what you are right now, grrrrrr I HATE HOT SPOTS!!!
  3. Sorry to hear about your loss... it just sucks losing pups. Counting the 12 I lost due to vet negligence last month (plus my girl), and then the 4 babies yesterday, that's 17 I've lost in just over a month Us breeders need strong hearts...
  4. Do either of you know if scans were done to determine that no canal was present, or was it assumed due to having no hole?
  5. Thanks Angelsun! Congrats on your friend getting a WSS! Will we be seeing it in the ring Don't think there are any showing over in Perth yet!!!
  6. Definately not LOL, I couldn't stop laughing when the vet told me, definately something you don't expect to hear! Only discovered when he used the microscope thingy, and even then he was a bit unsure, thinking it might be a bit of extra skin in the way, so he grabbed a cue tip & poked around. Just the one missing. His 'good' ear is his off show side, so he'll have great hearing for obedience :p Wondering if BAER testing would be pointless? Might have a chat to my vet.
  7. I DO go over square inch of my pups when they are born, but you'd know that when they are born, they have NO ear hole anyway :p Honestly, they look normal, it's only when you fold the ear right back, and pull the internal 'knob' aside that it's apparent there is no hole. The puppy reacts to sound normally, has clean ears, never shook it's head like it had a foreign body, so I had no reason to go stretching & prodding the internals of my pups ears in search of an ear canal. If you saw them for yourself, I'm sure you'd understand how easy it was to overlook. By your reaction, you'd think I'd missed an extra leg But no offense taken FFAK.
  8. I've just come back from the vet having Sugar's pups vaccinated.... Upon close examination, it has been found that one puppy has no ear hole It looks quite normal inside, but it appears to have no hole! He moves his ear to sound, but this could be due to vibrations. The vet said he's only ever seen such a thing once! I can have scans done by a specialist to see if he has an ear canal, but I've been advised cost is around or in excess of $1000. Has anyone EVER heard of this. Will try to get some photos when my man gets home tonight.
  9. Have just had ANOTHER still-born boy ;) eta: BB, missed ur call, call again.
  10. Yes, definately stick with one! ;) I have 2 littermates, and they are little terrors together! One has just been sent on a 'holiday' so they can learn to be apart.
  11. 6 girls, 1 boy & 3 stillborn boys. 10 in total. Pretty sure i can feel another.
  12. OMG that Ice is a tart!!! Not content with one girl, he had to have himself two girls! Randy bastard Looks like he gave Tia all the girls and left Elli with the boys LOL, atleast between us we'll be right, I can send the boy enquiries your way & vice versa
  13. We have another girl, healthy & strong. And a boy (born dead, rigor mortis already set in) ;) Boys are not fairing well.
  14. Don't know why i used the surprised face, so much on DOL doesn't surprise me anymore. eta: so, is this Atua a registered breeder? Or a backyardy? No mention on DOL ever about breeding Amstaffs. ;)
  15. Well, in typical 'Tia' style, she has caught me out! ;) I thought I'd be having a February litter. I'd been waiting for her to come in season, to no avail, so when Fanuilos' girl Elli came up for mating, I 'used' her & housed her next to Tia to bring her in... Excellent, after a week, the familar blood spots started appearing on the cement! Ice & Tia live together, so I left them together as that was the planned litter. (a repeat of the mating that produced my beloved girl Sugar that I lost recently) We had successful matings with Elli, and when Tia reached prime mating time, going by the time according to when the blood started for Tia, Ice showed no interest. It was a bizarre season, stopping as quick as it started, but it soon became apparent that she was in whelp. As no mating was witnessed, I 'guesstimated' based on the 1st day of her heat & her prime time normally being day 13, giving me a rough date of 2 weeks from now.... HAHAHAHAH, WRONG!!!! As I've now discovered, Tia was already on heat when Elli arrived!! No blood, no swelling, and they did their special cuddles obviously in between the controllled interludes with Elli She's been eating normally, scoffed her dinner last night, I woke up at 5am, and heard that familar noise coming from outside, yep, puppies! Grabbed towels & collected Tia & bubs to put in the whelping box. We have 4 girls so far, & unfortunately one little boy who was dead. Tia, she's a little ratbag & caught me out big time, it's totally her style so I'm not that surprised
  16. Thanks Rugerfly! And here we are, a new photo of Mr Thor! Bout time I posted a piccie!
  17. looks like someone has gremlins in their 'puter
  18. flick me an email to [email protected] & I'll forward you mine :D
  19. You may and you can get cuddles in person in February. ;) ;) Are you talking about the weekend that will most likely see me lumbering you with Inga & Thor while I go off to galivant with the GSD's?
  20. Awww she's ''Berry" cute! Good luck with her, can I join the fan club?
  21. good to hear it finally worked out I'm sort of leaning towards Melbourne now as its closer for me. As I'm in Tas I could fly over reg for visits Wondering what they are like regarding food? Do they mind you taking raw meat in for them? Will they put some away or can you only take what can be eaten on that day? Will they make any exceptions for there 2 a week visit policy? I took in frozen chicken wings, bagged them 2 per bag & they had no problem defrosting them & giving them for dinner. I wasn't fussy though & said give them whenever you feel like it
  22. Sydney was a pain the bum to start with, I basically had to beg & educate them on doggy reproduction & pubety before they'd let us kennel our two 3 month old puppies together as they were the opposite sex. They stated 'we don't permit matings in quarantine' aaaah helllo, they are BABIES!!!!! And then when we got over that obstacle, they still didn't want to house them together as they felt that due to stress & being confined, they may turn on each other aggressively!!! I had to answer tonnes of questions about their temperament & whether or not they have shown aggression towards each other before. It was very frustrating for myself, fanuilos & arawyn. But once they were in, it was all pretty smooth sailing & our kennel attendents (Kelly & Josh) were absolutely fantastic, we couldn't have been happier with them!
  23. She's slack lol you know me too well :D ;) Ok, have an ok pic, but his croup looks icky because I forgot to brush it as it all got messed up in the crate before photo time :D I'm waiting on some more, but she had to go to QLD so hopefully when she gets back, they should be really good ones!!!!!
  24. Thanks Cassie! Everyone was very supportive, with lots of positive comments & congratulations which was fantastic! :D
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