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A Little Angel Has Crossed The Rainbow Bridge To Soon
EISHUND replied to SnoFyre's topic in Rainbow Bridge
Awww, so sorry to hear the terrible news.. Little Jessie.. :D They must be devastated, and you also. My thoughts are with you, and hope the other 2 are ok.. -
Oh thats' terrible Isaviz.. What happened to take your beloved Riles away last year..
You do NOT want your dog to be afraid of you, you want it to RESPECT you. This is not true. In a pack situation, The pack leader does not bicker or challenge other pack members. He is respected. The lowest ranked pack member doesn't bicker or challenge either. He knows there's no use and accepts it. The middle ranked ones bicker and challenge amongst themselves tussling for a position in the centre rankings. If you challenge your dog, you are only enforcing the fact that HE is the pack leader or an equal. JMHO
Yay, that's it Ruffles, i bought a bottle today!! Flies love my Sheppies ears.. Edited to add- i use an antibiotic cream if the flies have caused a wound, and spray the musca ban over it.. That way you are treating AND preventing..
you have my sympathies.. I'd be furious! My youngest turned 1 today (Happy Birthday!!) and i sure don't miss the times of toilet training her.. ahhhh, and to think i'll be doing it all again in 1-2 years, we must be crazy! ahhh, the joys of puppyhood
There is also a spray called Dogoff, or something similar that is designed to act as a deterrent. Is there anything you can use in between the bed and desk so she can't climb from the bed to the desk? Like a big cardboard box folded flat, and slipped in between the bed and desk? It could work as a barrier. A fridge box, or a box freezer box? Hmmmm... I still can't believe that naughty girl poops on the desk?
:rolleyes: Well said!
Either i have said something to rub u the wrong way DOGZ, or you are one of those "sensitive" bull breed owners that are dirty that their breed has been excluded from something.. I hope you had fun picking my previous post to pieces.. You're right, it's not Schutzhund, but people need to accept that rules are in place for a reason.. Chell has explained it wonderfully.. You obviously really wanted to do Schutzhund, so you have sought out a trainer, :D , instead of sitting idle whinging about the rules.. Because, due to the misinformation, poor public perception, false info etc... it limits the amount of peope turning up wanting to join for the wrong reasons.. my statement had absolutely nothing to do with the breeds, purely mathematics.... less people.. lower incidence.. Never said they were, don't know where you got that info from?? All i said is they are working dog, and Schutzhund is a working dog sport.. Interpret that however you wish... It is quite obvious from your post, "your" ignorance, as i stated in an earlier post *disclaimer* i know nothing about bullbreeds, only going by what i was told by a bullbreed owner.. So congratulations you are correct, however, if you read my other post properly you would of already known that We all know you can't compare Australia to America, no point.. Like chalk and cheese.. White Shepherds can be registered on main and breed in America :D Not here!! My reference to "fun" was directed at Phatdex's comment, as i felt he perhaps was not aware what Schutzhund training sessions are about... Myszka explained it perfectly.. What do i call sitting around?? Highly informative and educational yes, but seriously, i can think of better word than something as plain and generalised as "fun." Anyway, suppose i could go on all night referring to every single point in ur post, but i don't feel like i need to justify my comments.. I feel each individual interprets posts differently, none of mine were intended to degrade any breed or group of people..
exactly right, sitting around complaining doesn't do anything..... take action... The great satisfaction of your dog trialling and gaining a title after all the time and effort you have both put in... that's why they do it Phatdex.... So if you can't compete, i can't see the point.. Why would an instructor want to dedicate all that time into training you? It is not breedism.. It is for dogs bred to work in this manner.. Those breeds are known for their ability to work, known for stable temperaments and a good "on/off" switch to be able to deal with bite work.. This is as a "whole.." Not just individual dogs.. yes, an APBT may be able to do it, but because it can, it doesn't make the "whole" breed suitable.. You cannot compare Australia to America... Pahleese, in America you can do anything.. It's their whole freedom/constitution BS.. JJ's, i'm with you.. Well said...
Schutzhund is a serious sport.. It takes great time, dedication and committment to train the Schutzhund dog.. You train to trial.. The instructors dedicate their time in the hope you trial well.. I don't hear any Schuthund clubs complaining that they are too small.. It is not a warm and fuzzy group of people, sipping their tea, where they sit around and have fun all night petting each others dogs.. Schutzhund people do not do it "because it's fun".... I dont' make the rules.. same reason i can't show my dog as White GSD, coz it's against the rules set out by this country..
Yes, you're a right RW biting down on the sleeve is important.. ... However, people with excluded breeds need to stop with the "my dog can bite" so it should be able to do Schutzhund..
Phatdex, the fact that your dog hits the bite bar hard in your words, does NOT make it a Schutzhund dog... It's that mentality that clubs want to keep out... Schutzhund in NOT all about bite work... I hear no one on here saying, but oh, my dog shows a natural tracking ability, or , my dog does is very responsive to obedience training... Those not happy on here that own a breed not allowed at Aussie Sch Clubs seem to continually go on and on and on about the "bite" stuff.. It doesn't look good... And, no one was has said that bull breeds can't do Schutzhund... In America, you can do everything!
You know, a bull breed lover told me they were bred to be animal aggressive. Regardless of whether its towards people or other animals, it is a dog bred for aggressive traits.. How can a dog, bred to be aggressive, have the mental strength to cope? Why would you want to teach/encourage a breed bred for aggression to bite?? Funny, 90% of those that complain about not being able to do Schutzhund in Australia, own Bull Breeds.. ?? *disclaimer* i know nothing about bullbreeds, only going by what i was told by a bullbreed owner I'd go and do a bit of research or even just visit a club to find out more and the reasons why they only accept certain breeds. Find out proper reasons, not just "because thats what the rules say". It might make you understand the whole deal a bit clearer... I'm sure a face to face to discussion would be much better and more informative.. Bex, i say if you "really" want to do Schutzhund, go and get a suitable breed. Kinda like me, if i "really" wanted to show, i'd get a black and gold..
Well said Chell.. In the States, they have All Breeds Sch Clubs, google DVG, you'll find a heap of info.. Australian clubs are entitled and have every right to accept only the breeds they see fit in accordance with their code of ethics.. Why on earth would you want to train if you can't compete? The only side you are missing out on is the Character Assessment part... Like Chell said, there are numerous clubs out there open to all breeds if you wish to do Obedience or Tracking.. Thank god it's only limited to particular breeds, if it's thought of as the "Attack Dog Sport" i can only imagine how many drop kicks (not directed at u Bex) would be turning up with their dogs in the hope of getting their dogs "attack" trained.. !! :shakehead: If people want a better understanding on the sport they'll do some research, and realise its not an attack dogs sport.. Schutzhund's 3 phases of trialling test and evaluate the dogs mental stability, endurance, physical soundness, scentwork, work ethic, courage and trainability.. These characteristics are the core of any WORKING DOG breed standard.. hence, why it's a working dog sport! Breeds that were not bred to work in this way, may not have the "mental" strength to cope with such training. Yes, it does depend on the individual dog.. But that's the same for everything, Schutzhund or not..
Cool.. doesn't sound too daunting. Thanks for the quick reply.. hmmm, may just have to get down there!
Great advice Malinwar. Horsley Park would be the closet to me. Even closer now because of the new M7!! How do they assess the dogs and what do they look for? Sorry 'bout all the questions.
Malinwar that's great to hear!! I spose i think it would take the attention off my dog a little if had her squared up with obedience first.. being a white shep, we often get frowned upon. My male is awesome at obedience, shows a natural abiltiy for tracking, but he wouldn't cut it as a Schutzhund dog temperament wise.. Too soft. I have a 3 yr old bitch as well, imported from the states that has a heap of SchIII in her pedigree. But i think it would be easier to focus on one dog and just take my younger girl. She is 10mths old, does that matter? Trial and error, if she's not suited i can always try my other girl.. eta- what would you recommend?
I've got a white shep bitch that i'd love to do Schutzhund with... heheh, gotta get her out there doing obedience first!! lazy me.. My father was a trainer with GSDL and then went on to become a handler/trainer with the Corrective Services, and Dad thinks she may just "have it" if i pull my finger out and put in the time and effort with her. So whats the go? Can a white shep do it? Colour surely wouldn't matter huh?
that's what the "scours" are KitmeKat.. I'd love to be able to mince the meat up myself Aly, but i am feeding 4 adult dogs at the moment.. It would take me forever!! Divine Angel, about that 'sawdust' like meat you got.. When the meat starts to go off, they freeze it.. Then they mince it up frozen, that's happened to me!! That's why it smells so bad when it defrosts.. can you believe that they try and cover it up?? Just because they are animals, doesn't mean they have to eat "bad" meat!! If only there was a consumer affairs for dogs!! Lillysmum, there is one good food you can buy from the supermarket, Natures Gift.. Only canned food i'll feed. It's 100% all natural products, no offal..
Thankyou all for the great advice.. WSM, the scours are diarrohea OMG, such a poor spelling attempt .. i mainly buy from Western Petfoods at Hoxton Park/Liverpool. Got a few iffy batches so i changed to Petbarn at Campbelltown, only for the same thing to happen I've tried chicken mince but my dogs go off it after a while and i can't stand the smell of the stuff!! Holly, i checked out the link you gave me, seems like a goer. I'll have to check out where BIG DOG supplies to in NSW.. There are greyhound kennels behind my property so hopefully they might know too. I'm so annoyed by the inconsistencies in the quality of meat out there, and the fact that people will blantantly lie about what is actually in the meat.. I hope that i can find a reliable supplier i can trust, i'm sure they are few and far between. I just don't like putting my dogs health at risk in the process. Thankyou all so, so much I'm still interested in hearing from any one else who has also encountered problems with Pet mince..
I have always fed my dogs Semi Lean pet mince, but often, all my dogs get the scours.. I spoke to my vet and the first thing they asked me was "do you feed your dogs pet mince?" They said they get bouts of it all the time.. I was told it was caused by a particular bacteria (can't for the life of me remember the name) due to the meat not being cooled or stored properly, perhaps because of the attitude oh well it's only for animals... I have now changed to Natures gift canned food, but it contributes to such a huge feed bill.. Has anyone else had any problems feeding pet mince, or could you recommend something else that i could feed my dogs?? Any opinions greatly appreciated..