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Everything posted by MumOf2LabBoys

  1. Hi Dan, It's the HILLS z/d low allergen, very $$$ Cheers :D
  2. Vet made no mention of this at all...?? could you please explain this further? :D We did use a cream for a few days. Neocort it was called.
  3. Thanks Ellz! I dont mind the Hills....he does so little no.2's now and they are so easy to pick up. The problem is the HILLS STINKS....and his droppings are coated in a black layer...his coat also has become a little smelly....OH and don't talk about his breath!! It reeks since he cant 'clean his teeth' with a good bone.
  4. Background...2 weeks ago Ralphy was put on an 'elimination diet' due to hotspots. I am putting it down to changing from fresh/raw BARF-ish diet, to Supercoat, but i cant be certain his first hotspot appeared after i switched, it could have been the 'beef treats' such as shmackos etc. Vet has put him on Hills Science for allergies for 8 weeks...we then have to go back to the vet and begin the re-introduction of certain foods. My instincts are telling me to just switch him back to raw diet and perhaps eliminate the beef shmackos/liver treats etc, and use the hills kibble for treats OR.. go with the vets advise and continue with the process. With Charlie coming, i want to sort all this out so i can pepare them the same meals. I could also go with the apple cider vinegar in their water etc to eliviate the itches. Would love to hear your opinions. Cheers. Chrissy :D
  5. then they will be dieting together Rozzie, as they are both boofas!! They can have their own diet-off...
  6. BARF = Bones And Raw Food Its a diet that consists of bones such as chicken necks, wings, plus beef bones etc along with vegies, fruit etc. Anything 'fresh' really. There are a lot of threads in this section all about the BARF diet, with really fantastic meal suggestions and ideas.
  7. LOL Ralphy is of Heffalump size!! Even tho he is tall in height, he is boofa size. The diet seems to be working. I find out how much he has dropped tomorrow night!
  8. Yes...the highest weight range for a male is 35kgs, i too am not sure of the weight range for females. Ralphy just didn't like the term 'obese' being thrown around, when he is 3 kgs overweight...LOL :rolleyes:
  9. If you would like a copy of my breeder's BARF diet for Labs, PM me your email addie and i will send it to you.
  10. Ralphy's breeder's diet included chicken necks from 8 weeks on
  11. That's SO true. In our house we call it 'Maccas' I have 2 cans in the cupboard for emergencies. If, once in a blue moon, we have to feed it to him, we tell him it's 'maccas' tonight!! EFS
  12. Oh my, don't feel too bad...Ralphy weighed in at 38kgs last vet visit and was told he was 'obese' He is on a diet now....BUT he was only getting 2 cups of dry food a day and some treats in his kong! Ralphy is a very big boy, has fat on him....but is more 'stocky' than flabby. So i agree, i think it comes down to how they 'feel' rather than how much they weigh.
  13. RM (sorry for the topic change!) - how old is Charlie? How old is Ralphy? I wonder what your garden is going to look like with 2 labs tearing through it! I hope the introductions go well - we were thinking getting a second dog was a mistake but a week later they decided to stop killing each other and get on! Ralphy is 13 months and Charlie is 3 years old. We are going to just let nature take its course with the 2 boys. They are both de-sexed so shouldn't be too bad.
  14. Hi White Shepherd Mom We havent yet had the chance to introduce the 2 of them yet, as we are in melbourne and charlie is in Mudgee NSW, so their first introduction will be when charlie arrives. They may have to share the couch for now..LOL
  15. At least Ralphy has a short coat - try it on a German Shepherd coat - you can see the patch for miles! RM - Who is Charlie-Chuckles ? Charlie Chuckles is a Labby currently in foster care with Rozzie. We have adopted him and are waiting for his arrival in a week or two
  16. Oh yes i know about the ruthless shaving!! Poor Ralphy copped the clippers last night that were as old as dinosaurs!
  17. Ralphy has 2 at the moment. 1 on his neck and 1 on his back. He was prescribed Neocort (sp?) cream to apply twice daily as well as wiping them down with warm salty water or a swim at the beach. His is due to an allergy, so we are on an elimintation diet at the moment to find the triggers. It's funny. because when i moved from Syd to Melb i started to get really itchy, and i broke out in ONE exhema spot...this one spot moved around to different parts of my body. I too had developed an alergy, to a grass mix here in Melb. Like mother like dog.
  18. I know my butcher has asked me if I am needing the carcasses for soup? So i guess we can use the carcasses for stock??
  19. Ralphy was on a BARF eating plan, until i too, became guilty that i wasnt giving him enough vitamins and nutriants. his diet was mostly raw chicken carcasses/wings/drumsticks and meaty bones...along with the occasional vegies etc. he still gets apples and carrots as well as pears for treats. We are into our 3rd bag of dry food, but after reading this thread It's back to the raw food or us!!
  20. Thanks for the comments everyone, much appreciated. being in the rain makes him smell so nice...so until he stinks...he can remain unwashed.
  21. Hi DOL-ers, Ralphy has never been bathed. He swims regularly and is brushed every second day. has flea control applied monthly etc. He has a little 'normal' doggy odour, but nothing overbearing. Should he be being bathed? i ws having this chat with a colleague who was stunned that hehad never been bathed? Our immediate family's Labs always seem to stink...and they are doggy washed monthly....pooeeeeeeew !! Comments and advies appreaciated.
  22. yeah i think that was his name, had a real prominant accent. Ralphy would start barking (probaby out of boredom) and i already felt self conscious because of our intro to puppy school...and his comments didnt help us to feel comfortable at all. Hope I havent offended anyone who knows him.
  23. This was just my personal experience with one part of the company. We booked Ralphy into puppy school run by a dogtech trainer, and made them quite aware that he would be 17 weeks by the time the next class started. I was wondering if he was too old. They said no probs so along we went to our first class. We were made to feel out of place from the moment we walked in by the Dogtech trainer, who took one look at our 22 kilo Lab and made a remark in front of the whole class along the lines of "what are you doing here with him??" The class took place in the vets waiting room, all puppies on leashes pulling and knotting their leads, while the dogtech guy spoke to everyone and went on and on and on...meanwhile trying to promote their books and everything else. We would go outside for i would say 10 min, with all pups again on leads, to do sit, come, stay etc. which was what we thought we had gone for so great. Then it was back inside to be 'spoken to' for the rest of the night, and untangle our pooches who were pulling constantly to play with each other. I went back to the 2nd class, and it proceeded the same. I was under the assumption that they would at some stage be allowed off leash to 'socialise' in a secure area. It was very cramped inside the waiting room area. I didnt go back for the last 2 classes we had paid for. Ralphy was getting nothing out of them. We did more to socialise and train ralphy on our own than the dogtech puppy school. Just my experience.
  24. Did somebody say grass? yummmmm i loves grass. Ralphy_047.JPE
  25. Lablover, i so hear you on that one! Ralphy has taken to being very selective on what blade of grass he will swallow whole....sometimes taking up to 2-3 min to choose. Not good on cold frosty mornings..LOL
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