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Everything posted by Paptacular!

  1. Papillons? Caviar, snails and frog's legs, fed from sliver bowls by a well-to-do French Madamoiselle. ;)
  2. Tru Love Tru Story Too Good To Be Tru Tru Your Honour Truly Madly Deeply
  3. These schedules aren't on the Territory Dog World site just yet, but should be there on 1st June when the new edition is published.
  4. My little Coco (Paptacular Pink Ribbon) earned her first fringey tonight with a Baby Puppy in Group! :D
  5. This could be a dominance behaviour rather than having an 'urge'.
  6. I thought a Papillon ticked all the boxes except for the size requirement. If you're willing to go smaller OP, a papillon would suit.
  7. I took deposits on my pups, one at 6 weeks (puppy was flown to his new mum at 9 weeks), and the other a week or so before he was picked up at 14 weeks. ETA - I never planned to take deposits before birth purely because having a small breed means less pups, more possible refunds of deposits given and disappointing more people who thought they were entitled!
  8. Awww that's lovely! I'll get to see one of my puppy's mums on Friday for our uni graduation, so I'm hoping she will bring some photos along of Mikey settling in with his new best friend, her 12 year old daughter.
  9. Bumping for attention! Depending what date I should be free!
  10. Steve, you raised this point: Part of what I see is wrong with the inflated prices (especially blue staffies) is that the average moron thinks, "Wow, I've forked out a lot for this dog. I should breed a litter to re-coup my costs and make a bucketload more!" This is what sets off the cycle of below average, outside of standard dogs with multiple health issues, because all they care about is making their money back, plus some, with no regard for health testing and procedures! You of all people I thought would have been able to spot that.
  11. I would withhold both food and water in the crate at night time.
  12. Someone a little more experienced than myself my have a better answer for you. So the mother of the pups is also the paternal grandmother? This is a little close for my liking! I believe as of sometime this year, mother/son, father/daughter and brother/sister matings will no longer be acceptable for registration. Typically those sorts of breedings were done only by VERY experienced breeders, who were either seeing if a fault did show up somewhere, or to bring out a very favourable trait.
  13. I want the puppy as a surprise for my wife's birthday. Trying to be nice and probing a little more, I asked what they knew about the breed and if they'd discussed a dog previously. "Nah I don't know much about puppies but my wife will look after it really good". *where's my gun?*
  14. For the first week I kept mum, pups and other adult dogs separate (like yours, a neutered dog and bitch). For the next week and a bit the pen was moved to the lounge with towels and sheets covering for privacy. At around 3ish weeks of age I would hold a puppy and show the adult dogs when they were calm. They had a little sniff and that was pretty much it. When the pups were more mobile the adult dogs were a little freaked out by them.
  15. On the 'one day' list are: Aussie Shep Swedish Vallhund Shiba Inu Basenji But those last 2 breeds aren't for the faint hearted, so I may have my work cut out for me there!
  16. I don't know a great deal about giant breeds, but IMO if the bitch was not old enough to be scored, she shouldn't have been bred from.
  17. Everyone together now....... AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!
  18. Tyson and Coco had their first show last night, Tyson took out Baby of Breed and was beaten for group by a little cute of a Cavalier who went on to take out Baby in Show, so we were beaten by the best. :D
  19. I have shown papillons for 4 years and have bred my first litter this year.
  20. Yes I'd be concerned with liability issues.... for example if in someone else's care the bitch badly bit the carer or there was a post-whelping problem that may have been missed and illness/injury/death occurred as a result.
  21. No the pup must have been older, you cannot show a dog under 3 calendar months. 12 weeks is 3 months. It was the pups first show she was 12 weeks and 3 days. 12 weeks is kind of 3 months but not really '3 months' if you know what I mean. My pups were born on Jan 28th. They were 12 weeks old on April 22nd, but not 3 calendar months old until April 28th. Show age classes work on calendar months.
  22. I did the 8wk and 12wk schedule. No apparent issues, nor did the vets suggest anything different.
  23. Awwww Tyson sleeps like that too!!!
  24. Em, I'll be handling Coco, Mum's not into the showing business, she will leave it all up to me. She's in my name on paper for convenience, but will be her dog. Entered a show yet?
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