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Everything posted by Paptacular!

  1. If these people are looking to BYB, I don't think they'll care about this point.
  2. Breed numbers for Darwin Royal are available on their website. Unable to link sorry as I'm on my phone.
  3. What a beautiful eulogy. Sorry for your loss Bob and Erica.
  4. Sorry to hear it Megz, hugs to you and your mum.
  5. Look into Consumer Affairs. You bought the dog as a stud dog, I'm assuming the breeder who sold you the dog knew this? Due to these scores, he is unfit for the intended purpose. Goods that are unfit for their intended purpose and 'do not do as they are supposed to' can be refunded. Definitely seek advice from Consumer Affairs or Fair Trading.
  6. Congrats Pauline, a great win!! :D
  7. Diamond Jubilee (nice and easy!) God Save The Queen Royal Highness Jubilant Jubilator
  8. My old dog Pierre has a serious dislike of plastic bags and arches/tunnel type things. He was bought a kennel and was too scared to get into it. And on a walk when he was young we tried to pass through quite a large arch that was up high, and he put the brakes on and had to be carried through.
  9. Can't wait to see you and Scooter later this year. :D
  10. Romymyst, you might like to be careful splashing that link around. It may be construed as libel. Also, breeders are not required to be registered as a business.
  11. Yeah, it's the least doggy-looking dog on there.
  12. If you don't like bright, flashy sequences, don't look! OMFGDOGS!!!
  13. You're lucky with the coccidia. I had a puppy sent to me who had contracted it from her breeder's place and she died within 2 days of her arrival while being treated at the emergency vet.
  14. Yes, this. Also, judges that seem to talk a bit too much to each other about what's coming up for the other judge in the next ring. I once showed under a husband/wife team at a double header show. The wife was rough with my dog's mouth, he cried and she told me he had an abcess (myself and his breeder checked his mouth after she'd hurt him and didn't see anything). Judges went for their tea break at the same time. I then went under the husband and he did not mouth my dog at all.
  15. I think it all depends on if dogs are allowed in the airport terminals. If either the departure airport or arrival airport doesn't allow dogs in the terminal, the dog has to go as freight.
  16. Only a main registered dog can be entered in the neuter classes. IMO you should still put some effort into training a neutered dog for show and should be of show potential (dogs that aren't should be on limited reg anyway).
  17. I feel so bad that I can't donate myself (money's tight ) but I send this person and her beautiful doggies lots of love.
  18. Thanks all, I've managed to find this on Dogs NT site: 3.12 AGE OF DOGS 3.12.1 In all Classes limited to dogs of a specified age, the age of the dog on the first day of the Exhibition shall be taken as being his age. A dogs age is determined on the anniversary of his birth in both months and years i.e.; a dog born on January the 10th turns four months old at 00.01 hrs on May 10th of the same year. He turns one year old at 00.01 hrs on January 10th of the following year. 3.12.2 If, after the closing date for entry, any Exhibition is postponed for not more than one (1) month, the age of the dogs entered shall be computed to the original date of the Exhibition as advertised in the Schedule. If an Exhibition is postponed for MORE than 1 month - then all ages of dogs must be re-assessed.
  19. My dog will be 18 months (Intermediate) on the 28/07/2012. The Darwin Royal has a start date of the 26/07/2012 and the date the dog will be exhibited is the 28th, the date of her 18 month birthday. Due to the start date of the show, will she be eligible to enter as Junior or will she need to be entered in Intermediate, and is there any link to a ruling that specifies? Thanks :)
  20. A few very lovely DOLers sent me a care package when a puppy I'd had for a few days had died, and another sent me a package of my favourite coconut MnMs because she'd seen on Facebook that I'd been a little down. :thankyou:
  21. I rehomed an older desexed dog because I had every intention of moving interstate and due to his temperament I didn't think he'd cope well with the extreme change. He went to an older couple with another older dog who I knew through family, they agreed to trial him for a week to see how he would fit in and after 3 days they'd decided he was a keeper. He and the other dog got along well, barely noticed each other in fact, they each do their own thing. I more recently rehomed an almost 18 month old dog as he did not get on well around groups of other dogs (so unsuitable to show and didn't want to breed it on). He went to a 20 year old who still lived with her family to be a companion for her. He warmed quickly to them when they came to visit and them to him. The reason I felt it was best to rehome rather than keep this one was with the possibility of bringing new dogs into the environment for me to continue showing and breeding, I didn't want the unpredictability of his behaviour around new dogs who he hadn't been acquainted with yet. He was rehomed with full disclosure of this trait and they are not going to take him to dog parks or the like.
  22. All that was suggested was drying coat, not sure which kind. Both perhaps? I don't have access to a dryer so thinking if it's a coat that helps when the dog is wet it may be good, but also would need something to help keep the coat flat when dry.
  23. I'm thinking I will need to get a drying coat for Portia to help tame her coat after bath time. Someone's told me they're meant to be pretty good. Are there any Australian suppliers? I'm getting a lot of US sites and would prefer to buy locally. Who else uses them, any pros and cons?
  24. I think I'd fit a pap owner stereotype in some areas, and sometimes maybe a slightly bigger dog in others. Looks alone a pap, young blonde 20-something. In terms of being a little active, maybe an Aussie or something.
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