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Everything posted by Paptacular!

  1. Not sure if I agree with this just because someone has a pedigreed entire dog does not entitle them to start breeding.... Who are any of us to judge and not allow her though? *shrugs* At least if she does want to do it, she can be steered in the right direction. Either she will see it's not as simple as she imagined and just stop with the idea, or she will study and get some knowledge, training, testing on her dog and do things the right way. I just pray that she does the right thing, even if she does get herself registered through the proper channels. The last thing we need is another registered BYB doing the wrong thing and putting more people against registered breeders who DO do the right thing.
  2. From my current litter on the ground (3 weeks old tomorrow) I have an enquiry for a performance puppy. As a breeder, what should I look for to ensure that I send the right puppy to the buyer? At this point my greatest idea is to play 'chase the ball down the hallway' and see who's the most interested and who wants to keep going and going.
  3. If this is the case, the breeder should be happy to show him. Your sister would have to ensure all the appropriate health tests are done that Goldies require before siring a litter, and have excellent scores. Another important question to ask is why does your sister want to stud him?
  4. The breeder could show him. Important question - is the dog main registered or on limit register? If he's on limit, he cannot be shown or bred from.
  5. If she absolutely intends on doing it, she must be a member of her stater's Canine Council. I'm not sure if she would need a breeder's prefix or not, she would need to check her state's rules. A 'sought after' stud shouldn't need advertising..... though the best place to 'advertise' as such is the show ring.
  6. At the moment we have 3, soon to be 4 (I don't count the puppies yet, hehe). I think 4 would be my limit.
  7. Mum calls Minka, Princess Frilly Knickers. Portia often gets Boo Boo or Porschie Poo Bum.
  8. This is a purebreed forum, you are asking the wrong people. Sorry buddy.
  9. Good luck with the feeding gone troppo, I don't really have any suggestions but to supplement with some Nutrigel in the mean time. Portia wanted to eat that night, not an awful lot, but her appetite was back to normal by the next day.
  10. Me of course :D ETA - Should clarify that it's Darwin only, unless I have good reason/leave owed to me/enough money to hitch a ride to Tennant.
  11. Group 6 is now on Friday. Think big Pappy, you'll be there on Saturday for General Specials ;) Well I should have 3 dogs in different classes, so 3 chances for an In Show.
  12. I'll be getting the RASNT membership pass this year, so I'll have to pop in on Saturday then to see the Xolos. What group is on Friday in place of 7?
  13. My current breeder is fantastic, no question has ever been too much of a hassle and she's great for advice. I did have a bad reg. breeder experience, where the pup died 3 days after she arrived due to something she contracted at the breeder's house. Not limited to reg. breeders though, can happen to anyone (probably more likely to happen with a BYB actually!)
  14. What are the most dog friendly councils in Adelaide, in terms of permits for numbers (and ease of obtaining permits for extra dogs) and restrictions on numbers?
  15. He is gorgeous huga, i love frenchies. Hey are those 3 pups all from the same litter? I didnt think you would normally get that much variety of colours in the same litter? Just thought i'd join in this thread as I have a papillon puppy bitch coming over on saturday from Sydney and im so excited Updates in the Pap Thread mister. Huga, super cute Frenchie, and Sid really suits him.
  16. I'll only take up a crate's worth of space but hoping to have a trolley by then. Much easier!!
  17. I wish I could take Portia to work with me when I have my own office (which is hopefully soon). Building owners say 'no animals', our admin area where I work from now isn't set up well to accommodate for it, and my office manager is scared to the point of phobic of dogs. :D
  18. Darwin Royal is on July 21-23 (Thurs, Fri and Saturday). Wazzat, I asked on the yahoo group if anyone knew of any shade for hire, I didn't hear back from anybody. There is always the hospitality tent, and myself and tent buddies usually set up next door to that.
  19. I think it has helped, yes. She's allowed out for short breaks but most of her time is spent in the pen in the lounge now. I weighed today when I got home and I obviously caught someone just after a feed.... 30g weight gain from yesterday!!!
  20. I was going to recommend a pap. They would be easy to groom though, wouldn't they? I've heard that they don't have an undercoat, is that true Paptacular? I have looked at a papillon a lot & if I ever get a small dog it is one I would like. We used to have a maltese living next door to us & every time we used the bathroom, opened/ closed a door or window he would bark at us. It drove me mad. That's right, paps are a single coated breed, so no undercoat. Their grooming is actually a lot easier than most people imagine.... a brush about every second day of 10 minutes should keep the coat relatively tangle free and remove the dead coat, which is the cause of shedding in the first place. The only trimming required is that of the fur underfoot, by the paw pads.
  21. A papillon seems to fit most of your criteria EXCEPT low shedding/hypo allergenic. You are aware though that it's not necessarily the hair that people are allergic to, but it can also be the dander on the skin and possibly even saliva?
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