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  1. How devestating, I'm very sorry you've recieved such news. I think the breeder should know definately and then see what they say. I've just recently had something similar happen (shoulder ocd) and I wasn't particularly happy with the breeder who told me I would still be able to breed my bitch and they then wished me well with the pup. If I was the breeder I would want to know and I would at least be wanting to help and support the owner with correct diagnosing, research, information and deciding what to do to help the pup. And very importantly emotional support to the owner. But I don't expect finacial support or a refund with something like this from the breeder of my dog. If I was the breeder I would offer to take the pup back (I would take any animal I bred back for any reason), but not necessarily for a refund. I won't be bothering to contact my breeder again, nor would I buy from them again, but that not because of the OCD, it is because I don't really feel that the breeder has any interest in helping me through this time, and I don't mean finacially, there is a difficulty in communication. I hope you get a more helpful response from the breeder of your dog. Good luck with it all.
  2. Just wondering about his x wife, and possibly kids. Would she be able to give Molly a home, and importantly, I hope she's not going to come looking for the dog (after its gone to a new home). Just a thought...'nother piece of the puzzle.
  3. Oh that's sad all around. She is so lucky you found her, and that the owner realises he can't care for her well enough to keep her.
  4. I would take to the vet as she's under your care, if the doesn't like it tell him it was your legal obligation. Or I would surrender her to the rspca so that they could give her the immediate care she needs/ Pain meds, possibly antibiotics etc. (Just putting a note here to say I haven't read the whole thread before this reply, so sorry if I'm repeating stuff). Good luck with handing her over, or whatever you do.
  5. They look great. I especially like the cow print one. I like the black trim on the pink. Do they need to go that far down the belly? Maybe make them a bit shorter in that area, or you could have some that are longer and some shorter available. I do like the zip design but have used an over the head one with no problems. Again you could have a few different options available. Another idea (but you'd need to put your price up) is some funky/cute applique, even do customs with the dog's name etc. loads of possibilities. And being polar fleece they'll be water resistant and easy to look after. Pricing: I would do some googling, don't undercut other people, as that will bring the value of your coats down. How/where do you plan to sell them? You'll soon find out what works if you get some customers, and then their feedback, or just see what sells and go from there. Good Luck, they're great.
  6. I wonder why they were in there. And yes, I know what you mean. I have been known to eavesdrop on some rather odd conversations while out the front of pet shops.
  7. One of my dogs is a ball/toy stealer, more that he wants to join in the game. I have to put him back on lead to stop it which annoys me a bit. People keep throwing the ball each time i get it out of my boy's mouth and give it back. I have kids who love squealing anywhere including the park. My home backs onto an off lead dog park (a really large one) and we don't have a problem with barking noise. The noisiest it gets is when there are a large group of people there trying to play some sort of team sport. Or the idiots who let of firecrakers there at night. Or my dogs barking from the back gate because they want to say hello to the other dogs in the park...lol My peeves are people who think they can hit golf balls there and people who think it is the place to bring quad bikes. One of my dogs loves joining in the soccer practice there too (again he usually ends up back on lead poor boy). Sowhat's the etiquette? Do I have a right to say to the people playing with balls or other toys (either with dogs or just say kicking a footy back and forth) that they should either let my dog join in (many do) or put the toy/ball away while we are there, or at least don't throw the ball again untill we have had a chance to move on? Or should my dog have to stay on lead and not get a good run because he's a dog who likes to chase balls. Perhaps, somewhere in the middle so that he gets a run but doesn't piss everyone off with his love of balls. The thing that gets me is people continue to throw the ball even though they're getting shitty with my dog, even when I tell them I'll put my dog back on lead.
  8. Oh goodness, sounds extremely scary, but good that she's made an improvement. I hope she continues to improve and is home to you for some TLC soon. Take care.
  9. Thanks that's really helpful info. and great to hear of a good outcome. I felt my stomach relax when I read the part about your girl coming hiking with you now, that fantastic, and really reassuring. I have in my head, the worse scenario, ie: that surgery doesn't work, she's left in pain and we have to make the decision about her life. But I feel a lot better, more positive about it now.
  10. Thanks for the replies. I'm glad Mokha is all better after the surgery, that's good to know. And thanks Lollipup, it is stressfull isn't it, and Summer has only had 2 days of limping, I'd hate to think of seeing a dog go through months of pain. Someone else has suggested alternative therapies. I'm in the Frankston Victoria area if anyone can recommend chiros etc. down this way.
  11. My 6 month old golden retriever puppy has had 2 days of limping on her right front leg. I took her to the vet tonight and he isolated the pain to the right shoulder. Thinking most likely OCD and that she'll probably need a very expensive operation to remove the flap of cartilage, $2000-!!! She's on painkillers and booked in for an x-ray of her shoulders next Tuesday. I am really, really hoping that she has just bruised herself or strained a tendon or muscle. I'm restricting her activity in the hope that if its a bruise or strain she will heal before we put her under for a very expensive operation. Any thoughts or experiences greatly appreciated.
  12. I also have this condition, diagnosed by a neurologist. Mine is essential tremor, and I also have torticolus (spasm of the neck muscles). Magnesium is a good supplement, and there are medications which can be used. But yep, a proper diagnoses by a neurologist is needed.
  13. We used command for our very first puppy (GR). Mainly because they were training very close to where we lived. This was 12yrs ago and I can't remember the guy's name. But we went weekly for a yr and I liked them much better than the club that I tried with our next dog. ETA: actually, I think we only did an eight week course with them, 'cause I just looked on the website, and that guy wasn't the one who took the clases we went to. Will look in my old diarys later...sorry, now I'm confused lol
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