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4 Paws

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Everything posted by 4 Paws

  1. OOOHHH,I just found this website sells the Premiers martingale collars now http://www.topdogs.com.au/products/Marting...Large-Dogs.html ,they come in heaps of colours but are $30 each.I've only ever seen the Premier ones overseas before
  2. Hi, looking for sites that sell webbing martingale collars preferable in nice girly colours for gsd size dogs ta
  3. I too own a fear reactive dog and am seeing a trainer for private lessons with just his dog who is non reactive My dogs also do not have any interested in playing fetch however at a relationship class I'm doing with my other dog last night we were given pencil cases that we put treats into and threw and if the dog had no interested in going for it we just run with the dog and when they showed interest,opened the case to revealed some treats.After about 3 turns my girls was actually eager to go to the case whcih is the start anyway Good luck
  4. yep,thats the one :D I did start doing it but my girl who I was trying it with ended up with a shoulder injury from falling off the back step so i stopped it as it was too much for her to be hoping up all the time when I moved although when she comes inside I will move her mat next to me and pop a lead on her as she tends to hop up and head to the door as soon as the kids raise there voices but than as soon as you'd let her out she would turn around and sit to come back in so the lead has stopped her doing this. i was crating the other dogs when I was doing it and I feel she would be the only one with my lot that would benefit from it I'll be starting it up again next week I think as she's alot better with the shoulder now
  5. some of these books are quite good http://www.clipperworld.com.au/shop/index....at&catId=19 also the Doggy Dooz dvd,PM me if you'd like a lend of it http://www.doggydooz.com.au/video.html
  6. I agree,why get a long coat if you clip it Using a hydrobath and a dryer should help get that extra loose coat out
  7. I personally have not used the Wahl KM 2's but have tried the Wahl Switchblade and was quite impressed with them,variable speed compared to 2 speed http://www.clipperworld.com.au/shop/index....Cat&catId=1 I've also used the Laube's and found them to be very good as well although pricey
  8. My 1st gsd I got at 5 months old and she haden't been to puppy preschool beforehand either.We were living in a country town at the time and s she was too old for puppy preschool sowe completly missed out any formal training and I didn't know a great deal either so we just fumbled our way along.No off leash parks for socialising and I didn't know too many people who I could socialise her with We moved to Wollongong a little over 12 months ago and joined a local obedience club and she flew through the levels and after about 5 months we've just progressed to level 4 which i never ever dreamed we'd be in as its for people trialing so i say go for it,you never know how they'll go till you try Oh-she's 5 years old as well
  9. Just wondering what experiences people have with using Clomicalm? I've done a search but just thought there may be some newer opinions on the subject
  10. just got home from vets.They think the damage may be further up in her shoulder so have put her on a dose of anti imflamatories for 5 days than will reacess and if no better will need to sedate her and do further examanation and possible x rays Fingers crossed we just need rest and the anti imflatories
  11. have booked her into the vets this afternoon,will update later on the outcome
  12. I love my Double K airmax for my shepherds from Clipperworld
  13. On Friday night one of my gsd's fell off the back step and injured her leg.I tried crating her as much as possible and it seemd a lot better the next day.She was still limping on it slightly but was on the mend .Last night i heard her let out a yelp again and noticed she was limping again.All day she's not putting her full weight on it and tonight you can really notice its sore again and she's back to limping and generally looking misrable Can the vets actually do anything if its just a pulled muscle or could it be more serious?It doesn't appear swollen. Should I try just confining her for a day and see what its like than or is a vet vist on the cards
  14. do you find you accidently click while having it in the same hand as the lead??I'm still trying to juggle things to feel comfortable.I just noticed that while using it with my fear reactive girl when she lunged I accidently clicked when she pulled as i always had it ready to click any positive things she did or for glancing at a dog without reacting
  15. Well,one og my gsd's are starting agility tonight,well not exactly as they run a 3 week relationship class first but just wondered how many people with gsd's do agility.Do they take to it easily?
  16. I must admidt I hold lead in right and do signals with left and I'm right handed
  17. Orijen Large breed Puppy and Senior is now available in Aust :p
  18. I use one of these on my gsd's.Nice and strong with the leather but get the use of a check chain
  19. a few places in Aust sell it as well http://www.agilityclick.com/prod158.htm
  20. There's no one over there selling it yet that I know of,PM me if you'd like a quote for delivery
  21. Thats good to hear as I was considering buying this book but wondered if it was worth it seening as it's quite expensive
  22. well tonight I gave the rejected salmon head that one of my girls refused to eat last night to the foxie and he certainly loved it,was a sight seeing him try to open his mouth wide enough to get started on it,polished it off in no time
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