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4 Paws

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Everything posted by 4 Paws

  1. thankyou for the info just had a look on there website and it does look good.I'd actually asked for my obedience club to order in the regular blackdog harnes for me to try (they sell them heaps cheaper than blackdog)but if they haven't placed the order yet I might ask them to get this one in instead Looking forward to hearing your thoughts ETA-are you getting the flyball or tracking one?Only had a quick look and didn't actually read what the difference between the 2 was
  2. http://www.dogwise.com/ItemDetails.cfm?ID=K9X263 dogwise have them
  3. No Idea why but you are getting a bargin , here's an extract from the distributors email when I questioned the Different pricing -Our recommended retail price is $120. There are some retailers who sell for less in order to get more business .The Price List states $109 plus GST.So basically if you continue to get it for the $110,good luck to you
  4. harold,let me put your mind at ease about retailers overcharging.The RRP of a 13.5kg bag of Orijen is indeeed $120 so they are not being greedy.There is infact not a great deal of markup on pet foods,especially after you take delivery charges for the retailer into consideration.I have even double checked figures with the distributor Anyone charging less is either taking a cut for business or not correctly charging gst Either way,I'd go to where you get good service and can get the item you want
  5. not a ball but these look good quality and have a squeeker in them http://www.snuggleme.com.au/dog_products/s...s/sqwuggies.htm
  6. I recently brought- My dog pulls,what do I do .She suggests stoping for a few seconds,turn and make a sound you deceide on(tongue click etc)and treat when they turn and catch up
  7. Harness turned up in time for the weekend, and it seems to have worked well. The difference with the harness is that she is further in front than when I had the walky dog clipped to her collar. She seems to prefer to run level with the front wheel. did you find she pulls more with the harness on than with a collar kamuzz? Today when i took one of my girls for a run with the harmony harness on there was a dog further up the path and she was really pulling,to the point that I didn't actually have to pedal so i stopped and turned around as it would not have been to safe should she have really taken off
  8. I've had a few gsd show people purchase the leather martingale or limited check for shows
  9. thanks for the suggestions everyone. I tried her with the Harmony Harness again yesterday and today but with it clipped to the front and we had no problems.She's no longer whinging so I really think it was a case of her not being used to the exercise,not an actual physical issue. I am quite interested in getting one of the harness's from fordogtrainers thatNekhbet and fordogs mentions as well(I thought they were from the USA as well,thanks for letting us know that Jeff)) http://www.fordogtrainers.com/index.asp?Pa...&ProdID=166 am quite interested in what other people who use walky dogs etc are finding successful
  10. Orijen and Healthy Paws Skin Supplement here
  11. I had the same trouble trying to Email Jenny as they kept bouncing back so I ended up ordering from here http://bothendsoftheleash.org/harness.htm
  12. Is your dog a girl? In some photos, that last strap looks like it might be a bit ouchy for a boy yep,a girl
  13. Time for a tether! have to agree.Is Angel the one you were referring to in the tethering thread?
  14. I've been connecting he walky dog to the top connector on the Harmony Harness.Maybe it might work better on the front connection or do you think that may cause a potential injury/ I'm also thinking about these Ruff ones,although a little pricey https://waggle.com.au/product.php?product=120
  15. I have been using a harmony harness on my gsd's for regular training as I like the fact when doing off lead work I can pop a very short lead on the back piece should I need it but have recently brought a Walky Dog for my bike and one of my gsd's will actually stop and crouch down slightly and the harness can slip of over her head. I'm only going very short distances with her(just in my street)and slow speed but as soon as you go up a slight hill she gets all woosey and pulls back and wants to stop.My other girl has had no problems and loves it Any suggestions for slip proof harness's?.I think a harness would be better than a collar for this type of work
  16. he just said a flat collar and i asked would a soft martingale be ok as i was concerned about her slipping her collar so the soft martingale was purely for safety so the dog does not slip the collar as opposed to a flat collar that she could slip out of more easily.The martingale will not actually be used for any corrections as such
  17. What makes that a limited slip rather than a martingale? Not sure I understand the distinction. If i have it right this one is a martingale
  18. http://www.pawzazzpetz.com.au/gpage3.html
  19. wow,thanks for sharing :rolleyes: My girls respond quite quickly to a whistle Might just add that to my wishlist
  20. thanks for that.So the martingale only comes in a 1/2 check chain,no soft martingales?? I saw a fanbelt collar(not the fanbelt 1/2 check one) at Petbarn today but couldn't work out if it was supposed to be a regular collar or not.Did see the 1/2 check ones but was looking for a soft webbing one,not a chain one
  21. which model in the Rogz lines are the martingale ones?I had a quick look today but couldn't work it out
  22. I normally use one of these martingale collars with a chain but a trainer i'm using does not allow corrections but I asked if I could use a soft martingale as I was worried about the dog slipping her collar and he said I could so was just checking into what was around and came across a limited slip as well
  23. I used to always ring the night before(if it was booked any more than 2 days beforehand)to confirm .I have a mobile taht has free calls between 7-8pm so used to take advantage of that so it didn't cost me anything
  24. Just wondered if there are any benefits over limited slip to a martingale collar?
  25. They've got nice limited slip collars- are the limited slip any different or more effective than the martingale? I've lost Lil's martingale so I'm using a chain martingale which is too big so it doesn't sit nicely on her neck. good question I might actually start a thread about this incase no one looks in here
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