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Everything posted by freysmum

  1. As the title suggests, I am wondering if anyone could recommend a boarding kennel in the Rockhampton area. I have 2 small dogs (Shih Tzu and Poodle) and am looking at going away for 2-3 weeks in August/early September. They have never been in a kennels before, so I am looking for ones that come recommended. PM me if you prefer. Thanks Sandra
  2. We are looking at going overseas in August/September for a few weeks. I am not particularly wanting to rely on family so need recomendations for kennels in Rockhampton/surounds. I have a Shih Tzu and Poodle that have NEVER been outside at night (always crated inside at night) and looking for reccomendations. I have previously stayed at home while hubby and kiddies have gone on holidays to look after them. Can anyone reccommend somewhere please? Thanks Sandra
  3. Oh oh! Please call one Secret Squirrel. It was the name of a cartoon when I was little!
  4. Remy hates my keyboard! This morning, I hung by jarmies behind the door in the bathroom and he hated that too! Everything else, fine.
  5. If it was me, and I had done everything that you have done to stop it, this is what I would do: Catch it with a humane trap when it visits 11pm-3am, then RETURN it to the neighbours straight away. A couple of visits from you at those un-godly hours would surely make them make the effort to lock it inside at night. We had a yappy dog up the 3 houses up from us years ago. Funnily enough, they could not hear it at night even though it was right outside their bedroom window. A couple of 'friendly' phone calls at 3 in the morning fixed the problem. I won't take all the credit because I think a couple of the neighbours might have done the same thing.
  6. I feed both the dry and tinned to my two and they absolutely love it! It is a tiny bit more expensive, but after trying MANY other brands, my dogs do the best on this one. from me.
  7. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Mine's all gone. Jerky - that is.
  8. Well thanks guys. I ended up getting hold of a dehydrator, with full intentions of drying thinly sliced chicken in it. Thing is, I also pulled out a recipe for beef jerky and made that for myself instead. Don't worry about the dog treats though - I had a go at drying them in a slow oven and it worked a "treat" All's good in the K***** house tonight.
  9. With all that is going around about the imported chicken treats I am wondering if anyone has any idea of how to dehydrate the treats at home. How thin, what temperature, how long etc. Any ideas of other foods would be very welcome too.
  10. Just letting all you Rocky people that Healthy Horses in William Street stock Dr B's patties and will be stocking the ziwipeak range very soon. Yayyyyy! Also, when I went to the butchers yesterday, I found that they have started to make Doggy Delight. It's chopped up meat, liver tongue etc. It is at Wayne's World of Meats in the Shopping Fair. $1-99KG. I also want to let you know that I am in know way connected with these people at all, but just wanted to tell you in case you are interested.
  11. Phoebe loves it (except the one with fish in it) and is doing very well on the canned food. I have tried the dry stuff and I'm sure she would eat that too if it didn't have the fish in it. ;) It does smell a little bit more than some other foods, but I am will to put up with it since she hasn't turened her nose up at it yet. The only downside of it is that it isn't stocked in Rockhampton and I am paying a fortune in postage to get it sent from Sydney.
  12. Sorry if I was confusing, but I meant that I can't get the BARF patties in Rockhampton. I can buy the Vets All Natural here at a stockfeed place.
  13. Hi Catsmother, I have had Phoebe on it now for (maybe?) 8 months or so. The last couple of weeks though, she has turned up her nose and won't eat it. I don't know what the problem is, so maybe I will give her a try on something else. I would love to feed her on Dr Billinghurst's patties, but unfortunatley, they are not available here. The closest I can get them is Bundaberg which is about 3 1/2 hours away.
  14. I am so sorry Hesa. RIP dear little girl. :p
  15. I bought my Wahl km2 from Clipperworld. Very nice to deal with - especially for a complete novice like me. Very helpful.
  16. Okay Blossom, your chance to laugh at me....... I have clipped Phoebe. I will post some pics up in the Shih Tzu thread in General, once my OH has uploads them from the camera.
  17. Hey - we all have to start somewhere. But his poor little tail Sorry I am laughing -I promise I won't get upset when you laugh at me after I clip Phoebe for the first time.
  18. C'mon Blossom!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to bed soon and I want to see pics.
  19. Blossom, just check that the slicker brush is not hurting him. Run it along the inside of your arm - if it scratches you, it will be hurting Blayd too. I have a Shih Tzu and I bought my slicker from PetNetwork, (they advertise on here) I think its brand is Doggyman. It is soft. Good luck, and I am waiting to see the AFTER pictures.
  20. Goodness!!!! I forgot all about this thread. Thank you so much ILTBY,Jaznmont and Harminee for the lovely work that you did with the photos I posted of Phoebe. You guys are so clever, I have just spent ages looking at all the lovely editting work you have done. I will have to check more often though, because it took me so long to go though them. Sandra
  21. Awwww, they are so cute, thank you Harminee and Jaznmont. :cool:
  22. Hi photoshoppers, I have attached some photos of Phoebe. If you are interested in having a play around with them. Thanks Sandra
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