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  1. Hi Mel I would greatly appreciate the name of the vet you used to debark your dog. We have two Chihuahuas that bark non-stop, despite intensive training, the use of barking collars etc. We've always just put up with it and thankfully lived in a very private home, so it wasn't a big issue for the neighbours. Unfortunately, due to my husbands ill health, we are moving into a retirement village. Due to village rules, we are only allowed to have one dog. We cannot seperate ours as they stress without each other. Nor do we want to live without them, and I'm pretty sure, they don't want to live without us either. We have been permitted to keep them together for these reasons, only providing that they do not bark. That means, we either get them debarked or they can't come with us. We can't cope with the thought of the later! I would greatly appreciate your help Mel. xx
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