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Everything posted by Gamby
[ Cool! Training doesn't start until April so we have to wait ;) . No, No, NO, don't wait for April. Get out and start training now in the late evening or early morning as it is too hot during the day. Contact Track West and plead with them to find someone who would be willing to go out with you for a few days/nights to get you started. Get onto the Tracking Club of Victoria's Web Page (google search) and go to Links. there are some fab articles to read regarding tracking. The Vic's Secretary, Helen has two Staffy TCH's, head on the ground and go, go go. Firstly, get some work socks, and play with your dog with them. then put them on you for at least 30 minutes. Walk around the house dropping the socks. You can put a small food drop on the socks but I'd prefer the dog to indicate the socks itself. When the dog finds the socks make a fuss, play with the dog and the sock. Then take the socks out side and do the same. Put distance between the socks and built of the distance so that the dog has to search for them. Use a same for the finding of the socks. Track, search, where are they, find. Once the dog is indicating and searching the socks then it is time to put a harness on the dog and a longish lead and then send the dog out to find the socks. It's a fun game and the dogs get a buzz out of doing what they do naturally like hunting. Then it is time to get out on a paddock and that is where the fun starts. I think Tracking with a dog is the most peacefull thing you can do. To be out early in the morning or evening weith the dgo on a lead out in front doing it's own thing. Watching the body language change when the dog is on or off the track, when it has lost the scent then find it again. Enough from me. Wendy TCH Miss Annabell TD Poruse Diamond Dealer (Gambit)
Sits are a big problem with many dogs in the Obedience Ring. I have found that people who have issues with dogs that get up have not found the distance that the dog is uncomfortable with. My suggestion is to go back to basics by only working the sit stay at obedience training in a ring situation. Find out step by step how far you can go away from your dog before it gets up. eg - Nose to knee, one step, two steps etc away from the dog. Until the dog is staying 10 times in a row then you can go the next step. Do not add time and distance at the same time. If you are adding time make the distance shorter, or adding distance lesson the time until the dog is doing it 10 times in a row. My training has been so bad over the last 13 1/2 years as I pushed and pushed my dogs to do an exercise. the dogs eventualy did it but in between time there were many times they didn't or wouldn't complete the exercise. Do not include the whole exercise only work on the sit stays. The Return can be another exercise. Once you find that, you can work on the distance. Do you use food/toy/cuddles for rewards. Good Luck Wendy
Another Disatrous Day for me. Firstly I was too late for the AM check in as the alarm is set for PM. Woke up at 7.25 am, got the Grandchildren to get their breakfast while I packed the Esky, told them that we had to leave at 8.10 at the latest, well it was just on 8.30am. Not enought time for a 20 minuted ride from Geelong to Werribee. Gambit had fun doing his own thing again in the PM session. I even changed the workd from Heel to Let's Go and that didn't make any difference. I was told by the Judge that I was to use only one word not Two. The judge said after Gambit had done the change of position (I don't even think about doing the Dumbell in a trial with him as he has so much fun) "Well you have finally got some points on the board". Yeah, great I thought. Then the recall. The judge was very good in waiting until Gambit actually turned around and looked at me so he could see what I wanted him to do. When I called him he just sat there. Aghhhhhhh I'd already asked Yilditz to come and take Gambit in the ring for me, "Your not serious are you" she said, "I am" said I, "You got all the other passes by yourself, you take him in?" Oh well, Another day, another dollar. Probably won't see any of you until next year. By then Gambit might have had a good holiday and is raring to go. Isn't the last Pass the Hardest too get? Good luck to all of you for tomorrow and the rest of the year. Gambit and I will be at KCC Park next weekend for the ASCV weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing all the Aussies.
Yep, Gambit has been entered in the AM & PM trial in the hope of him gaining his 3rd and final pass for Novice. Because of the heat I feel as though I should pull him out, but another part of me says go for it. He has a cool coat so that will be used during the day. Good luck to everyone else who have entered. Hope there are lots of clouds in the sky and there isn't much shade at Werribee. Wendy
I get a buzz with any dog that responds to me and gives me the movement I want. Gambit, Annabell and Scotty are so enthused about clicker training I never stop trying to think of something else they can do. The cardboard box or finding items are the funniest games. I love the interaction between me and the dogs when the clicker comes out. To see them trying so hard to make me click is a buzz. I get a buzz out of a handler who is having trouble getting their dog to do a bow, drop etc and then see the look on the handlers face when the dog gets it. ;) Gambit is so quick on the uptake, but then again he's an Aussie. An instructer during a class tried so hard to get me to take Gambit to a new level. Wow did he ever. The Instructor was amazed at how quickly Gambit understood exactly what was required of him. The Buzz, whatever it be is so rewarding. You will see that your reaction is in no way trivial, it is part of being a dog owner who loves their dogs and loves to keep their brains working.
What a weekend it was. So many good dogs doing their thing in the rings. It was so sad when watching a dog work so well decide it doesn't want to drop, sit or come for whatever reason. Going under the interstate judges was a great experience. I was even able to listen to the judges explain to a handler the reason why he failed an exercise. Then other judges joined in the conversation. I was so happy to see an Aussie in the Top Dog run off. I was so nervous for Lyn and Turk but they showed that they deserved to be in the Top Dog of Victoria. :D ;) And Shoemonster, Wow, what can I say. The look on your face each time you went up to receive your well deserved sashes, food, mug, etc., etc was pirceless. I'm so happy for you I met Shoemonster at the Friends of the Park Obdience trial earlier on this year. She was so nervous entering her first trial with her huggable staffy. Gambit, well, we won't be entering any more obedience trials this year. He was terrible, I pulled him out of the trial on Saturday. The ground was wet and squelshy but that wasn't the reason he didn't perform. He isn't happy doing anything in the ring. Sunday was a little bit better but still no good. Later on in the day I saw this adorable Aussie doing it's thing. It was so happy performing the exercises and then the penny dropped, Gambit used to be like that once upon a time. What have I done to change his exurberence, so its back to basics. A little staffy in Top Dog was a joy to watch. Head up prancing around the ring as though he owned it. He adored his handler and I think the dog would do anything for him.
Geelong Obedience Dog Club Obedience Trial Is Happening
Gamby replied to Gamby's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Gamby did really well on Saturday morning. He got it together and got 28 for heel work. Wow what a bonus and got his 2nd pass in Novice as well as being the Geelong Obedience Dog Club's Highest Scoring Dog. I was so sure he would get his title this weekend but it wasn't to be. Oh well, it's off to KCC Park next weekend to see some amazing dogs do their thing during the State and National Obedience Trials as well as "Top Obedience Dog" I won't be so sure of myself this time. I will just hope that Gambit does the heel work and receive a score of above 20. I likened the weekend to playing on the pokies (not that I do that very often) in that I should have stopped when I was winning. To those who gained a qualie over the weekend , Congratulations. -
I love Clicker training because it is a way that my dogs and I work one on one. To see them "Get It" after the Penny drops is wonderful. I was told one day in class that I shouldn't just talk to my dog when training that I should look at my dog and take notice of them instead of looking around and not noticing what my dog is doing. That advice has changed my whole training routine and then along comes Clicker Training and boy did the two work well together. As it has been said before, as soon as the clicker is produced my three dogs go through all their tricksand then after they understand that this isn't going to work they decide to sit and wait for my direction. Then it is fun and games with them trying anything and everything to get that reward. I have found that my dogs only need to be clicked three times and then they have "Got It" but I still continue to reward them for a while then do it randomly. I know many people do not understand the concept of Clicker Training in that the Click ends the action and a reward follows. I know of many people who click at the dog expecting it to come, sit, stand etc. So if you know of someone who is going to try clicker training please make sure they understand what it is they are doing. there are a number of great sites on the Internet if you do a Goodle search. Wendy and her three clicker nuts
Geelong Obedience Dog Club Obedience Trial Is Happening
Gamby replied to Gamby's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Both morning sessions comnmence at 9.30am. The afternoon session could start at about 1.30pm or an hour after the morning session has finished whichever comes first. It's a great weekend to see some very good dogs do their stuff in the obedience ring. I'll have a very busy weekend trialing Gambit in all four trials then on Monday morning very early off to Ballarat to lay some tracks for the Ballaarat Obedience Dog Club's Tracking Trial. As well as making sure the Judges have stewards to help them with the important jobs like making sure the dog and handler are lined up, taking the leads, writing the scores on the board so that handlers can see how well or bad they did in the ring etc., etc. There are a number of new Geelong Obedience Dog Club members who have offered to steward over the weekend. I'm sure they will get a lot out of being involved. those of you who are coming along, I wish you success over the weekend Wendy -
Yep, Gambit and I are going along for a great weekend. It is going to be an amazing weekend to see some outstanding dogs doing their thing, Gambit, well, it will depend on the day, he has the Geelong Obedience Dog Club trial on 26th & 27th July followed by the State and National Obedience trial. I just hope that some of the handlers won't mind me asking lots of questions on how they trained their dog, what problems did they have and how did they work through them etc., etc.
Geelong Obedience Dog Club Obedience Trial Is Happening
Gamby replied to Gamby's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
The GODC trial entries close on Friday 11th July, have you sent in your entries? I have, Gambit is going to be a busy boy that weekend. Send your entries off to Eric Booth, 168 Mitchell Road, Avoca 3467 -
Gambit's Disastrous Novice Trialing Day
Gamby replied to Gamby's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
About the dogs mucking up on the day, Your not wrong RachelleBuck Congratulations on your gaining a 1st place in the CCD Ring. It's a good feeling isn't it? Hey DogDude, what a bummer. What a lovely staffy you have. I love staffies, but I could never have one as they are just too strong for me. Were you hanging out for a pass to gain a title? Wasn't it good to be able to go into the club rooms after being out in the wind vertually all day or else sitting in the car, with the heater going. Did any of us feel sorry for the Judges who had to stand out in that wind for many hours? Sad to say I didn't until after I had come home and was thinking about what happened at the trial. Thanks Judges and Stewards -
The first trial is always the worst or the best depending on how you felt you and your dog did. Run fast Run clean Koas
Gambit's Disastrous Novice Trialing Day
Gamby replied to Gamby's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Sorry to hear you weren't well Wagalot. take it easy, get plenty of rest and get well soon. Are you entereing the GODC trial? I hope so, I'd love to see Cooper in the flesh. I haven't seen him for a couple of years. Helen after yesterday's disaster Gambit is being entered in the four trials over the weekend. Maybe, just maybe, he will work it all out by the end of the fourth trail and get a pass. I was only going to enter him once on each day, but the buggar is not getting away with it. I had him so tuned into me on Sunday that I thought he should go well but the saying "You know what Thought thought" applied to me big time -
Gambit's efforts at the Broadmeadows Obedience Trail was worse than he's ever done. I'm over the Obedience thing now, but the buggar isn't going to wear me down. He is going to get two passes in Novice which will give him his CD title even if I live to be 100. Best of all was having someone come up to me and say, "Your Wendy aren't you?" "Yes", I said, "I'm Dogdude on Dogz on Line", he says. Yeah, I have met him and his lovely staffy and he looks exactly as I thought he would. Sadly I don't know how he went in the ring but I'm sure he'll let us know soon. In the Open Ring next door Gambit's bestest friend, Mason, the golden retriever was doing his thing. I left the start post with Gambit, full of happiness a fun, halted, forward, right turn, then Mark said "call your dog", I turned around and there was Gambit saying hello to Mason. Aghhhhhh so that was the end of the heeling part of the exercise. 30 for Stand for Exam, 29 for Recall, and 30 for Change of position. Then the sits and stays which has Always, Always been Gambit's strongest exercise. Well the dog next door dropped in the sit stays, I'm sure Gambit was going to go and say hello to him then and there but he stopped himself and decided he'd drop also . Then the down stays where Gambit virtually goes to sleep decided he wanted to really say hello to the dog next door this time. :D Mark said "Go get your dog and bring him back here" which I did. The dog didn't move but talking to the fellow after he was worried that there was going to be a fight between them. Gambit's nature isn't to fight, his is to say hello and play. It was interesting though, because when that dog had finished in the ring earlier on, Gambit turned and sniffed the air and wanted to follow the dog. I thought it was a bit strange and never thought anything more about it until the sit and down stays. The joys of trialing Gamby
Geelong Obedience Dog Club Obedience Trial Is Happening
Gamby replied to Gamby's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
So glad to hear you have entered the July trial. I will be there too but not sure if I will enter Gambit. Thanks also for bumping the trial info. 115 days to go, getting closer now -
I agree with LilBailey, check with your vet. If the Vet gives the OK then go for it. If you do enter see you there. Gambit will be in the Novice ring. I haven't decided what trial to enter him in yet but I will be there for the two days running around from here to there, checking on the stewards etc.
Geelong Obedience Dog Club Obedience Trial Is Happening
Gamby replied to Gamby's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Hi Andanin I look forward to seeing you at the trial. Make sure you look me up on the day/s I'll be running around here and there so ask someone on the verandah where I am, I'm sure they will point you in the right direction. Thanks for explaination Helen, much appreciated Kallistar, that was good thinking about adding the day or the A,B,C,D. Hi Silverwilow How's things going? I haven't done any tracking with Gambit since the Workshop. The time I had the opportunity to get him doing corners my dogs were getting over Kennel Cough so I couldn't do anything. Ten days without taking them out for walks etc, it was very hard. I'd start to get ready and remember I couldn't take them anywhere. There all fine now. Annabell was the worse, she coughed and coughed. I thought I would have to get another dose of antbiaotics but she came good on the last day. Mr Scotty had a few sniffles and Gambit had no reaction. -
Now the problem..... I wanna go again......NOW!!! Hmmmm where can i get some sheepies for practise.......Here sheepie sheepie. Definatly addictive, nothing better than watching your dog do exactly what it was bred for and doing it well. Now to go beg clover for some piccies.... her photograhy is ever so good.....suck, suck, suck I know exactly how you feel. I have also done a few workshops with David and Jeff. It was fun, the lessons were great, Gambit had fun and I couldn't get the hang of that rotten rake. I was so good when Dave was the sheep and I was the handler, I could cope with that but Gambit moved too quickly for me to figure out what I was supposed to do. Gambit passed his Herding Test but we haven't been able to get into serious herding practice. As you said, It is so good to see a dog doing what it was bred for.
Hi kiddo How is life treating you? Sorry, me again not finishing my sentence correctly. The pot plant containers were put under each corner of the ladder, making them take the ladder about 20 cm off the ground.
Geelong Obedience Dog Club Obedience Trial Is Happening
Gamby replied to Gamby's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Hi Thanks for your query You will need to fill out 8 Entry Forms for the two dogs if you are entering them in each of the four trials. It would also help if you added an AM or PM to the entries on the top right hand corner too. The Trail Secretaraty will find that very helpful when he sorting out the entries. -
Hi The Geelong Obedience Dog Club Obedience trail is happening on the 26th & 27th July 2008. Go to the following link to see the schedule http://www.geocities.com/vicobedience/ GEELONG ODC Inc Double Open Obedience Trials Belmont Common, Breakwater Road, Breakwater Vic Saturday 26/Sunday 27 July 2008 Entries: Eric Booth, 168 Mitchell Road, Avoca Vic 3467 Enries close: Friday 11 July 2008 If anyone is interested in stewarding on either one of both of the days please email me privately. Wendy Ganly Publicity Officer Gellong Obeinece Dog Club Inc
Hi all First of all I got Gambit to Jump on command by holding my hand high in the air. Gambit is an Aussie Shepherd so he isn't little. Next I put the rope on the ground and got him to jump by holding my hand high in the air. Then I got him to stand, swung the rope over his back and asked for a jump. We did that a few times, then to my amazement as I swung the rope over his back he jumped by himself.. I was dumfounded. I couldn't believe he did it after just a few tries as I'd only bought the skipping rope a few hours before. I haven't done any more practicing with him since then so I will have a go at it tomorrow. Wow he picked it up so fast. When he can do it I'll see if I can get someone to video him for me. He just loves doing tricks and things. Yells at me when we aren't continually doing trick things. We wer in a tracks class for this term and the instructor keep pushing us to do harder things. the best was going through the ladder that way lying on the ground. Gambit has done that since he was a puppy so it wasn't a chore to him. the instructor then put four pot plants (empty) on each corner of the ladder. It was off the ground by about 20+ cm. Gambit was taken up to the ladder and he practically ran through it, not missing a step of either his back or front feet. As you can gather Gambit and I are having fun doing tricks Wendy
Deb Kelly Agility Seminar In Victoria
Gamby replied to Silvawilow's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Hey Silverwillow How did the weekend go? I did a workshop with her a while ago and learnt so much about setting the dog up to do the walkover or the tunnel when they were place together. It's so simple when you know how -
Way to go shoemonster Will you be at Keilors Trial on the 1 June? If so see you there.