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Posts posted by JessicaLawrence

  1. On 25/07/2024 at 1:14 AM, tdierikx said:


    They do that everywhere... the rescue I'm with has worked with RSPCA NSW more than once for puppy farmed animals... the most recent being an intake of over 20 oodles. And we weren't the only rescue who took in such numbers, as the farm in question has to remove around 400 dogs as part of their deal with RSPCA to avoid prosecution and fines. 2 of my recent foster mums and bubs also came to us via RSPCA seizures, and my current lot came from AWL, although AWL supplied us with a whole pile of stuff when we took her and the babies in (including that Alice had been desexed when she had her caesarian, she was also vaccinated and chipped by AWL, so we have no actual medical costs to pay for her before rehoming) - RSPCA just hands over the dogs and all the costs relating to their rehab and rehoming fall on the rescues.


    In the grand scheme of things it's probably better that independent rescues take in animals that RSPCA cannot adequately care for, as at least their chances of survival and responsible rehoming are higher. It would be fair that if RSPCA receives donations for the animals it no longer has, that those donations should be forwarded to those actually incurring the costs, but that is never going to happen... *sigh*



    This is my concern too... too many animals are rehomed from various sources (including RSPCA) with behavioural issues, which are fobbed off as "it's a rescue and had a hard life before we saved it", rather than making some attempt to rectify the issue... grrr!



    Wow you are doing such a nice thing which most of the people don't do these days. I really appreciate you for the bottom of my heart.

    • Thanks 1

    On 17/06/2024 at 1:22 AM, tdierikx said:

    I can remember a time when if you rang council about a loose/stray dog, they'd send a ranger out to come catch it. Nowadays, unless you have caught and secured it yourself, they won't come... and even then, they come "when they have time", so you are stuck looking after a strange dog until they get around to your issue.


    Earlier this year (January), I called council about a little dog across the road who is always out and annoying anyone trying to walk up the street. She's a pretty little thing, but territorial. Council sent a couple of rangers out to talk to the owners a couple of days after my first complaint. The little dog is not microchipped or registered (and also not desexed, but that's not illegal), and the rangers have told the owners to get her microchipped and registered, but then haven't bothered to come back and check that it has been done... which it definitely hasn't by my conversations with the owners whenever I've herded the dog back home to stop it getting skittled by cars. I've called council at least twice since my first call, and nothing has been done or even followed up from that first contact back in January. If I could get near enough to the dog, I'd catch it and take it to the pound myself, but the closest I can get is for it to sniff my hand then back off quickly... and I know that if I lunge and try to grab it, I'll get bitten for sure... and it doesn't have a collar, so not much to grab at anyways.


    I bet that if the dog across the road from me was a larger breed, council would be much more proactive about making the owners keep it contained. It's only a matter of time before it decides to nip/bite someone walking up the street. It's fave people to chase is a family of indian people with very small children. I've had it bail them up outside my house and I had to go out to chase it back home to let them pass safely even... their little kids are only toddler ages and were terrified. Even though this dog is only slightly larger than a chihuahua, if she decides to sink her teeth into a toddler, there will be damage.



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    Any update?

    Edit:Seems no


    On 15/05/2024 at 2:02 PM, Deeds said:



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    Thank you so much for sharing the article.

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