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Everything posted by 2tollers

  1. Hey that's excellent shoemonster. It's a bit nerve wracking isn't it. See you at Berwick.
  2. Hi wylie, This is the only info I have. This post is also from Yahoo FlyballOz. hi all, Maria again ;-) permission to crosspost and to share ;-) here is the info on the study at the uni calling for unvaccinated dogs... please feel free to contact: flyballbea@... for more details as Bea is liasing with the Uni on this study ;-) Maria Hi ALL, The study is to start this month, and one requirement will be for TOTALLY UNVACCINATED DOGS - not just puppy shots (we have a stable full of Vizslas to help us out with that !). If there is anybody on the list who knows somebody with a dog that was never vaccinated,please let me know. This might just about prove to be the trickiest part of the recruitment process.Anybody belonging to other lists, please feel free to cross-post,however, do bear in mind that the owner will need to present the dog to Sydney University in Camperdown.Anybody with contacts to breeders ? - might be a long shot...Thank you Cheers Bea ETA That email address in incomplete I think because when you send a note via Yahoo that's all the info you need. If your meet the criteria you could either join the group or I could find out contact details for you.
  3. I just copied this from the FlyballOz group page. I'm trying to learn a little about this stuff (just starting) so any comments would be appreciated. My breed suffers from immune system problems and I would prefer not to over vaccinate them but unfortunately most organisations require current certificates. Hi all, Just sending thru this email with a bit of history in to the following email i will be sending. Sydney University is calling for dogs to have blood samples taken for this study. All dogs will only be required to give small amounts of blood samples (about 2-5ml) enough to do a titre test only. Permission to cross-post has been given also, so if you know of anyone who may be interested please share. If anyone knows of any breeders who may have recently had new litters that may also be a help so feel free to pass on to them also. Maria (PICSI) Dear Fellow PICSI Members, Wonderful news regarding the study: Sydney Uni's application (with PICSI as co-applicant) for a grant from the Canine Research Foundation, to finance the 'Investigations into the immunologic memory of dogs vaccinated with commercial vaccines against canine parvovirus and canine distemper virus in Australia" has been approved for funding by the Canine Research Foundation. I wish to thank Dr Jacqueline Norris, Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Microbiology, and Dr Christine Hawke, Lecturer in Professional Practice, at the Faculty of Veterinary Science Sydney University for agreeing to carry out the study, for drawing up the Study Protocol and submitting the grant application to the Canine Research Foundation. I would very much like to thank Rose Hey for passing on the details for the grant applications published in Dogs Australia (formerly Canine Journal) early this year - without this 'snippet' from the magazine, we would have never known... My sincere thanks go to PICSI Committee for supporting this project and to Sue Town for designing a database to capture vaccination histories and titre test results. Thank you to everybody who submitted their dogs' details for the initial database. Thank you to Maria, for all your support and encouragement with this (and my "other" projects - you've got the patience of a saint). My thanks to Barbara Fougere, All Natural Vet Care, for also agreeing to support the study. To my boy, Jake, for being patient when our walks and playtime were cancelled or cut short because some paper needed to be read. The study is to commence in February 2008 and run for 2 years. To recap, and for those who are new to the list (and my waffling about annual vaccinations), the study will involve the taking of blood samples from dogs to determine the antibody levels in the dog's blood against canine parvovirus and canine distemper virus. Both these diseases have been vaccinated against annually in combination with adenovirus (C3), sometimes with parainfluenza virus (C4) and/or Bordetella Bronchispetica (C5). Of late, C7 has been used, and the extra 2 antigens are coronavirus and leptospirosis. Neither one of these vaccinations is recommended by the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA). To peruse their "new" guidelines (released in October 2007, following the annual congress here in Sydney in August 2007), please visit the WSAVA website. Follow the link to VGG (Vaccination Guidelines Group). Interesting also that the President of the WSAVA has URGED all veterinarians to implement the Group's recommendation which call for inter-vaccination intervals of at least 3 years. Based on the original principle of vaccination, the aim of vaccinating our dogs is to elicit a response from the dog's immune system and priming it against these viruses. In addition to antibodies which circulate in the blood, memory cells (templates/copies of each virus) are made and stored in the body for recall at a future date, should the body encounter the very same antigen/virus in the environment. The traditional puppy shot series of 3 injections is to ensure that the vaccine will eventually break through any residual maternal antibodies (antibodies against infectious diseases which are passed on by the bitch to her offspring) which can block vaccine virus, resulting in a "wasted injection" and, more importantly, no protection for the dog. Injection does not equal inoculation/vaccination! Within the framework of the study, both antibody and cellular immunity will be investigated. The bottom line is that, if your dog has circulating antibodies against the viruses he/she was vaccinated against, any booster vaccination with the same antigens will not add to or enhance immunity, but - unnecessary doses of vaccine - might trigger or cause immune system disease, especially if your dog is genetically predisposed to developing allergies, hypersensitivities, or autoimmunity (this is when the immune system attacks and destroys the body's own (blood or tissue) cells. PICSI currently has well over 30 dogs which have not been vaccinated for between 2 and 4+ years. These dogs range in age from 2 to 11 years. My hope is that we can all work together to support this important study. For me personally, the aim is that the health, well-being and longevity of our beloved dogs is safeguarded, and that, down the track, the Australian dog owning community will have home-grown research on hand to make fully informed decisions on the appropriate healthcare of their animals. Thank you all.
  4. I don't know much about this condition but I do know that there's been a few Tollers who suffer from it. Here's one link for you and I'll hunt around for some more. http://www.toller.ca/tollerhealth/Arthritis.html
  5. I found the furminator doesn't work that well on dogs with a bit of a coat (like my Tollers) but is fantastic on our cat and dogs with short coats.
  6. I had a look at this a few days ago and it looks as though you had a great time. I'd love to see flygility take off in Aus. Fun party. :D
  7. I think that's one of the things I love about flyball. Our club has had all sorts of dogs competing in the past and at the moment we have: Labs, B/C's and B/C crosses, Mini Bull Terrier, Boston Terrier, Cavalier King Charles Sp, a lovely little x breed rescue girl, possibly Whippet x Collie and a Toller. In the past we've had Boxers, a Beagle, Jack Russells', Aussie Shepherds, Pappillions and all sorts of X's. They're interesting to watch because even if they don't get on super well, they sort out their positions in the pack and tolerate each other. When a new dog joins it creates a bit of interest among the 'regular' dogs and it has to go through the greeting rituals. If an unknown dog comes into our gazebo area at a comp it's very closely watched. Todd and I will be at the Canberra Royal so I'll try to catch up with you there.
  8. God I only heard about this from Clover. I'm so very sorry Springergirl and Springerboy. I've always admired Max. Such a beautiful face, such a handsome boy. RIP little man.
  9. I don't know much about this sport but from the little I've seen I'm impressed. I think this clip is priceless and shows that it could be a sport for all breeds. (well, almost) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTN5kTkdvME
  10. dogmad did your old foster girl do small or large amounts? Lilli's are large and that's why I thought she was marking.
  11. Hi, My bitch Lilli is around 7 1/2 yrs old and I've had her for 2 1/2 yrs. When we first got her there was a bit of territorial (I'm assuming) peeing around the house and it was always on our beds and on my son's clothes that he'd dump on his floor. I restricted her access to these places for a while and things are fine now (touch wood). The next things she started weeing on was any dog bedding around the house much to my other dogs disgust. One night she was asleep at my feet and when she stood up the flood gates opened and there was wee everywhere. I went to the vet and after ruling out a couple of things they put her on Stilboesterol. Well she hasn't had the stand up flood happen again but she's till urinating on bedding. I've thrown out most of it now including my other dogs favourite bed and she's been sleeping on the lounge (she'd do that for part of the night anyway) which she's now started peeing on too. Thank god it's leather. Anyway I'm hoping someone can explain her behaviour to me. I'm thinking she might have to be shut in a crate at night (it only seems to happen overnight) and if she was do you think she'd still wee on bedding that is exclusively hers? I always make sure she goes to the loo before bed and on the odd occasion she's needed to go during the night she whines until she's let out. I'm not very good at explaining thing so I hope this makes sense. Thanks.
  12. I'd like to help but this is the first I've heard of this sport. You must have high fences at home. Beautiful dog.
  13. Aww! She looks like such a sweetheart! Wow thanks msom that looks fantastic. Her mum is going to love it.
  14. And... That's all there is. I'll try to come down one Saturday when you're there and get some photos in the ring. I still can't get over how tiny your little Poodles noses are, very cute. I'm off to bed now to get ready for my early start tomorrow.
  15. Next This little cutie is for sale. He's got attitude.
  16. God you get a bit bossy when you've had a good day. Congratulations. The photos aren't that exciting. Those cute little buggers won't stay still. I'll put them all up and if there's any you particularly like and want someone to work on I can put up a link to the full size.
  17. Years ago my 2 dogs suffered from car sickness. When we got another car, the sickness stopped. The first car was a Nissan Pulsar and then we got a Commodore station wagon. One day one of them went for a ride in my friends smaller car and was sick again. I have no idea why.
  18. Thanks for doing the photo of Teka. And guess what, I checked and you spell it Teka but pronounced with a long eeeeeeeee. Sorry. I did a pretty plain one. She's such a beautiful dog. Leopuppy I've scavenged lots of things from this site. http://www.psplinks.com/index.html I can't do the fancy stuff yet so can't help much really. When you have specific problems ask away and I'm sure someone will be able to help.
  19. Another I could give you a link to my photobucket account and you can pick one from there.
  20. Ha ha Clover I was going to ask if it was ok to post some of your pups but you beat me to it. Here's a couple of Todd. I don't have many of him.
  21. Does anyone want to play with this pic. This is Tika from our club and is a foster failure. An absolutely beautiful friendly girl.
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