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Everything posted by 2tollers

  1. Excellent Rhi, that would be great. What do you think of the poem thing? You know her better than I do, is it appropriate?
  2. Hi Harminee, Here I am asking you yet again to do something for me. The post below went out on the Yahoo flyball sites today. Jeddah was a remarkable little dog and I think everyone thought she'd go on for ever. I've got 2 pretty crappy (quality) photos of her and was wondering if you could do something with them. " I had the sad task of putting my beautiful Little Black Dog Jeddah to sleep this morning. She was 15 years old. Jeddah was still competing in flyball even this year – her last competition was the Ringwood Highland Games at the end of March, and she was still running remarkably well for an old dog. But soon after that she got Canine Vestibular Syndrome, where she totally lost her balance for a few weeks. She recovered from that, but then had persistent lameness of one front leg. Her muscles deteriorated very quickly with the inactivity, until the last few weeks when she began to have trouble even standing and walking without strong painkillers. Her decline was very fast, but that is how you would like it to be. I am glad that she was so active for so long. It was hard seeing her in pain, but it left me with no choice. Jeddah lived a very full life. Flyball would have to have been one of the highlights of her life. She started competing in flyball in 1998. Over 10 years she had many flyball achievements that we humans recognise, like earning titles, winning National Championships, setting Australian records, winning Fastest Dogs competitions and or course being honoured to have the Jeddah Award named after her. But she knew none of this, her joy simply came from the running and jumping and being with her canine and human friends. I loved the look of content on her face at the end of a day of racing, tired but completely happy. Apart from flyball, she loved her food, she loved fetching a ball, loved swimming, sleeping in front of the fire and voicing her opinion (her nickname was The Noisy Cricket). Rest in peace, Jeddah. Thank you for all the good times. Thank you for being my faithful companion. Thank you for leading me to flyball, and sharing the many friendships and achievements. Wait for me at the rainbow bridge. Cathy " I don't really know Cathy but I know how special Jeddah was to her. On page 3 of this thread there's a poem which I like that you did for Rex. As for the background I'm not sure. She's not a girly girl, if you know what I mean. Cathy's last paragraph might be nice on there too. :D http://www.flyball.com/rockets/jeddah.htm I don"t know if this willhelp.
  3. :p Fantastic, you've got one pass and if everything else comes together on the day, you'll poop it in. Go Team Molly.
  4. Perhaps instead of proof of vaccination to join a club or board your dog, you should have proof of a wellness check.
  5. Bloody hell Rom that's so sad. You definitely don't have anything to be sorry about. Maybe you should talk it through with your parents. :D RIP little Tina. The short time you had here has influenced at least one person to care.
  6. I was going to talk to my vet about this and I've heard Vet Path in WA do the tests.
  7. :D :) Hooray for the cheating steward. I'm glad Bodie didn't ingest too much fluid trying to groom himself.
  8. The name change is a bit of an accident and I've had that avatar pic for ages (don't know how to change that with out help ). I was actually pulling my undies back into their proper position after going down a slide with my youngest when my considerate partner took that photo.
  9. I thought I'd posted a reply to this thread somewhere but I can't see it. I think you were both brilliant, and knowing Moses, I would have been disappointed if he didn't chase the ball until it stopped. Next time maybe give the ball a miss.
  10. :laugh: Well done Julie. I've been waiting to see this clip. It is funny watching him chase the ball. Goooo Moses. I don't think you were a disaster but I think if you ever do anything like this again, avoid the balls. That floor looked so slippery. If Moses hadn't chased the ball to wherever it ended up I'd be disappointed. I know Moses has HEAPS of talent.
  11. A pug doing endurance??? That would be history. Go Mia go. :laugh: All of you braggers are doing a fantastic job. :laugh:
  12. If there is something like this held in Brisbane I think you'd find it well worth it. Just make sure you empty your brains before you go because there's soooo much info.
  13. Fantastic news shoemonster and Eddie and well deserved. :laugh: Give Eddie a big cuddle from me, he's a dude.
  14. Each to their own Jenny. See you tomorrow. PINK RULES
  15. Maybe you should ask Troy to move this topic to the training thread. You might get some advice in there from people who've had experience with this type of behaviour. Cody looks like such a sweetie. :D
  16. Lots of toys (kong stuffed with food). Hire a dog walker to take him out during the day.
  17. Serves yourself right for being cheeky about my faux pas. :p :D I guess it does doesn't it. :p I've been told that if you plead hard enough Troy might make an exception worth a try I think. Thank goodness you got my dogs name right. I love seeing the photos of our dogs. Thanks Erny and I might have to come to your photo workshop too. Tya's canines are impressive :D and what a laid back dog he is. Beautiful. And after your comment about November I checked out the pregnancy thread. Congratulations Sam, I didn't know. Mr R & NR thanks for your comments about Todd. He's always been quite aloof with other dogs and people, which is quite common for Tollers apparently. He can be 2 completely different dogs. ;) He is either totally focused on me or if something else comes along that's better value, I don't exist. ;) The last time (which was only his second go) he was at lure coursing was at least 18 months ago, probably longer. On the weekend, once he saw some dogs running around in that run and I lost him. Lure coursing definitely is right UP there for him and my other Toller has heaps more prey drive than Todd (but has a few back problems). That's great news about people attitudes changing towards Rotties. :D They're lovely dogs and deserve to be recognised as that. Petmezz I was wondering how you went too. You definitely must be keen (or crazy) to travel the way you do. I'm glad you and your lovely boy have made it home safely. wolfgirl it was good to see you again but quite sad to see the change in Bear since he was attacked. The last time I saw him was a Kepala a while ago and I haven't kept up with what's been going on here so I didn't know about his experience. I hope he can learn to enjoy things again and I think if anyone can do it you can. I'll keep an eye out on here for his progress. I posted a few pics in the photo thread.
  18. Aaawww thank you. I was pretty confused for a while too. Someone's just told me that I'm stuck with it for the next 12 months. :rolleyes: I might have to suck up to Troy I think. BTW Thanks for the photos of Todd, Steve. And thanks to both Erny and Steve for your photo's of all of the dogs. Do you have any more?
  19. That was a bugger that the comp was called off. I definitely feel for the organisers because I know how much work goes into putting a comp on. Hey Sparty, we're going to kick your buttocks on Sunday. :rolleyes:
  20. IMO, "No" to each of the above, RL01. With one that I worked with, results were inhibited due to the 'nature' of the dog at the time (eg. lack of confidence). I had a separate word in that instance so that the owner could work that up, which would enhance the other behaviour modification exercise demonstrated. Good trainers know that frustration will not help, only harm. And understanding the dog at a deeper level ..... usually I don't get frustrated with the dog. If there is any frustration, it would be with myself and not while I am working with the dog. But I don't tend to feel frustrated. If something isn't working I just need to think it out and alter something or change tack completely. Ok, so you would say you as a trainer need patience, or is it more so the owner needs patience and persistence ? It will be interesting to see what happens when i visit K9 Force. I think my dog will try and "test" out Steve the trainer. Others in the past didn't persist. Maybe it's not entirely the dogs fault, nobody has really ever shown me how to handle a dog like mine. RottyLover01 - I don't know your dogs history but I'm can't imagine Steve being frustrated with your dog. He'd probably love the challenge of a difficult dog and being able to sort out what's going on in the dogs mind, pass that info onto you and then work together to help you both. I'm 100% sure Steve will persist as long as you do. I hope it all goes well for you and you get the help you're looking for. :D I didn't know anything about the RSPCA guy until you'd said he'd been and gone Erny. Maybe you should have introduced him to all of us. :rolleyes: He heard that Erny was there and came to check her out.
  21. Pssst Be careful Erny you might give Steve picture envy.
  22. Show us some more poser drive. What type of drive does Erny have?
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