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Everything posted by Ari

  1. Good to know! In that case I recommend the the dryer from www.groomersfriend.com.au. Actually...I had forgotten how much it costs and just had a look on the website...its probably to expensive for your needs.
  2. Storm, I meant that I thought a force dryer would be too strong for the cords and tend to make them break.
  3. What sort of dryer are you looking for? Stand, force, carpet dryer for cage drying? A force would be too strong wouldn't it?
  4. I agree with poodlemum. Although.. its a long trip from Sydney to her shop in Melbourne.
  5. Yeah their website looks nice and professional too. I haven't been to the expo for a couple of years. Last time I went it didn't seem to have many grooming stands.
  6. oh no! I thought everyone here raved about them. I am breathing a sigh of relief though as my bath is not by them (its still under warranty). hmm...their website is still up and running.
  7. Yes Blue Fox you got me. You need to know how much it costs to run your business before you set your prices.
  8. A lot of groomers forget that important fact. You really do need to set prices based on what it costs to run the business (including your own wage) rather than what everyone else is charging. No point setting yourself up to fail right from the start. I'm sure you'll have a great business set up before you know it. Good luck with it all.
  9. There are a couple of things that make it hard for you to charge by the hour. What happens when you answer the phone? Are you clocking on and off for this time? What if it takes you 2 hours to do the dog but you really want it there for 3 hours (maybe crate drying, doing another clip in between etc). How do you explain to the client that they are paying for only the 2 hours but it will take longer than that? Or are you going to do the dogs one at a time, straight through? What if it takes you 1 hour to do a dog one week but 1.15 the next week? That could happen if you're tired, feeling sick etc. How do you charge for that? I think hourly would work better in a mobile. I WISH it would work better in a salon.
  10. What company is it? Hope they've made it for you already. Sucks big time.
  11. I agree....you will really struggle to find a groomer to it.....unless you are willing to pay big bucks (and risk getting a groomer who doesn't know how to do the cords properly). Contact your breeder and see if they know of any other puli breeders that grooms or would be willing to do it.
  12. Does anyone have an update on their dogs coat to give? Its been 2 months now. Have you seen any difference with using the Royal Jelly?
  13. You tried to pluck them for half an hour? No wonder she's kicking up. Do it over the course of a week. I'd be using hemostats so you have a better grip. If your fingers are slipping on the hair its going to be pulling and hurting without actually getting any hair out.
  14. In that case....this one is electrostatic http://shop.organize.com/1/1/1096-mini-swe...r-products.html
  15. or do you mean a brush to get the hair off his spotless clothes?
  16. Also...this week I seem to be the only person running on Daylight savings time (in Vic). 3 customers were each 30-45 minutes late today alone. Over the week I worked out the clients were 6 hours late in total!!!
  17. Yes its rude. I find it rude when they come to my front door because I have a seperate building as the salon. Some people dont seem to realise the difference. Most of them its taken 4 or 5 times of me handing them a card and telling them to call me because I have visitors at the moment before they "get" it. One lady was so rude that she turned up at 7pm and sent her daughter to knock on the door to tell me to come out to the car because her mum wants an appointment. Too lazy to even get out of the car herself to bother me! I also find it rude when a client turns up early at 8-8:30am (when I open at 9am) and comes to my front door. I dont turn up at their home and demand they do work early.
  18. How on earth can they make any money charging $2?? Surely water, elect, shampoo & wear and tear on equipment costs more than that. No wonder so many business go bankrupt. Eta - plus they would have to pay the wage of the person maning the store??
  19. Yes it can be because they're over hungry. If you are planning on sleeping in give her a small bikkie before you go to sleep and see if that will get her through the night better.
  20. Go to a different vet for this one time. A week wait is ridiculous if he's in pain.
  21. Have you seen the coats on Showdogs dogs? There is NO WAY pantene is breaking their coats. I use pantene on my own hair and it grows like a weed.
  22. What kind of schedule are your clients on Nicole? 6-8 weeks? longer/shorter?
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