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Buster's Mum

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Everything posted by Buster's Mum

  1. Jenny, how much of each goes in the mix? My vet uses holistic therapy so I'll ask her if she will mix some for me.
  2. Ok that's it I'm going to try some of this stuff. I currently use Aloveen but I don't find the nice smell lasts that long. The groomer the boys go to uses the most wonderful smelling aromatherapy shampoos that smell great for ages and even after two weeks if the boys walk through a puddle of water or have a little swim you can smell the shampoo again, it's yummy
  3. Thanks Curlyking. I was starting to worry then remembered the pork Barf patties I have in the freezer. I buy all my boys meat from Woolies or Coles in the human meat section.
  4. Hang on... one of the varieties of BARF patties are made with pork so surely it can't be that bad?
  5. That doesn't include raw pork mince does it?
  6. Do you mean the conditioner that you use after the shampoo? I never thought of using it as a skin cream.
  7. Just curious, does anyone choose not to feed HSD because they are owned by Colgate Palmolive who do animal testing on their products? I know the HSD web site says it only keeps and treats animals in a humane way but they are still owned by CP so I'm just wondering if anyone boycots them for that reason.
  8. I know it says to mix with equal parts water but it still seems a bit hard to me, is there any problem with adding extra water to make it soft or is it supposed to be a bit dry? I soak it for 24 hours.
  9. I ordered a tick remover last week and it arrived yesterday. I was surprised to see the instructions say to turn the remover 2-3 times to remove the tick rather than pull it out.
  10. Yes please, 120Mb doesn't scare me...I work in IT, it's my job to abuse work facilities
  11. Yes, 2 days (7am - 7pm), 2 nights (7pm - 7am) 4 off. Been doing it for almost 20 years. Don't worry guys, I had no reason to believe Steve had ever worked these dogs before and I'm sure if the comment was made it was in gest because people were amazed how well these dogs were behaving with him. Walking my dog yesterday was very interesting. After listening to what Steve had to say I was so much more aware of what the dog needs from me and exactly how much he looks to me for guidance.
  12. Yeap, finished at 7am this morning. I should have started at 7pm but I have a really good boss who let me take a few hours annual leave. Lucky he didn't ask why I wanted the time off
  13. The problem with last night was that he didn't have any REAL dogs to work with . If I had taken my boys Steve would have had his hands full. Buster can put his fluffy little white bum on the ground and play tug-of-war for all he's worth Thankyou to Myszka for your hospitality and allowing us into your home. Sorry I had to take off so quickly but I had to get to work. I was going to ask if I could get a copy of the video because there was so much information I'm sure I'll forget things so thankyou Tarka. Steve, your talk was brilliant I learnt so much and the theory part was invalueable. Thanks again so much for your time.
  14. What colour should chicken pet mince be? I just bought some from my local chicken shop and it is really pinky red. They told me it was Maryland pieces and carcases all ground up but I'm not sure I believe them.
  15. Lifestream - Biorganic and it has the certified stamp on it.
  16. Well there must be something wrong with me because I tried it today and didn't think it was too bad The other half doesn't think it's that bad either. Trust me, the stuff I was talking about earlier beats the aloe juice hands down for filth factor.
  17. Yes, I sit him and hold his little bottom down so he can't get up. He is a quick learner but yes there are so many other more interesting things out there. The poor little thing didn't even know what a bone was before I gave him one, he didn't know how to eat them.
  18. That's exactly what he did, he knew he was in trouble too. He is a Maltese x and is a really lovely affectionate little dog. He is fantastic when there are no distractions and has an absolute rock solid stay but as soon as he sees another dog (or a push bike) he's off. We have only been training for 4 weeks so maybe I am asking too much from him at the moment.
  19. All of the above I am the first to admit I know absolutely nothing but am trying to learn. The biggest thing I have learnt is to stay calm and not make the situation worse. Yes I have started training an attention cue, I learnt this from another post and he is starting to get the hang of it. I have tried letting him near other dogs to say hello and he is fine until one of them barks and sets them all off at which stage I pull him out of there and walk away to show him that's not acceptable behaviour. He is fine with dogs he knows but I admit I am a bit scared to let him near other dogs until I know he will behave himself. Billy will growl at things he is not comfortable with and I was telling him 'NO' and trying to stop him doing it. He did this at the Vets and she told me that if I stop him from growling he will do the next best thing which is to bite. This is why I was concerned about using the water, it might stop the aggression but lead to him doing something else instead?
  20. I have a dog who has not been socialized or trained so for the last month he has been going to training. He gets very excited when other dogs are around and I cannot get his attention. I have been walking him past houses where I know there will be dogs that bark at us through the fence so I have been teaching him to calm down and then he gets a reward. Yesterday after our usual walk we got back to the car and there was another dog in the car park just walking around being friendly, the dogs owner was there and I had no problem with this dog because he was really well behaved. It is an approved off-leash area but for obvious reasons Billy stays on lead. I had just poured some water into his bowl and was trying to get him to have a drink but he was pulling on the lead trying to get to this dog and would not listen to me so I gave him a squirt in the face with the water. That got his attention quick smart and he calmed right down. Now I know I probably shouldn't have done this but why not?
  21. Thanks Steve. One of my dogs was quite sick when I got him 2 months ago(parvo) so I have been giving him a homeopathic remedy to help his immune system. As for the taste, a few months ago a friend put me on to a nutritional supplement that is supposed to be really good for you. It is basically all vegies ground into a powder form and you mix it with water and drink it. To say it was disgusting was an understatement. My OH who would eat poop on toast if he was hungry enough said it was the filthiest stuff he had ever had and refused to drink it again. Will let you know how the aloe compares.
  22. Steve, I've read that a 5kg dog needs about 100ml a day, is that right? I'm going to buy some today because now I'm curious to see how it tastes.
  23. I am using the Innova lamb and rice puppy food for a dog that had to put on a fair bit of weight. I usually use Eagle Pack but was having trouble getting it at the time. I did a lot of research on dry foods before I bought it and it seemed one of the best plus most people on this forum thought it was a pretty good food.
  24. Hi Wagsalot, what time class are you going to? I'm going again on Saturday, last week was our first class and it was great.
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