Hey i recently just attended a 6 week vet check for my Puppy with the Breeder and the vet discovered the dog has a Grade 2 MPL (Medial Patella Luxation) He recommended the Puppy would need surgery down the line if it's still present at the 12 week check up. He says sometimes it can improve once their muscles and tendons get stronger. None of the other puppies had any problems and it was only my puppy that has this issue in the litter. The vet did also say the surgery should permanently fix the issue in most cases, but sometimes it can regress from what i researched. The Breeder along with me was shocked by this, she has never had anything like this happen. After talking with her she has offered to refund my deposit or if I go ahead with the purchase she has also offered to pay for the surgery. The surgery would cost about $2500 according to the Vet, which the Breeder would cover. On the condition the surgery is before 12 months of age and its done at the Vet we both share. Now from what I researched there would be a lengthy 2-3 month recovery. In which he would need to be separated on crate rest for a large portion, and have very minimal mobility while recovering. I'm worried mostly about the lengthy recovery after the surgery.
For context I have 2 other dogs so I would need to separate them to avoid any playing or over excitement. So my main worry is how hard the recovery is going to be taking this into account. This would be a lengthy peroid of separating them 24/7 and a good portion of that would be me having to help this Puppy with mobility and rehab.
From what I researched the first week or so I would need to help him go to the bathroom untill he could walk normally. Apparently you use a sling to help him for the first week so he doesn't have to put weight on his leg. After that he would slowly start to walk and I would just need to rehab him while keeping him separated. What do you guys think I should do? And what would you do. I'm obviously attached to this Puppy having met him. My heart says to go ahead, but my brain is telling me I should wait for another litter and pick a healthier pup.