Hello. My 7 month old kelpie male has become a teenager and I feel as though there is no affection there between us any more. I took him to 4 weeks of puppy school and 4 weeks of obedience training and he was paying attention to me. Now, he tries to be the boss and does a lot of biting. Not hard biting but biting nonetheless. I have tried everything to stop it…..from yelping, scolding, ignoring and walking away etc. etc..I’m an older woman and I worry that, if I don’t get control back now, I’ll never get it. He has just been desexed and things seem even worse since I’ve had to stop his walks and ball play for 2 weeks, as that was an important part of our bonding. Now, if we bring him inside the house, he goes wild and we have to put him back outside or crate him. Occasionally, he lies down on his bed and sleeps but not before a lot of rough play and a good deal of biting. He is a beautiful dog and we really love him but we are very stressed about where we’re going wrong. He will sit, stay, drop, come, but only for a treat and sometimes not even then. Will he grow out of this behaviour?