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Everything posted by raybees

  1. It was all over the news (ch9) tonight, australian veterinary stem cells now have a stem cell treatment therapy. supposedly good reports. I don't know how much it is though, 2000+ would be too expensive for me.
  2. Just of late the ol pitbull articles have started hitting the news again. Its strange becuase haven't pitulls already been banned? Because Brumby cant run a state, he wants some easy votes. He wants to be seen to be doing something. He wants to introduce tighter legislation on BSL - to broaden the scope to include more breeds. With virtually no concrete evidence of wrong doing he wants councils to have power to kill your dog if it comes under the classification of dangerous dog (very vague definition). I have never ever had any time for Brumby - whatever he touches turns to crap.
  3. I would love to know the names of these so called experts....What people don't realize is that all things being equal (dogs brought up badly) the guard breeds in general pose a greater threat than the DOG fighting breeds. They have been kept under the radar due to the pitbull hysteria and because they are not considered by the general public as being "ugly". I would rather have a pitbull latched onto my hand than a Guard Dog type breed around my throat. In my years of experience with dogs I have received more bites from small white fluffy s than big dogs. However big dogs do more damage quickly. I am not trying to draw attention to guard breeds (unfortunately their turn will come), just trying to put a real perspective on the pitbull hysteria. Years ago my cousins child was badly bitten by a Lab Cross. Did it make headlines? no - it wasnt a pitbull? no body cares . however her face is scarred badly - that could have been potentially fatal. The pitbull? bites hand incident - no way could it have be fatal but it makes headlines. 3 years ago I was attacked by a german shepard, recieved multiple bites fending the dog off. Did it make headlines? no. I was attacked by an Australian Terrier at the age of 9. I was very seriously bitten, the dog just missed my neck and ripped my left pectorial muscle nearly clean off, It held me for about 5 minutes. Did it make headlines? No. I have the scars though. Many dogs bite and hold, its more of an attribute of the dog rather than the breed. You find some extreme alpha type dogs of any breed will grab and hold and not let go. To get the dog off, all that is required is to reach around the dogs neck and squeeze the dogs wind pipe HARD with your free hand. The dogs instinctive reflex (die due to lack of oxygen or let go) takes over and will let go after a couple of minutes. Yes i have used this technique, but admittedly not on a pitbull type. However i have never been bitten and held by a pitbull type (after 35 years experience with many breeds including many pitbull types) Whoever represented the EDBA on 3AW had too many red jellybeans that morning. Neil rippped him apart because while he was trying to do his best to defend, he lost the plot - quite a bit. Neil quotes that in America during x date pitbull TYPES were responsible for over 50% of dog attacks. What should have been the response is that TYPES is an unquantified number (it includes cross breeds as well) and could easlily represent greater than 50% of the total dog population as a huge number of breed including cross breeds were called pitbull type during the study and that is stated on the study. People attacking the breed allways swing between the use of Pitbull TYPES and Pitbull BREED, using TYPE statistics to justify the elimination of the BREED. Only those dogs with papers should ever be classed as BREED, the rest must be classified as UNKNOWN otherwise its statistically invalid. The figures are quite different when using these statistics. looks like Australia is going the way of Europe. Ban all fighting dogs first, then ban guard breeds, and then ban dogs over a certain weight. The reality is that the amount of deaths and injury due to dog bites is a very low statistic compared to all other things that can kill you statistically during the day. Yet we ignore the real dangers - violence on the streets, drugs etc. Any one of these individually posses 100s of times more of a threat than a whole city full of roaming pitbulls. Yet the media highlight it, people who know NOTHING about the breed react and bingo. Innocent pets die. We are turning into the NANNY NATION focusing on incidental crap and ignoring the real issues. Hugh worth is not a dog behavior expert yet he claims he knows all about the breed. I will not deny that you need to have experience to bring up an alpha pitbull properly. But this applies to about 20 other power breeds as well. Any experienced dog behaviorist share the same opinions about pitbulls - They are just dogs. They are a power breed. They need an experienced owner like all power breeds. Brumby is for BSL. He has been since day 1.
  4. I buy my dog a 5kg bag of chicken maryland, chop it up into bite size pieces (so the dog cannot choke on it) put it in meal size parcels and freeze it. when it comes time to feed my dog, 5 mins in the microwave slightly cooks the chicken, throw in some carb like rice/potato and feed. I usually cycle between chuck steak/mince and pasta and chicken and rice.
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