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Everything posted by jjj8

  1. Ye they lap milk and water Maybe they are just been lazy I left the bowl with them hoping they will just eat from it
  2. heres some pics for you guys In the first pic the darker boy on the left is the one that had issues suckling at the time he was around 270 grams now he is around 1kg his bro is about 100 grams heavier then him
  3. Yeah they have a bowl of water and they lap from it Just want them to eat food now . Im sure if they are hungry they have to eat so ill stop hand feeding them
  4. Thats true i dont want to train them to only eat from me by hand
  5. Should i take the mum away from the pups ? Coz she still has some milk and i wsnt them to get hungry and eat when i gove them thier food. I still have to kind off feed them and they are nearly 6 weeks old... i dunno if they just arent hungry or what. Somtimes they start eating on thier own but not much
  6. Hey ive tried uploading pics but its saying the file is too large
  7. Ive tried uploading pics but its saying the file is too large
  8. Hey guys im not sure if im going to breed her again im definitely not going too on her next heat anyways All im doing is just asking so if i do decide too i know the best way to go on about it Btw ive already tested her and the stud and they are clear for all genetic diseases etc
  9. So smaller breeds take much longer to eat on thier own compared to bigger breeds ?
  10. Hey guys i want to do whats best for my girl So whats the best breeding shedule? Would it be breed every 2 heat cycles and have a break on the thrid and repeat? Or 1 on 1 off ? Im not sure and just trying to learn so i do the right thing by my bitch Thanks alot
  11. They dont need the heating pad anymore ? Yeah ill see how i go tonight
  12. Hey guys a new set of questions Pups are 4 weeks old now -Should i leave a bowl on water in with them at all times ? - should i remove the heating pad now ? - im having trouble getting them to eat puppy mush i have to feed it to them from my finger i want them.to get in there and eat it by them selfs same with the water they lick somtimes but not much Thanks
  13. Should i get the mini nipple ? Of the mini and original nipple you think ?
  14. Hey other then me been Sleep deprived things are going well Small one is 509 grams now and big one is 565 grams This comming up money they will be 3 weeks old. And thier eyes are opening up now and i can tell they will be able to walk soon . The mother has milk only in 1 teat she has alot and its really full and lumpy and hard so im squeezing it abit to help her. Im not sure which is giving her the milk the fenugreek or the moxolon tabs im giving her. It is kind of anoyying that she produces milk then doesnt if she didnt at all then ill know exactly how much milk to give the pups but because she has milk somtimes i weight them to have a idea if they have been drinking etc
  15. When you say dont leave new borns for 8 hrs we are talking the first week right ? I read online after 2 weeks you can give them 5 feedings in 24 hrs so thats around every 4/5 hrs . So they can manage a long 6 hr stretch after 2 weeks old ? The older they are the less frequent the meals have to be right ? Would you say at 3 weeks 4 weeks old they can cope with just one 8 hr stretch? Would they start licking milk when they can walk ? Which would be 3.5/ 4 weeks ? Yeah i actually brought one of those bottles but when i tried it with them they didnt take it maybe they will now. So you only use the baby bottles on your pups no syringe/nipples ? I like the syringe because i can load it up to exactly how much i want to feed them. With the bottle if i start feeding them with it ill have to start weighing the bottle in grams before and after they eat so i know how much they drink aye ? Ive noticed if i put barly anything in the bottle say 15mls then i cant really squeeze it and get anything out of it
  16. Guys is there a website you guys go on to by the nipples for the pups etc? Amazon has alot of knock off ones with bad reviews I want to try and find one that they just love to suckle on basically
  17. Nippe on a syringe or a bottle would be the most effective way aye ?
  18. Hey okay that makes sense Little guy is now at 363grams and brother is at 420 hahha. Happy they both gaining weight tho. Ive never fed her chicken wings or necks but ill get some and try Yes mum licks them and cleans them she stays with them most of the day only comes out to use toliet and for little breaks. Yeah im not going tube feeding again unless its a last resort. He seems absolutely fine so i guess i done it right . What puppy food do you recommend i start giving the pups at 3 weeks old ? As for syringe feeding as someone else commented it does take me a long time so il try attaching a teat on it this time and see if they suckle on it
  19. Omg really , yeah im just dripping the milk in and letting them sallow then going dripping again is that why its taking so long ? If i put a teat at the end of the syringe and they suck would that be way faster ? Last time i tried they wouldn't suck on the teat but ill give it another go . Okay i still got quite about of wombaroo left but i wont buy it again. So you think goats milk is best ? At 3 weeks old what sort of puppy food should i start giving them ? Do you burp your puppies inbetween bottle feeding them ?
  20. Hey is there any other foods you recommend i give her other then the puppys milk ? Atm shes on puppy food. Im going to start giving her the puppys milk daily with fenugreek in it. Some cheese and yoghurt. A egg here and there I got to make her eat as much as possible right ? As for the feeding puppys inbetween syringe feeding them do i have to tilt them down and pat thier back to burp them ? Ive been doing that And yes i have been making them pee and poo after feedings they dont always poo tho
  21. Thank you Is there any foods you really recommend i give her ? Atm shes on puppy food , i make her a egg somtimes other times i make her some chicken Im going to start feeding her the milk im giving the puppies and some cheese and yoghurt. Anything else you recommend? Shes a light eater so ill watch her eat from.now on
  22. An update on everything and ill answer everyone in this post with some questions I want to thank everyone for taking their time and helping the advice has helped Things seem to be going good now I tried tube feeding once yesterday then when I went to feed again i kept getting resistance so kept pulling the tube out and decided to try syringe and he took it. So im not going to tube feed i got way to paranoid and stressed didnt want to kill him It takes me about 1 hr to syringe feed them both and make them pee and poo. Ive used the directions off the warnbo milk replacement and dividend the feeding recommendation by 8 and doing feedings every 3 hrs somtimes 2 hrs with a lower dose The mum had some milk come out only a bit so i called the vet and said should i pick up the maxalon tabs ? They said yes so now she gets a quater of a tab a day . I also brought fenugreek just tyrna fugure out how much to give a day . Each capsule it says has : dry seed extract 250mg from 1000mg fenugreek. Its the one from chemist warehouse natures own brand Little one has made progress in weight which im happy about. Other guy is way bigger and seems to make bigger weight increases but like somone mentioned here one might always be bigger ( the bigger one was 5 grams heaiver at birth btw ) But both are gaining weight. One thing i noticed because i weigh them after every feeding when i come to the next feeding usually the bigger guy is heaiver which makes me assume he is sucking some milk from mum and maybe the weaker just doesnt suck hard enough? I definitely see them both sucking on her now even though she barly has anything Ill see in the next couple of days if the maxalon works but since ill also be giving fenugreek now if milk production happens i dunno which would of caused it I feed them with syringe it just seems easier then the bottle. I squeeze some let them swallow and go again. My questions : - im not going to tube feed again i got too paranoid but if i made a mistake yesterday i would of known by now right or i will know by tomorrow? Because i put 7 mls in him and he seems fine. - is it okay if dogs dont poop after every single feeding ? I can get them to pee after every feeding but not poo - if the bigger boy seems to gain sufficient weight daily then i should not supplement him ? I wouldn't want to feed him too much and he gets the runs. - for the weaker one should i feed him more then whats recommend on the warnbo milk replacement? Or would i risk giving him the runs that way ? He currently weights 341 grams and im giving him about 8mls every 3 hrs. - even tho bigger one seems to make bigger weight increases aslong as smaller one also makes progress daily its okay yeah ? - if i put honey in the milk how much should i put just a tiny bit ? The honey wont cause any negative effects make them sick or anything ? - once pups are 3 weeks old even tho ive organised with my sister to feed them can they go one 8 hr stretch and i leave them some food to lap ? Or would that be okay at 3.5 weeks or 4 weeks ? Just so i have an idea ? - somthing the vet nurse told me is if i cant get no one to feed them while i go to work is i can buy a small crate and a wheat heat pad put them in there and feed them during my work breaks ? Only issue would be if its a hot day because ill have to put them in the car . I dont think this idea would work what do you guys think ? The other thing is i wouldn't be able to make them poo and wee in that situation Thank you everyone for your help !!!
  23. I got this one from chemist warehouse all it says is adult takes 1 tab 3 times a day .. Maybe ill.give her hlf a tab a day ?
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