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Everything posted by Moo

  1. Harley was a boarding client of ours for a few years. Absolute pleasure to have cared for and a credit to his gorgeous owners. Today he was seized and killed because the arseholes over the road from him would not stop their cat from stirring him. He killed the cat unfortunately, now the Rangers have killed him. Good bye Harley, we'll always remember you Big hugs to your mum & dad
  2. So sorry to hear of your loss guys Pyro can now be the protector of all of our PB babies waiting on the other side So very sad
  3. Our little Mindles... after 21 years of being the perfect family Staffy- she's gone We got Mindi when I was 8 years old- she grew up with me, 1 brother and 1 sister & then grow up with our own kids. I don't even have any photos of her to put up- they're all at my mums house ;) She loved life- right to the end yesterday when my mum had to make 'that' decision. She treated that bloody dog better than she treated us kids for gods sake !! She was still completely aware of everything around her and gave my nephew a lick on the face when he cuddled her while they gave her the injection- A final goodbye :p The whole family is devastated, but thankful for having her as our first dog and opening our world and arms to go on and get our own Staff's and bully breeds when we grew up and left home. This is one of the most heart wrenching things... to say goodbye to your family pet after so long. To our beautiful old black girl, Wish I was there for you yesterday Hope there's lots of seagulls up there for you to chase xxx
  4. You or the dog? I'm assuming your talking about the pooch?!! that's right...girls/ladies DON"T FART do they
  5. This is a welcomed problem in my house from one of my dogs... I always get away with letting one go now If only they knew the truth!! I'd have a cork inserted somewhere rather uncomfortable but hey...if ya can't fart in ya own house??!!! edited to say...MY GOD, I can't believe I just wrote that
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