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Everything posted by goldchow
Opinion Piece In Sydney Morning Herald - Puppy Farms
goldchow replied to Curlybert's topic in In The News
After a recent and well publicised puppy farm raid and seizure in the Wondai area the RSPCA were upset that the local council in that area did not move to stop/restrict the lady in question from further breeding after having her dogs seized. The Council publicly stated they did not have the juristriction to withdraw this persons permit for 60 dogs (250 dogs were seized). Whether the property (a designated dairy farm) had been granted appropriate permit/development plans for a puppy farm is unknown however much of the responsibilty for the care and control of these places falls squarely on the local councils. This is one of the changes the RSPCA are pushing for in their list of proposals -
Thanks for that Silverblue, much appreciated
Does anyone have any results from the Cocker National held at Durack?
Rspca Proposals For A Mandatory Code For Puppy Farmers.
goldchow replied to minky's topic in In The News
And quite disconcerting to receive Steves email in my inbox forwarded from the ANKC, rather sad when the email was specifically for MDBA members comments & input. -
I've had a line which developed severe arthritis with no response to Cartrophen, and together with all that Nekhbet suggests above I've had best results with pure green lipped mussel powder which I used to get from my vet. Now using Technaflex with good results however every dog is different and what works for one may not work for another, a case of trial and error. Bowen Therapy can also assist.
Stormie I understand that Rimadyl affects the liver which is why vets are supposed to do blood counts and screening of the patient before and while this drug is being administered. I have never known any vet to do this even though the enclosed leaflet has recommended this procedure since Pfizer lost the first class action. Obviously it affects different dogs and certain breeds differently, we've had dogs in the boarding kennels who have been on this drug for years with no effect. I'm aware of others who have taken it for one to several days and are dead within the month, sometimes three months later. It all comes down to each and everyone of us needing to be very aware of what we're medicating our dogs with by asking lots of questions, understanding what side effects we need to watch for, doing our own research and checking out more alternative methods.
I really feel for you and the loss of your lab. I lost a much loved Chow 10 years ago who was given Rimadyl for 4 days for a torn knee catlidge. He appeared to improve slightly but was depressed and stumbled alot which I put down to his injured knee. One afternoon he was noticably more lethargic and very weak and despite all my efforts, was gone within four hours. I did lots of research, tried to reason with the vet who assured me Rimadyl was safe however the coincidences and the symptoms spoke volumes. Obviously there are some dogs who do very well on this NSAID however its small comfort if its your dog that is included in the supposedly small percentage of dogs who do die as a result of taking this drug. I will never allow it to be administered to any of my dogs ever again. Its well to note that Zenecarp is the same drug marketed under a different name. http://www.srdogs.com/Pages/rimadylfr.html
Bad Problem With My Chow... Would Like Some Opinions
goldchow replied to spirrall's topic in Puppy Chat
Thats great Spirrall, it sounds like its a whole new world for Chowie. Chows bond very closely to their owners and can be quite stressed when seperated. If any of mine require surgery my vet, who has been a great fan of the Chow for many years and has studied the breed in depth, he likes the owner to be virtually there as soon as the Chow wakes from the anaesthetic. Here's wishing you many years of happy chow memories. -
A fairly new procedure which a specialist vet at the Albany Creek Specialist Centre explained to me sometime last year when I was concerned about one of my chow pups. Providing its done early enough (before 5 months I was told) as has already been stated, it can be beneficial for pet owners but doesn't help breeders because its purely for the affected dogs comfort and does not correct the underlying fault.
In our research before attending the Building Better Dogs seminar at Monash the statistics were 600,000 pups produced in Australia annually with an estimated 9 to 10% from registered breeders. The Chief Steward of the CCC(Q) was always very vocal on the fact that the Canine Controls are only a registry for purebred dogs and nothing more.
Bad Problem With My Chow... Would Like Some Opinions
goldchow replied to spirrall's topic in Puppy Chat
Hi Spirrall, thought later that I should have warned you not to feel sorry for her and remove that collar, one swipe of that paw can do lots of damage as you've already found out. I wouldn't consider putting Chowie through desexing surgery for quite some months Spirrall, anaesthetics really take alot out of this breed and she's had two really good bouts already. The Chow has a very finely tuned nervous system and you need to be aware not to put them under unecessary stress. Hi Lilli, agree Chowies eye surgery sounds expensive. The last surgery of this sort I had done would have been around six years ago, both eyes and paid about $500. Not done by a specialist but my usual vet who is an unofficial specialist in the chow breed, and a godsend I might add. -
Blimey it sounds like your chow is a cot case but don't panic until you get a second opinion from a vet who does know the breed and as has already been said, have X-rays done properly, correctly positioned by an experienced vet in such matters and read by either the AVA or Dr Wyburn. It can make all the difference in the world. Chows are structurally put together a little differently to other breeds which is why its particularly important to have a vet who really is familliar with the breed. So many vets see the dollar signs when a chow is presented to them and often see problems that aren't really problems.
Bad Problem With My Chow... Would Like Some Opinions
goldchow replied to spirrall's topic in Puppy Chat
Hi Cat, at this puppys young age (5 months and I understand had only been with its new owner a short time) and with eyes so badly affected with entropian to have caused ulceration etc its obvious this puppys eyes have been badly affected for some time. If Spirrall paid $3,000 for this puppy he has paid top dollar and at this young age I believe an 'ethical' breeder would offer a refund to at least reduce the cost of the puppy to that which he would have paid for a pet which in effect is what this puppy now is, unable to be shown and should never be used for breeding. Generally Pet Insurances will not cover what is termed a heriditary problem such as entropian. There is no simple answer to your question Cat, reputable breeders who do all the correct things such as all the health testing available to their breed can still produce a puppy with one or two of the genetic problems known within that breed however the chances of that happening is considerably less if the breeder continuously health checks all breeding stock. Once a puppy goes to his new home, no matter how much information or guidelines the new owner is given the care, diet and excercise provided in that new home can either make or break that puppy. Breeders cannot be held responsible for health problems created by mismanagement, poor diet and incorrect excercise. Spiralls case is different in that the puppy was so young and so badly affected and which could not have been attributed to the puppys care in his new home. If Chowie had developed the problem 12 months or later then yes, it can and does happen to the best of breeders and prospective new owners need to be aware that this, and other problems, are in the breed and no matter how carefully bred a Chow puppy is, some of these health problems such as entropian can present at any time through no-ones fault. -
Women Injured And Animals Killed In Overnight Fires (caboolture Qld)
goldchow replied to Boronia's topic in In The News
Yesterday Marg Coles and I spent several hours visiting Jed. Her daughter joined us later and it was great to catch up. Jed is overwhelmed with the support from you guys to the point I don't think she can quite come to terms with it. She still has quite a way to go but she's getting there. Everyones mail was delivered and again she and her daughter were amazed at the pile of letters, cards, packets, parcels etc which I imagine Jed will open gradually each day. She said to say Hi and Thank You. -
Bad Problem With My Chow... Would Like Some Opinions
goldchow replied to spirrall's topic in Puppy Chat
Hi Spirrall Thanks for the update and really hope all those dollars its cost you have given Chowie a first class cosmetic repair job. If there are signs of ulcers and damage at her young age the problem has been evident for some time. Have you contacted the breeder at all to keep them updated? You do realize don't you that you are entitled to request at least a partial refund because you have paid for a top quality puppy which is now strictly pet quality only and must not be bred from. One can't tell much from a photo but Chowie does look like a lovely puppy and I really hope once you've recovered from this hurdle she goes on to give you many years of happy companionship. -
Women Injured And Animals Killed In Overnight Fires (caboolture Qld)
goldchow replied to Boronia's topic in In The News
More cards and a post cylinder have arrived and have been added to the pile in the box waiting to be delivered personally to Jed. The Cavvie brood and boxer puppies were all given a thorough vet check today and all came up trumps, vet commented several times on the excellent condition they are all in, ( some a little too well fed!! ) Some more photos for you are on their way. -
Women Injured And Animals Killed In Overnight Fires (caboolture Qld)
goldchow replied to Boronia's topic in In The News
Cards, an Express Post and a parcel for Jed all arrived today. We are waiting for the word from Janes daughter as to when we will be able to visit and which as you all know depends soley on Jeds progress. All Jeds brood were thoroughly groomed and some lightly clipped yesterday, and all doing well, they are such a happy lot. The Cockers out at Margs place are keeping her on her toes, obviously both real characters and the puppies are doing well also. One will be going to his new home this week, to a home already chosen by Jane. Janes daughter now has the cat who was at the vets in her care and its also doing well. The surviving cat I think was possibly the beautiful feral cat that lived in the shed and had adopted Jeds place but could not be handled. -
Bad Problem With My Chow... Would Like Some Opinions
goldchow replied to spirrall's topic in Puppy Chat
Meant to add too in reply to Badboyz suggestion of eye tacking that its probably too late for this. I have had this done with several chow puppies some years ago and which was very successful however they were under 12 weeks. It would certainly be something to run by the vet though if they felt it could help. Some chow breeders I know automatically have all their puppies eyes tacked now however its not something I like doing unless I felt it was required. -
Bad Problem With My Chow... Would Like Some Opinions
goldchow replied to spirrall's topic in Puppy Chat
Hi Spirall please phone Marg Turner (Hongchau listed on the chow breeder pages on Dogz) who could possibly direct you to a vet famiiliar with the chow breed. If Marg is unavailable please PM me for another good chow breeders ph no in Campbelltown. As has already been mentioned entropian is not necessarily an indication of poor breeding, it is a problem within the breed and unfortunately can present quite unexpectedly although from what you have described and at your puppys age it doesn't sound good. Since any chow showing signs of entropian in the show ring is automatically sent to the end of the line or disqualified, Australian breeders have worked very hard to try to eliminate entropian as far as possible from their lines and its really not being seen very much now. Quite often it isn't the shape of the eye that is at fault but the way the fold of skin across the forehead sits and which can actually push the eyelashes downwards onto the eye and the vet needs to be able to tell the difference. I would strongly urge you to seek a second opinion, preferably from a vet who is famillair with the breed. Most vets are very quick to recommend surgery without trying ointments etc and by treating the conjunctivitis and any inflammation first before making a definite prognosis. Vets who know the breed will try to avoid eye surgery before 12 to 14 months of age due to the rapid growth of the chow head however if the eyes are in danger of being damaged and surgery has to be done, only a small amount of tissue should be taken out and sometimes a second entropian op is done later when the chow is 14 to 18 months old if required. For the vet to take too much out at this age could result in the chow having ectopian which is even worse and irreversable. With a good vet and this attended to properly there is no reason that your Chow puppy will not go on to be a wonderful member of your family but I am very sorry that you have this problem with what is obviously your first Chow. Its not a good start that I would be happy with if I was the breeder. -
Women Injured And Animals Killed In Overnight Fires (caboolture Qld)
goldchow replied to Boronia's topic in In The News
Magnus' survival was something we were all hoping for and devastating to all of us that it wasn't to be. We now at least know where he is, along with the others which is some small comfort. The three surviving boxer puppies are doing fine as is Shandy (Shithead) and Marjory and who are with Marg Coles who bred Marjory. The cavvies here have all had their breakfast of warm rolled oates, milk & honey, ( 1 degree here this morning) had several hours of exploring, said hi to the geese, and were rapt in the guinea fowl because they made so much noise and now snoozin in the sun. Chi Chi was checked by the vet yesterday and has medication for her eyes which are still smoke affected and ear tips which are slightly singed but she's doing fine also and quite taken with her coat which I gather she's never worn before because she always slept on Janes bed. Two vets are coming in next week to give all Janes dogs a good check up and another Pacer member and another breeder will be coming in regularly to help with the grooming and general care of Janes brood. Channel 9 have been in filming the dogs and where they are, apparently to be shown when Jane is well enough to watch TV and can see that her dogs are all doing okay. The RSPCA were very good and the fellow we were dealing with on the day, Travis, could not have been more helpful. The dogs had all been bathed and under heaters to dry off when we finally arrived at Fairfield to take delivery, all of which was also filmed. Was particularly appreciative to the photographer who was able to back the dog float for me in what was a very small turnaround area. All thoughts and prayers are with Jane now and as already mentioned by others, I dread Janes reaction when she finally realizes all her special dogs are gone. -
Women Injured And Animals Killed In Overnight Fires (caboolture Qld)
goldchow replied to Boronia's topic in In The News
We don't know. All dogs are now accounted for. First it was a gold cocker that was lost then we were told it was a black & white cocker which we found to be incorrect once arriving at the RSPCA to find the only black & white cocker waiting for us. -
Women Injured And Animals Killed In Overnight Fires (caboolture Qld)
goldchow replied to Boronia's topic in In The News
I'm sorry to have to say that Magnus has been found under Janes bed with the three boxers and the lovely black Cocker Meg, all obviously smoke inhalation and not burnt at all. They are being cremated seperatly tonight. -
Cin I,m currently nursing an older girl through what bloodwork has indicated is a type of Meningitis also. She began five days ago with a very high temp of 41.2 which took some time to lower in the hydrobath and during which she had a massive seizure becoming unconscience momentarily. The vet did bloodwork which indicated a massive infection, probably in the brain so she was given a large dose of intramuscular antibiotics and pain relief. I brought her home on Macrolin twice daily and Endofloxacin and the last two days she has shown improvement and is now eating small amounts (Of BBQ Chicken & yoghurt) This girls son was also diagnosed with a type of Meningitis six years ago when he was only 18 months old, again with a high temp, very lethargic but also very unco-ordinated to the point he was falling over all the time. He spent 4 days in intensive care at the Albany Creek Specialist Centre where every conceivable test was done including spinal taps, all of which came back clear. The specialist treating him happened to speak to a neurologist who felt Martys symptoms indicated thiamine deficency and which blood work then proved to be correct. His mum, the girl currently being treated for meningitis is also on the borderline of thiamine deficiency. She has never been bred from again as the B1 deficiency is genetic and not diet related. This may have nothing to do with your friends GSD however it may give them food for thought and more questions to ask. The specialist I dealt with and who is now at the St Lucia university campus tells me vets are seeing many more dogs nowadays with thiamine deficiency due to diets containing preservatives, particularly sulphur dioxide or 220. She also said they had a great deal to learn about how to treat this problem and that many vets also are unaware of, or don't think to suspect thiamine deficiency.
I've voted No as there are many APBTs out in regional and outback areas being used as they are meant to be, working farm and family dogs, their owners refuse to consider having anything else so I can't see the devotees of this breed ever allowing it to die out. Overseas BSL is increasingly being accepted as unworkable and being repealed in some areas, the Australian government is determined not to learn from other countries mistakes but perhaps in 20 years or so, they might have a rethink on BSL and target the idiot owners instead, who are the real problem, not the breed. While this legislation is in place in my opinion it places all breeds under a cloud whether ANKC or not.