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Everything posted by Mairead

  1. Oops, skipped over the YouTube reference. I was reading it as the vet had taken months to diagnose. I agree not a reliable source of info. I searched "degenerative myelopathy toller" and found some info "anecdotally known in tollers since 2009". I lean more to the .edu or .org websites and take the info and reference to the vet, same for my GP.
  2. Disappointing you haven't had replies from breeders so far but good you finally have a diagnosis. USA text " The 5-Minute Veterinary Consult " (3rd edition 2004) says German Shepherds and German Shepherd mixes are the dogs most commonly affected, rare in some other breeds, ("collie and collie crosses", Labradors, Siberians, Chesapeakes, Kerry Blues and Welsh corgis. Tollers not mentioned, so that may explain why it wasn't on your vet's radar. The text has two pages of info with the then unproven treatment of exercise, vitamin supplements and epsilon aminocaproic acid "apparently slows the progression in 50% of patients". Maybe German Shepherd people or websites may provide info? If not, maybe try asking German Shepherd people at obedience trials etc for a German Shepherd vet recommendation. I know I was not well thought of by some breeders for mentioning potential problems " it will discourage people". Good luck.
  3. Thanks for that, moosmum. Well below breed average, that's good isn't it? Years ago I had to get X rays of my dog done as part of the contract for frozen semen from the USA. Vets here were surprised I was asking for it to be done. Here it was still the 0 - 106 (BVA?) scheme and there it was OFA which didn't have number scores, only word grades, so much discussion of translation of results from one scheme to the other.
  4. Can't help you with that. I had sighthounds. I would be interested to know more though. Different countries and some breeds have their own systems. Some have number scores and some have words (eg Very Good) or letter scores.
  5. Does the report have a vet's or clinic's name on it, so you can ask them? I couldn't find what ** might mean on a score, so I'm guessing it means "not done", not clear enough to read", "dog not old enough to score" or "results to follow" ? Not a very professional way of saying it though. If they were using asterisks correctly there should be somewhere on the report to explain it eg " ** - not scored". Do you think you have got the entire report, rather than part of it?
  6. Yes Amazeti, one dog on its own can do aggressive behaviour to that level but its rare compared to behaviour to that level by humans. Its easy enough to look up details of fatalities involving dogs for several countries. Tragically, often there were warning signs before the behaviour escalated, but not in every case.
  7. Should have written anything above a Level 2 bite sounds like it is beyond the capabilities of most people to manage.
  8. It could take two years before the coroner investigates, that is about the waiting time in NSW. In NSW people with security gates can get their meters read remotely. Still, dogs loose that were capable of what Ian Dunbar calls Level 6 bites (highest level) - anything above Level 3 causes severe injuries and is poor prognosis for dog's rehab.
  9. I found a couple of references to Bandog Bullmastiffs being Bullmastiff X American Pitbull.
  10. Little Gifts, the ABC article says twice that the owners were not home.
  11. I would ask for a copy of the urine report before paying for another appointment. Well done for using the sterile container. Some humans can't manage to collect their own urine correctly. Did you wait until she was at full pee, to collect a mid-stream sample? That minimizes contamination.
  12. Doesn't sound to me like they sent any sample to a lab. If they did you can ask for a copy of the report. No proper lab would mention crystals and then not identify them. Sounds more like an in house job with someone not used to looking down a microscope. If she had a UTI again the inappropriate urination (on your bed) and not being able to hold on to her urine overnight or for long would be signs. What container did you use to collect her sample?
  13. Ask your vet to make up information sheets for you. Day to day management, signs that your dog needs a check up, signs there's an emergency etc. It will mean they might have to do some research so their knowledge will be up to date. Maybe transfer this topic to Health etc
  14. Sounds like the vet is trying to sell you expensive food that you may not need. Taking advantage of your concern or worry.
  15. I agree with tdierikx, wait for a diagnosis. As for crystals 'not known' that makes me wonder just who is doing the testing and why mention it if they don't know what sort? As a lab technician I'm offended. From my (human) biochemistry book by Kaplan and Pesce: "In general, the formation of crystals should be regarded as an artifact of the system of collection. Usually crystals are not present when urine is freshly voided... When heated to 37° C most crystals disappear." Crystals can be from different chemicals and have different (diagnostic) shapes. One sort( not in dogs) looks like a coffin lid. Re drinking: I remember on the Million Paws walks most dogs went for any water bowl available while my sighthound didn't drink at all.
  16. The dog is called a pitbull but looks more like an overweight whippet mix to me.
  17. Link below in Boronia's post. Thanks Boronia. This story is the opposite of the Bardwell Park "aggressive dog" story. Man was fined $9000.
  18. How times and/or parents change. In the 1960s my young cousin was bitten on the lip by a neighbour's Smooth Fox Terrier. In those days dogs were few and roamed free but some were chained up at night. Kids roamed free too. When my cousin came in crying and complaining my mother said "it is your own fault, you know he's cranky. You should have left him alone." Interestingly, when I mentioned that the "dog attack" had been filmed, a neighbour suggested that maybe that was to get compensation. Seems to be a delay in people coming to help?
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