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Everything posted by Mairead

  1. By KC do you mean Kennel Club England? On your dog's pedigree are the colours of the dogs mentioned? It is possible, depending on the colours of the grandparents that you could get some washed -out unhealthy looking and non-standard colours from the combination of Ay and d genes. Is there a recommendation that blue should only be bred to black, as there is in the Great Dane? Colour should usually be the last thing you consider when breeding but because you mention blue, are you familiar with colour dilution alopecia? The most important thing before breeding would be to know as much as you can about not just the proposed parents but also their relatives. I put it this way: the dog you know and love is just one hand of cards in a big deck. The relatives will show you what other cards might be in the deck but when you breed you will be shuffling those cards and hoping to get only the good ones.
  2. I chip away. "Don't run. Don't yell. Let the dog approach you if it wants to."
  3. Never heard this before about the smell but have heard about kids yelling and running which the dog may not have been used to. Some people still think any sign of fear, which could be shyness or aggression, indicates the dog has been abused (aw, poor thing, we won't upset him by training him) rather than just unsocialised.
  4. I would like to know more, from the vets involved. But the fact that it is called prosciutto tells you the market it is aimed at.
  5. Most importantly has your dog been seen by a vet? It might seem obvious that it has been but who knows what medications are available over the internet these days?
  6. What sort of epilepsy is it, how often are the seizures, at what age did they start, what breed? Have you notified the breeder? Has your dog ever had acepromazine? (Can lower seizure threshold). No personal experience but answers to these questions may help with advice from others.
  7. I always varied the chemicals just in case. Not surprised this is happening. With parasites, bacterial and viruses it is an arms race.
  8. Pearson's post sounds like a bot. Similar to the "your videos are so creative" bot comments.
  9. "Purchased some puppies". Are you a dealer? A pet shop?
  10. I've only used bones as the main teeth cleaning device. Raw beef marrow bones, cut into pieces and first given straight after a meal. Taken away when the softer honeycomb ends had been eaten and only the harder shafts remained. This cleaned most teeth except the base of the canines. For those I used a tool suggested by my (greyhound) vet - the edge of a stainless steel teaspoon to chip off the plaque. I don't know what the equivalent would be for toy dogs. Raw lamb cutlet bone?
  11. Are you a business? How much dog training experience do you have? Because to use the term "purebred dogs" when asking about equipment is quite odd, rather than writing, for example, "for my rescue [breed] that pulls on lead" or whatever. Plus your recent ecollar post mentions ANKC approved breeds too.
  12. I remember talking to a politician who was in the crowd at the rally about Greyhound racing in Sydney. When I mentioned if [Mike Baird] wants to ban it because some people do the wrong thing he needs to ban the Catholic church too. And Parliament she said.
  13. Need to ban clergy for the welfare of children. Ban men for the welfare of women and children.
  14. I have heard of coat change in longhaired dogs but haven't noticed it in my shorthaired (not pug) dogs. Three weeks is a bit soon for a hormonal change. Has the diet changed?
  15. As happens in far too many cases, the dog may have been already beyond and below the state of health where it should have been euthanized, and was defending itself the only way it knew.
  16. Nightwish has a song "Noise" which is about some characteristics of the online world. " ...your mirror is black, only a copy stares back, to a slave of Brave New World ..." The video clip shows some people taking selfies, even when someone is being beaten up behind them for watching the wrong screen, some staring at blank phone screens, and people ignoring the beauty of the outside world.
  17. You will be buying a sentient being not a handbag. You are applying to be considered for an adoption. Dedicated breeders have put time and effort into the process and you should respect that. The application form etc is to hopefully weed out impulse buyers who have seen a dog in a movie and want one NOW because it is "so cute" and obviously born well-trained and impeccably groomed.
  18. Who would want to clip a dangerous dog? If it has been declared a dangerous dog then the breeder will not be allowed to take it back but they still might want to know about it. But first are you sure that is the breed? Looking at the rescue sites there are some wild guesses there. I'm wondering why it is still around if it has attacked three people? Were all the attacks reported? Would you and your neighbours be willing to put their names to a letter to your council? Poor dog obviously in the wrong situation and with the wrong owner. Touch wood I've only had two dog bites that broke the skin. A Silkie Terrier and a second-hand Cattle dog that the rescue place forgot to mention had been declared a dangerous dog.
  19. I know of a Greyhound breeder who breeds with older animals, males and females. She doesn't want to "improve" (= change) just preserve. And as she keeps some puppies, the longer time between generations makes sense. People used to breed early before the dogs died of distemper or something else. Some still keeping to that old adage.
  20. I found an Anatolian Shepherd that had crossed a six lane road and three suburbs. Very self contained dog, seemed long-sighted, not demonstrative at all. Took three of us to get him into the back of my wagon. His Turkish family was very happy to get him back. His name was Kubla.
  21. The only declared dangerous dog I have seen in my suburb is a Labrador.
  22. Humans are the most dangerous animal to other humans.
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