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    Sighthounds, rare breeds, animal behaviour (including human).

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  1. Thanks, I read the original article a while ago on another site. I also read another article about how working dogs and horses have tax advantages but working cats do not.
  2. These dogs are something between livestock and a staff member so appearance doesn't count. I would like to know how much they paid for the sire. Or maybe they already know he's an excellent worker which is why they paid so much for his half sister.
  3. Why would you need to know this? The price is the price, we don't add tax at the checkout.
  4. He thinks it looks exactly like a wolf? A fool and his money ... Next someone will try to sell him a rare dire wolf.
  5. I remember a memorial for a famous show dog. "We loved him, the judges loved him, and he was a pleasure to live with."
  6. Mairead

    My 2 Oldies

    This was nearly seven years ago. The dogs have probably died and reminders don't help.
  7. Parents regularly kill their children by neglect or intention. Pools, hot cars, driveways, poison left accessible etc. But so few people seem able to take responsibility or learn from their mistakes. Whenever someone is inclined to blame a non-human animal I have been known to ask "Aren't we supposed to be of superior intelligence?" Grumpy/crazy old woman will get off her soapbox now.
  8. "Two dogs that never paid attention to the video were discarded." I don't think that's good science.
  9. Can't find a mention of sample size or characteristics in an article by the author. The photo for facial expressions shows only a Malinois and a Weimaraner. Behaviourists used to say a direct stare was a sign of aggression, so couldn't have been any sighthounds in the experiments.
  10. When was that part of the standard or the extension written? Are there breeders/producers who therefore think albino is OK?
  11. Not in the same level of importance, but a ranger phoned me to tell me (who reported it) that they had caught the goat. Two rangers attended that day. I told them the goat wasn't tame but one of them bolted after it with a catchpole and didn't check the little kids were out of the way before the goat ran down the driveway and ran over the littlest kid. It was the other ranger that phoned me.
  12. One of my neighbours has a brindle chi. The stripes (not many) only developed as it grew older. Same with another neighbour's blue staffie. Solid coloured when young, now has a few pale stripes.
  13. So what is meant in the breed standard by "ruby" eyes? I'm picturing an albino rat.
  14. I found other sites that say that white is rare and some have pink noses, and some owners of white chis saying they are deaf. Sounds like a colour to steer clear of. Perhaps white has become a desirable colour with people who don't know the downsides of it. I had a quick look at the shortcoat breeders on this site (Menu, Breeds, choose the breed then Breeders) and the majority of photos were of dogs with dark eyes and nose.
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