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Everything posted by Sticky

  1. At last some sense from the Vic Gov: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/more-news/child-killed-in-dog-attack-at-st-albans/story-fn7x8me2-1226117749076 S
  2. There is no such breed as a 'pit bull'. So how do you ban something that doesn't exist? S
  3. The small ,print says it isn't able to detect breed in pure-bred dogs either! its basically a scam, a very lucrative one. S
  4. Despite all the hype surrounding DNA testing its still not able to reliably detect breed in mixed breed dogs. S
  5. This is probably the best Australian study on this. In this study breed id has internal consistency which most don't ie the breed id came from the same source. http://www.mja.com.au/public/issues/aug4/t...n/thompson.html BTW there are no pitbulls in this study. Thompson repeated the study a few years later, with different results (different methodology) http://www.uam.net.au/PDFs/PUB_Pro04_Thomp...sionEffects.pdf S
  6. As statistical evidence goes the data in the Sachs paper is next to useless, firstly there is no denominator and secondly there are too many 'unknown' cases. Without a denominator its not possible to come to any meaningful conclusion on the relative risk from different breeds. This becomes more evident when you look at data from other countries where different breeds are popular. In Canada you find large numbers bites from retriever breeds and in Europe you get more from GSDs. Other papers have attempted to correct for this both here and the US. The results are fairly inconsistent but generally risk seems to be more related to the size of the dog, ie bigger dogs bite harder not the breed. There are also too many other more important factors to become preoccupied with breed alone. S
  7. There is also this recent paper: "Dog bites: still a problem?" http://injuryprevention.bmj.com/content/14/5/296.abstract S
  8. Watch it here: http://7pmproject.com.au/video.htm S
  9. Have a look here: http://www.cdc.gov/HomeandRecreationalSafe...-factsheet.html S
  10. Excellent info with links to articles from CDC here: http://www.cdc.gov/HomeandRecreationalSafe...-factsheet.html They say this about the Sachs article: S
  11. Hugh Wirth rabbiting on about pitbulls on 7pm project last night. Watch it here: http://7pmproject.com.au/video.htm S
  12. This may have already been posted elsewhere. http://www.media.tas.gov.au/release.php?id=28515 S Edit: Link to legislation http://www.parliament.tas.gov.au/bills/Bil.../27_of_2009.pdf
  13. Some more news on the new UK law. http://www.rspca.org.uk/servlet/Satellite?...07&marker=1 The actual Act http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2008-09/dogcontrol.html Should see the end of this sorry saga! S
  14. http://www.monash.edu.au/muarc/VISU/hazard/Haz69.pdf
  15. Regulated dogs Questions and Answers Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008 http://www.localgovernment.qld.gov.au/Laws...ulateddogs.aspx S
  16. http://city-south-news.whereilive.com.au/n...45-dog-attacks/ S
  17. Follow up article: http://www.dogmagazine.net/archives/1677/r...erous-dogs-act/ S
  18. Explanatory notes here: http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/Bills/52...alMgtB08Exp.pdf The Act is a vast improvement over Chap 17A S
  19. This seemed to have slipped in under the radar. Major changes for restricted dogs. http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/LEGISLTN...008/08AC074.pdf S
  20. My suggestion is that there be a sticky topic in this section which contains links to all the different state laws. As a start here is the Qld legislation http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/LEGISLTN...L/LocGovA93.pdf The relevant section is Chapter 17A S
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