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Everything posted by Sticky
no source is given for this image. I suspect it was created by the Age. S
This is what Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) had to say in the LC last night: P67 Hansard S
There are some good resources here: http://nationalcanineresearchcouncil.com/resources/breed-and-behavior/ S
Also have a look at Hansard for the LC http://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/images/stories/daily-hansard/Council_Jul-Dec_2011_Daily_30_August_2011.pdf Some members are not fully supportive of this. S
Hi Linda is says: New regulations to be released tomorrow by the Baillieu government will also mean dogs that meet the description of a pit bull but who are described as American Staffordshire terriers by their owners, will need certificate of pedigree evidence to prove the dog is an American Staffordshire terrier I can't find the bit that says a vet certificate will suffice? In fact, it doesn't even mention DNA evidence as being sufficient - all Amstaff's are pitbulls unless pedigrees. Pretty sure the Age just made that up. S
Hansard of 30/8/11 makes interesting reading: http://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/images/stories/daily-hansard/Assembly_2011/Assembly_Jul-Dec_2011_Daily_30_August_2011.pdf http://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/images/stories/daily-hansard/Council_Jul-Dec_2011_Daily_30_August_2011.pdf S
It should be online. The NSW one's are Anyone know where to find it ? According to Hansard it should be in the Gazette Thursday. S
Thanks, Tempus Fugit. Is this IT? No increased penalties for owners where a dog does harm? No additional regulation of wandering dogs. The breed identification issue shunted off into a "a standard that has been approved by the Minister and published in the Government Gazette." And cutting off the opportunity to register as a restricted breed dog closed at the end of September. What a can of worms! Presumably the approved standard won't be published for a bit of time and information on it will be poorly distributed. So X-breed owners aren't going to know whether or not they need to register until AFTER it's too late to register. The standard is going to be a mess for reasons that have been discussed many times. So publication of the standard will leave things clear as mud. The lawyers are going to have fun with this one! The standard should be in the Gazette today. S Edit: Actually it looks like it will be Thursday (Hansard 30/8/11 p53) S
Have just looked at the legislation passed last night and there is nothing about cross breeds. The main change is this: 3 Approval of standard (1) In section 3(3) of the Domestic Animals Act 1994, for "a standard prescribed by the 10 regulations" substitute "an approved standard". (2) After section 3(3) of the Domestic Animals Act 1994 insert— "(4) For the purposes of subsection (3) an approved standard is a standard that has been approved by the Minister and published in 5 the Government Gazette.". S
Interview with Dr. Victoria Voith Dr. Victoria Voith describes her research concluding that there is little correlation between dog adoption agencies’ identification of probable breed composition with the identification of breeds by DNA analysis. S
Interview with Bill Bruce (Calgary animal control director) on Ineffective Dog Laws. S
Those that have them need to register them (as should already have occured). Anything coming out of a shelter will have a breed attribution as they do now. No amount of draconian law is going to have any impact on the irresponsible.. that's the real tragedy here. Because that's where the problem lies. They don't just mean registered with the council though PF, they mean registered as a PB. My understanding that this means no off leash and wearing a muzzle outside of their property. Well if they're not APBTs and already have council rego, as I read it their owners have nothing to worry about. If they are using a visual ID to get "Pit Bull Types", then it wont matter if the dog is registered as what the owner believes them to be, it will be on what the dog looks like... I'd say that potentially gives people a fair bit to worry about. I suppose we wont know until we see the actual legisltion But it does sound to me like they are planning on doing similar to what Qld did. which is a horrifying thought And was successfully challenged in court resulting in the legislation being dumped. Deja vu! S
http://www.premier.vic.gov.au/media-centre/media-releases/1829-legislation-to-end-amnesty-on-restricted-dogs.html So its coming out tomorrow. S
A visual code for crossbreeds, and the comment from that genius, "if it looks like a pitbull, it's a pitbull". Will we ever learn? All this is going to do is force people to hide their dogs. What a mess. I do agree with tougher penalties for irresponsible owners though. Some great resources here: http://nationalcanineresearchcouncil.com/resources/breed-and-behavior/ S
In the BT today: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/dog-attacks-on-rise-in-brisbane-20110829-1ji86.html S
Need To Update List Dogs That Kill In Aust
Sticky replied to kylielou's topic in General Dog Discussion
Deaths since: Also the 2nd item on the old list is not from Australia. S -
Also in SMH Toughen up dog laws: Shorten http://www.smh.com.au/national/toughen-up-dog-laws-shorten-20110823-1j8gb.html S
Push for harsher dog laws - The Australian 24/8/11 http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/push-for-harsher-dog-laws/story-fn59niix-1226120775006 Sigh! S
www.rspca.org.au/assets/files/Science/Updates/ScienceUpdate21.pdf S
Article from 2003 animal management conference. http://www.aiam.com.au/resources/files/.../PUB_Pro03_67_74_Watson.pdf Does breed specific legislation reduce dog aggression on humans and other animals? A review paper S
List of fatalities in Australia here: http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/151204-need-to-update-list-dogs-that-kill-in-aust/page__view__findpost__p__3156038 S
Where do you get your info Matthew?Obviously the nightly news and the internet.Where do you come to the conclusion that pitbulls are involved in more deaths than any other breed?Like I said before no Purebred American Pitbull Terrier has been involved in a fatality in this country to date so dont worry what happens in the US. Your ignorance is astounding and the fact that you still think how a dog is raised has nothing to do with it shows you do not understand dogs or the basics of ownership and therefore I dont think you should own a dog at all.You keep saying fighting dog,the dog was a crossbreed it was not an American pitbull Terrier you and the media conveniently keep overlooking that fact. I agree with the dogs being restricted.I agree with tougher penalties for owners whose dogs attack but I have had that opinion for a long time and have written submissions to the DLG stating such.The problem is they took the easiest and least effective and cheapest way out.Like I have said before a million times they will not eradicate pitbulls from the Australian landscape.We are a decade on from BSL and what has changed?If you cant stop it then control it and remove the breed specific part and make owners responsible.For a start councils should inspect premises where dogs are to be kept and if they will be properly contained if not no licence issued and you have 28 days to provide containment and comply or you forfeit dogs or move from that area. I'll refer you to a previous post... Pitbull (all types) attacks: 1,392 Pitbull (all types) deaths: 137 Pitbull (all types) maimings: 734 http://www.scribd.com/doc/11249213/Dog-Attack-Deaths-Maimings-US-Canada-September-1982-to-January-2008 Maybe you need to read what is written.Those statistics are from the US and Canada over a 26 year period and have no bearing on this country.No Ameeican Pitbull Terrier has been responsible for a single fatality in this country to date in about a 30 year period over the same time period.Why do you think this is genius? What part of that dont you understand. Um, I never said it was an APBT. I said pitbulls as a breed. How many dog-related deaths over the past decade in Australia haven't involved a breed of pitbull? Very, very few. They are fighting dogs and have no use for anything other than to fight or to make some moron feel big and tough when he's walking the stupid thing. I believe none of the dog related deaths in Australia over the last 10 years involved a PB including the case in question. S
TD, the fact the society fears something doesn't mean that fear has any basis in fact. I wish folk could see that their belief is being manipulated by politicians and the media for their own agendas and for the most part with no real reason for that fear. I get that people are worried about large powerful dogs and their potential to kill. I share that concern. I wish folk would read past the headlines and hysteria and actually educate themselves about what makes a killer dog. The research is out there, the books are out there and the fact that most people with real knowledge of dogs and dog aggression don't support BSL should be telling you that something's smelly about the BSL solution. Which part of "banning dogs breeds doesn't stop dog attacks" are people failing to grasp??? People like Mathew and others who dont have a fundamental understanding of dogs dont realise how easy it is to make a maneater.They can remove all pitbulls tomorrow and using dogs that are already here and legal you can breed another type of dog in a very short space of time.One that is more human aggressive ,larger and more dangerous.It is not that hard and not that hard to turn them nasty.Armed with that knowledge which end of the leash should you target? If a meth head can make a batch of meth under his kitchen sink with limited knowledge and basic ingredients it proves you dont need to be a chemist.Dog breeding is the same its not rocket science. Wow, sheer lunacy! If we believed you, every Police Dog Squad member and security guard dog unit would be suffering numerous injuries caused by their dogs. The fact that they don't is because the breeds selected are those which can be trained to restrain their aggressiveness and to attack only when commanded. The pitbull that killed the little girl that is the subject of this topic could not be stopped no matter what. Astounding mate.What do serivce dogs have to do with the argument.You just keep digging yourself a hole. It is a waste of time trying to educate you mate as you think you know everything and keep spouting off about things you know nothing about.You know there is a saying."It is better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool,than open it and remove all doubt" Take note Troll alert!
But how many were actually confirmed as PBs? S
From the DPI website here: http://new.dpi.vic.gov.au/pets/about-pets/legislation-and-regulation/restricted-breed-dogs This standard should be interesting seeing that the Qld laws collapsed due to the mistaken beleif that you could identify a PB by its physical appearance alone. S