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Everything posted by Florise

  1. Follow your vet's instructions. It's silly to ask here as you will get different answers. Your vet has a protocol they use so you need to follow that.
  2. For in between what? why not just use the ones you have? If your dog fidgets having cordless clippers will not change that.
  3. Pharmacology of Advocate - just so you are aware Imidacloprid and moxidectin.
  4. Second this. He could be allergic to Advocate. He does not need it unless he has parasites. Removal all the chemicals and feed only a natural diet - no dry food.
  5. I think the point is if she DOES have a tattoo, there is the proof she is desexed. Which is what the OP requires - proof.
  6. Or even easier - a simple blood test for progesterone levels, but asap.
  7. I would stick a needle in it and pop it.
  8. For Greyhounds? Or is that just the brand name?
  9. If you are using honey for medical purposes, please use the sterile surgical type, not supermarket stuff. http://www.thehoneyfarm.com.au/acatalog/Medihoney_Antibacterial_Wound_Gel.html#a572
  10. It is silly to use advice dispensed via talkback radio for OTHER dogs and assume it will apply to your dog as well. The vet in question has not examined any of these dogs so who even knows if the advice is appropriate for them either? By the same token, your dog cannot be diagnosed by people on an internet forum. Take you dog to see a canine dermatologist.
  11. Obviously people keep missing my point so I shall repeat it again. Please do not give antibiotics or any other prescription medication without veterinary advice.
  12. I am not sure why anyone would have antibiotic supplies to use off their own bat, but please do not use prescription medication on any dog without veterinary advice. This is coming from someone who is currently trying to manage a dog with a severe drug induced skin disease caused by prescribed cephalosporin. Antibiotics should never be given without careful consideration and testing for sensitivities. It's a concern that vets often hand them out just in case, and even more of a concern that members of the general public have their own supplies to use whenever they THINK they are needed and without vet advice.
  13. So vets just give them to you without a script??
  14. How come you have plenty of antibiotics? and how do you know you have the right one to treat the offending bug IF it is an infection? Having said that, it sounds like a haematoma and will probably reabsorb given time. Still needs a vet assessment though
  15. Cortisone is not the only remedy. it is a dangerous drug and should not be handed out freely by vets unless it is absolutely necessary. The blue ones are 20mg? If so, that is a huge dose and will cause major side effects over a short time. Google it. Go and see a canine dermatologist and find out the cause of the allergy. It's also pretty silly to give your dog meds based on talk back radio.
  16. Are you contacting people who have advertised litters for sale? If they don't have anything available they will probably not respond My advice, ring them. And don't leave mobile numbers for them to ring back. Also consider trying the state breed club as they have puppy officers who have details of available pups/older dogs.
  17. Will you be posting up breed entries for this show please?
  18. I doubt that Mushers will improve the toughness of the pads. I have used it in the past as a moisturiser for a dog with dry cracking pads, and ithelped to soften them. In the picture abovethe pads appearto be swollen and tight. Is it possible for to take him to a dermatologist, or at least get someblood tests done to see if anything else is goingon?
  19. I don't think you can get much better value than this one http://www.peperonepetsupplies.com/contents/en-us/p499_PROFESSIONALVARIABLE_SPEED_DRYER.html
  20. There is a very informative and sensible post by Wundahoo in andrewang's topic regarding this subject
  21. She looks lovely. Did you go to this groomer http://www.a1washandgrooming.com.au/
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