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Everything posted by Florise

  1. Sounds like the breeder is trying to bluff the buyer into thinking they are ANKC registered. It would be a rare buyer who would want to pay 1200 for papers.
  2. ..and cut his nails as that would not be helping.
  3. Why has your dog been put on cortisone? There is indeed a form of diabetes which is induced by steroid use. Canine diabetes is induced by steroid use in 20% of the dogs who are on this medication. This often resolves and disappears when the steroids are tapered and ceased. Please talk to your vet about steroid sparing medications which may allow your dog to come off this drug. As you are seeing with your dog, the side effects are noticeable and can be more and more damaging the longer the dog is on the drug. You need to be very careful when using it, don't leave your dog on it for long periods unless absolutely necessary - it should be used short term only to manage acute conditions, (unless of course it is for palliation purposes) and the dog's response to it and any complications should be monitored closely by your vet.
  4. You don't see obese dogs in the show ring. And, judges typically don't award overweight dogs.
  5. I don't believe they should but it happens all the time from what I see. Extra weight can affect a dogs movement making them roll from side to side, of course depending on how much extra weight they are carrying. No dog is fault free, and not everyone always has their dog in perfect condition. Shows are about more than competition.
  6. This is a perfect example of a disgusting back yard breeder. Do you have the pup? If not, why are you not able to get your money back? Keep the pressure up and if no refund, go the legal route as Steph suggests (or even just threaten to). Take your time with the next venture to find a pup. Registered and reputable breeders ONLY, found through thorough research and recommendations.
  7. A little reading for you.. http://www.fleetfiretimbers.com/FFT/Articles/Understanding%20Fronts.htm http://www.ukcdogs.com/Web.nsf/News/TheAllImportantandNeglect12162009032438PM http://www.akc.org/learn/akc-gazette/its-whats-up-front-that-counts/ http://www.basenji.org/BasenjiU/Breeder/TheStandard/Forequarters.html
  8. More news http://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/press-releases/2015/march/kennel-club-statement-about-jagger%27s-death/
  9. My vet would whole heartedly disagree with you - we had this discussion, among others, regarding what's an appropriate level of risk vs the advantages of socialising last year when we got our latest pup. The beach was high on her list of places not to take puppies not fully covered by vaccination when I wanted to get my pup out and about. Her advice was that there are plenty of places to socialise puppies where the advantages don't present an unacceptable level of risk to puppy's health. The tide doesn't come all the way up the sand cleaning the whole beach in every beach. I'm not having a go at you; just addressing your POV in comparison to what my vet recommended. I don't really care what your vet thinks. Myself, I would not take a litter of pups I bred to the beach but I can understand the benefits of getting them out and about early. What right do we have to tell them they are right or wrong? Just because your vet said so?
  10. The beach would be a great place to socialise. The sand gets a clean every day when the tide comes in. The benefits of socialisation outweigh the risks anyway.
  11. I cant believe I am reading such appalling advice!! Please do NOT do this!
  12. Great update. May he continue to improve and enjoy life.
  13. Saying the OP is dodgy and a troll is hardly helpful Just saying what a lot of people are thinking.And your posts are helpful how? I suppose you get to feel all self righteous which must be nice for you.
  14. Probably because it is someone trolling. I doubt anyone buying from a breeder's property does so because they want to "help" the pup.
  15. How much do they want for an umbi hernia repair? Do you really need it fixed? My boy has one and the vets have advised leave it be. It is about the size of a macadamia nut.
  16. And the OP was able to walk around and count all the litters...where is the OP BTW??
  17. I think the OP sounds dodgy. How do we know he is telling the truth?
  18. Terri did the breeder give you access enough that you were able to count 10 -15 litters of pups?
  19. Why is 10 -15 pups concerning for you? Could just be two litters. Happens sometimes as bitches often come into season at the same time.
  20. Put a cupful of white vinegar in a jug of water for the final rinse. It removes all built up residue and softens the coat.
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