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Everything posted by Florise

  1. Ohh wow! Anything imported from Frankston or Geelong would be hard to pass up. How would those patellas hold up? Hips would be pretty good and strong I would say, judging by the weight they are holding up there
  2. Yes I know, I wasnt walking him for exercise so much as to begin to get him used to being outside. As the great Ceasar has stated in lots of his instructional videos, training begins before we even realise they can understand us. I did however check with the vet yesterday and he said that its fine to walk him, just not to other dogs or thru the park until his booster shots? he is your pup and do as you wish I had a pup nearly die of parvo and never sat foot into a park until he got his last needles. and plus 1 to the above poster And here we go again... Please dont feel like this is an attack on you... The people of DOL are very knowlegable and very passionate. The thought of your gorgeous long awaited baby getting a nasty disease whilst out and about at such a young age would be a tragedy. PS your puppy is very sweet. If you are not happy with varying advice given here, why not just get advice from the breeder? After all, they are the people who know the breed and can advise you re diet, exercise and socialisation, to ensure the pup is given the best possible start in life
  3. Talk to your breeder about contacts she/he has within the breed in your area. Most show people know people of the same breed in other states. Ideally you need someone to tag along with to show you the ropes. Lessons will help you a great deal also, so try really hard to get to a couple at least.
  4. Why not stick with Rotties if you know the breed and love them? Having a small backyard does not necessarily mean you should have a small dog. If the dog is exercised adequately you should be fine with a rottie. Don't forget also, look at what the dog was bred for, rather than what the dog looks like.
  5. Sounds like her stitches are pulling/hurting and annoying her. Probably not much you can do, just try and keep her quiet and if she is distressed maybe a light dose of sedative.
  6. Sebaceous cyst. prick the top with a needle and squeeze it.
  7. What a frightening thought to think this act may be deliberate
  8. Are you referring to the other thread that you have running? If so, I could not see where anyone said you need to be hard. Someone said you do need to learn to not take things personally, which I agree with completely. You need a thick skin for sure, as some people who don't know you and have not laid hands on your dog can have big mouths they like to shoot off, but that does not mean you need to be a hard person, whatever that means.
  9. Are the breed stands undercover? are you talking to show people?
  10. Spiff, where are you and name of guest house please? PM if you prefer to not offend anyone :D
  11. Just came across these when I was browsing a site from the ads up the top of the page http://www.thewolfsden.com.au/ Has anyone tried them?
  12. That's not the point she is trying to make, I think it is the unexpected cost of drugs on top of the consult fee. Poodle3081, why not discuss this with the vet when the dog is treated to see if there are cheaper alternatives. I know I had a bitch desexed recently and she was sent home with a week's supply of Rimadyl. I thought that was a bit excessive and I was right - she only needed two doses.
  13. What approach? I just said the costs sound reasonable. If you have a problem paying for your dog's treatment, maybe you should get pet insurance
  14. That sounds reasonable and average costs to me
  15. I did not say I was seeing a lot of thio burns I would never label a vet as "BAD BAD" for something like that! Needles can shift while thio is being injected. What I did say was that it is a side effect, an avoidable one in most circumstances, but not outright negligence as the burn this post is about.
  16. Don't blame the "stupid" vet. That is an unlucky side effect of thiopentone. GA's carry risk, and there is a difference between side effects and outright negligence, which is what GG's dog has suffered from. Goldengirl, I am sorry for what your dog has been through and it is good that the clinic has acknowledged negligence.
  17. I'm so sorry for your loss Can I ask how old she was and what happened?
  18. Check the heart rate with your hand inside the thigh. A rise in heart rate goes hand in hand with a rise in temp. There is no way you would get an accurate temp in a dog's armpit even if you did have a thermometer. If you google to find a rough idea of normlal dog heart rate you can find out if it's up or not. Another way to tell, the inner ears may look red and the dog may be panting and seem unwell. Increased thirst also. Unfortunately not, an increased heart rate may be due to excitement or stress, pain, dyspnoea (respiratory distress) etc. The only sure way to tell of an increase in body temperature is to take the temperature. Unfortunately your answer is off topic and my answer was correct. Increased heart rate and increased temperature go hand in hand. The OP was not asking for reasons as to why heart rate may be elevated
  19. Check the heart rate with your hand inside the thigh. A rise in heart rate goes hand in hand with a rise in temp. There is no way you would get an accurate temp in a dog's armpit even if you did have a thermometer. If you google to find a rough idea of normlal dog heart rate you can find out if it's up or not. Another way to tell, the inner ears may look red and the dog may be panting and seem unwell. Increased thirst also.
  20. That can be an after effect of the anaesthetic gases that are used. No need to worry. It's wear off soon. Keep her warm and comfortable.
  21. Id try Thornit powder with him. You can get it from http://www.groomersproducts.com.au/groomersproducts.htm and it is wonderful stuff for ear infections
  22. google groomersproducts excellent products they are too
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