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Everything posted by Florise

  1. Do you make sure your dogs always have fresh clean water available? They both looked hot and lethargic there, they both had tongues out and were panting and one dog was licking the tap, but I could see no sign of a bowl of water anywhere.
  2. Does anyone associated with this dog care enough to get her assessed by a vet? You say your sister has been to the vet twice but only to weigh her, and you had the dog for four days but the vet wasn't open during that time. and proper balanced owners. Poor dog.
  3. I don't understand why these threads would be an issue. What better place to ask "what breeds are in my dog?" than on a forum full of purebred enthusiasts?
  4. I still wouldnt be happy with that as a diagnosis, it's very much a blanket term. I think they mean chronic renal failure, which is the term used in people, but your dog is young for that, and there must be a reason for it. Have PMd you.
  5. Did the vet actually give the disease a name? I suggest you ask for a referral to a medical specialist vet who has knowledge of internal medicine. An ultrasound would be helpful to identify what the real issue is and whether it is treatable. In my experience the best thing to do is find out exactly what the issue is and learn as much as you can about it, and from there, the best way to manage your dog's treatment/symptoms.
  6. Are you able to post up a pic for us? Can you check her temperature?
  7. They look like sebaceous adenomas. Common in older cockers and poodles, they are benign.
  8. Absolutely. I have always done this after vet advice many years ago. Makes them half the cost.
  9. Most definitely NOT cocker rage! Sounds like an issue with the dog's mouth that needs seeing too sooner, rather than later.
  10. Oh dear.. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/family/pets/9137764/Canine-competitor-caught-short-at-Crufts-2012.html
  11. what a very backward and ignorant attitude!
  12. Buy a dressing product from the chemist called alginate or kaltostat. Its a seaweed dressing that encourages open wounds to heal by churning it up from the base and creating a washing machine effect. Wounds need moisture to heal, and if you cut a piece of this stuff to fit neatly in the wound it will adhere and become sort of like a protective scab and the wound heals quickly underneath. Use something like hypofix to hold it in place and then muzzle etc as well.
  13. Rub some lanolin or vaseline into them at night then wrap with a light bandage to stop him licking it, and remove in the morning.Superficial cracks are normal, but if the cracks are so deep that you can see pink flesh and he is lame, something is not right.
  14. Please point out where I said YOU said the OP had no dog knowledge? It was a broad statement. Read it again. Perhaps you would get better results with your enquiries if you were welcoming and freindly rather than rude and intimidating?
  15. Being a complete stranger and a new member in no way means someone has no dog knowledge. There ARE other places to learn about dogs other than dogzonline forum. Some people have been posting on here for years. Its obvious they haven't learned much, and they are complete strangers to me!
  16. I think I missed the parts where people were saying the brown dog was aggressive. Can you possibly quote them for us? Thanks :)
  17. Here's a thought. Spend less time in bed and more quality time with your dogs.
  18. Medium here. Got beans. Soon to have big mess :D
  19. I think the dominant behaviour of the brown dog is pretty obvious, and it is concerning that you think that type of behviour could only be picked up by a k9 specific behaviourist. I would hope that many average dog owners would pick up on it as well.
  20. :laugh: Where did I say I was better than them? As I was saying, these people can't read :laugh: My point is you're calling people names for calling other people names.....I can read. I give up :laugh: I stand by what I actually said.
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