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Posts posted by Florise

  1. I was just perusing the French bulldog DOL pages and although I thought this was a hard to come by breed, there is currently 72 puppy notices! Isn't this rather a lot? Has there been a boom in breeding due to the high prices they command? Are they still selling madly, and are breeders still getting the 4-5k prices they are asking?

  2. Registered breeders do not and cannot sell their pups prior to 8 weeks of age, so I gather this is a backyard breeder? Have the parents had health tests? If the "breeder" is so keen to get rid of them that early that is a huge red flag. Certainly not raised with the care they should have and who knows what else may be wrong. are they wormed, vaccinated, vet checked? Do they have hereditary diseases? Can you get your money back?

  3. I once had a pure bred dog who we did not plan to have desexed. At 9 months she came into season and one day when I came home she was missing. I found her outside a motel mating with three dogs, one of whom was the motel's guard dog and was actually on a chain.

    That is poor management on your part. If an owner is educated and responsible there will be no issues in managing entire dogs. Desexing is purely for the benefit of people who cannot adequately manage bitches in season. I am not sure how a phantom pregnancy could be distressing for you??

  4. Hi, I bought my golden retriever last year, she's now just over four months old. I've sent off the papers to the animal registry to change ownership from the breeder to me. What I'm puzzled about is where do I get her pedigree certificate from?

    Thanks in advance for any help or pointers to other posts that have already addressed this!!

    You need to ask the breeder. This is sent to them and they are supposed to forward it to you.

  5. I have a 12 year old border collie male. For the last 12 months he has started to show signs of aging and soreness. He is limpimg occasionally, alot less active and generally more of a lay about. He has a good weight on him, a tad too much but other wise very healthy. Any suggestions on what supplements i can give him to assist with his stiffness.

    Synflex. I have seen this work wonders. http://www.dogcancer.net.au/dog-arthritis-synflex.php

  6. how do you work out that its ok to breed your dog, I'm not talking about quality of breed here, only the requirement of the breeds demand.

    for example, how does a Maltese breeder know they world needs more Maltese puppies.

    Or does it not matter and the breed will take place when the bitch is ready to breed?

    The decision to breed is not typically one that is dictated by others, it is a decision the breeder makes based around their own breeding program. If there were to be outside factors to consider however, they could be based on the amount of interest/enquiries they receive, or more importantly, networking amongst peers will tell you whether there is a demand for pups.

  7. There are certainly a number of excellent breeders in WA & more than 2 so not sure what kind of research you have done .

    You will find numerous breeders showing most weekends .

    Maybe you could send the poster a private message with some names of breeders you would recommend.

  8. Yes according to me some breeders charge about 3 times the price of a companion pup for a breeding pup with no terms.

    In fact I have witnessed this in the last few months.

    I dont quite understand why you want to be so nasty - just because you had one experience in one breed with one breeder doesn't mean that all breeds and all breeders do the same as yours did.

    Many breeders including ME charge more for a breeding dog

    You assumed that paying companion price of $3000 was the same price that the breeding dogs cost and there fore its a bad breeder - no necessarily so.

    I will assume you are addressing me. If so you are assuming a huge amount, and you are assuming it all incorrectly. How is questioning you in a civil manner being nasty, I am not sure!

    Before I bow out lest I get accused of calling breeders bad again (where did I do that?) or being nasty :confused: let me just say that sometimes the breeder DOES do the wrong thing, and sometimes buyers DO get a raw deal.

    And, charging 3 times the price (although you initially said 5 times the price) for a breeding quality dog is a brave move considering things don't always work out as planned.

  9. Yes according to me some breeders charge about 3 times the price of a companion pup for a breeding pup with no terms.

    In fact I have witnessed this in the last few months.

    I dont quite understand why you want to be so nasty - just because you had one experience in one breed with one breeder doesn't mean that all breeds and all breeders do the same as yours did.

    Many breeders including ME charge more for a breeding dog

    You assumed that paying companion price of $3000 was the same price that the breeding dogs cost and there fore its a bad breeder - no necessarily so.

    Who are you talking to :confused:

  10. I am describing the situation not to seek support for my feelings, I don't need the support of strangers online. The whole breeders terms thing is a scam that I will put up with once, to fulfill my contractual obligation, nothing more.

    I don't understand why you would be expected to pay full price if she is on breeders terms. Be thankful it is only one litter and I hope it all goes smoothly for her. As for the tent offer.. :eek:

    Breeding dogs without terms for this breed and several others is !0 to 15 thousand.

    Panlu has already stated they paid full price so no need to pull figures out of thin air!

    Thats not figures out of thin air - she paid full price for a pet puppy not full price for a breeding puppy.

    Oh, so according to you it costs an extra 12k for a breeding puppy?

    The breeders I have bought from charge the same for pets as they do for show/breeding dogs.

  11. I am describing the situation not to seek support for my feelings, I don't need the support of strangers online. The whole breeders terms thing is a scam that I will put up with once, to fulfill my contractual obligation, nothing more.

    I don't understand why you would be expected to pay full price if she is on breeders terms. Be thankful it is only one litter and I hope it all goes smoothly for her. As for the tent offer.. :eek:

    Breeding dogs without terms for this breed and several others is !0 to 15 thousand.

    Panlu has already stated they paid full price so no need to pull figures out of thin air!

  12. I am describing the situation not to seek support for my feelings, I don't need the support of strangers online. The whole breeders terms thing is a scam that I will put up with once, to fulfill my contractual obligation, nothing more.

    I don't understand why you would be expected to pay full price if she is on breeders terms. Be thankful it is only one litter and I hope it all goes smoothly for her. As for the tent offer.. :eek:

    But what sort of full price is it? Is it full price for "companion puppy" - realistically if you were to buy an adult dog of breeding quality it is likely you would pay much more than $3000!

    Seriously? How much more then? You guys need to try a little objectivity.

    My breeders terms I paid nothing and the bitch went back for two litters. I paid for desexing and that was it.

  13. I am describing the situation not to seek support for my feelings, I don't need the support of strangers online. The whole breeders terms thing is a scam that I will put up with once, to fulfill my contractual obligation, nothing more.

    I don't understand why you would be expected to pay full price if she is on breeders terms. Be thankful it is only one litter and I hope it all goes smoothly for her. As for the tent offer.. :eek:

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