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Everything posted by experiencedfun

  1. VCA Regulations state NEUTERED EXHIBITS CLASS - For neutered pure breed dogs of breeds recognised by the ANKC. This class cannot compete for Best Dog/Bitch or Challenge Certificate. then they go on to add (obviously as an afterthought) Numbering of Classes Class .1 Baby Puppy .2 Minor Puppy .3 Puppy .4 Junior .5 Intermediate .6 Novice .7 Graduate .8 Limit .9 State Bred .10 Australian Bred .11 Open .12 Veteran .13 Brace .14 Local .15 Puppy Neuter .16 Junior Neuter .17 Intermediate Neuter .18 Open Neuter .19 Interstate .20 Handlers .21 Champion .22 Sweepstakes .1 Baby Puppy .2 Minor Puppy etc. Bitch classes to be numbered: 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, etc
  2. Its a bit hard to expect cataloguers or secretaries for that matter to get it right when even the Dog Stewards Association have not seen a proceedure for running these extra classes.
  3. Baby Sweepstakes 1st Fox Terrier 2nd German Shepherd 3rd Chinese Crested 4th French Bulldog
  4. Not sure, I guess the club will make the decision on Thursday as that is when they have to tell the VCA
  5. For a break up of the breed numbers please click breed breakup.pdf
  6. if it lives 15 years its only $100 a year for companionship, security and undying devotion. Quite cheap really
  7. Ceilidh I agree completely. People come on here and whinge, some even failing to give the full details or outright lying about what they are saying and expect the world to change. If you dont like something do something about it
  8. For those with stud dogs what sort of records do you keep on the bitches and how do you log them?
  9. Maybe in some states that would work. Here in Vic I have just completed a catalogue with 1 junior neuter in the whole show and approx 10 open neuters. If clubs had to supply extra sashes etc they would soon drop the class. Just be grateful they even offer it.
  10. Southern Cross Kennel Club (Victoria) wish to advise our Group 3 and Group 5 exhibitors that Mrs Sloan (NZ) is unable to fulfil her judging appointment on 22nd and 23rd October and we have obtained the services of Mrs Vivienne McCambridge from New Zealand for these two Groups. If you do not wish to show under Mrs McCambridge, please put your withdrawal in writing and have it to the Secretary before judging commences on the Saturday at 4 pm. Rod Bennetts Secretary Southern Cross Kennel Club INc posted with permission and on behalf of SCKC
  11. Gp 5 BIG Border RUIG ACD OIG GSD GSD was 2nd in baby sweepstakes his first show...YAY Brocky
  12. It depends on the state...Vic you only do one entry form
  13. Does anyone have their numbers back yet?
  14. Steve, I understand where you are coming from about people posting when this 'puppy farm' has not even commenced, but I can assure you that Mr Attard has been breeding very large numbers of various breeds and registering them with VCA for a very long time. He also breeds under another name but I cant think of it atm.
  15. What an impressive Best In Show line up so far.........
  16. we know a reliable source when we have it at our fingertips....great work
  17. Kerry would that be my cut and paste of group 5 results.........I admit I was lazy
  18. Good luck to everyone competing today I am barracking for my niece Kerrie and daughter Kimmie who are out there as the chosen German shepherd representative. Kim is handling Kerries lovely Hope
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