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Everything posted by Norskgra

  1. Thank you. Her sire is Gandor who actually comes from SA. Apparently he takes after his father and really likes the girls. It is too early to say definately but she has a lot of things going for her. We have received some great comments from breeders about her. Yes, Tyra is a bugger. She did it all by herself this time around. Luckily the kennel owners are also breeders so one of them stayed with her the whole time until we got there. If she stays, you will get to meet her at a DOL meet when she is older.
  2. For those who haven't read breeders thread. After we moved to Adelaide, we had some of our dogs in boarding kennels. One of our males mated with Tyra who we have previously had troubled getting into whelp. I brought Tyra home to keep an eye on her and the vet said that she wasn't in whelp. One of our other girls came into season at the kennels so we swapped her with Tyra. On 27th December, I received a phone call from the kennel owners to say that Tyra had just whelped 3 pups. I left work in a hurry and we went to pick up Tyra and her babies. Unfortunately, the one and only male had died. We brought home Tyra and her two girls. We lost one of the girls on 30th December but the surviving one was fine and has kept us occupied. We are calling her Faith. She is a very bossy, determined and cocky little miss. She barks at Tyra until she comes over to feed her. She tries to tell us off if she is not getting her own way. She tries to steal Tyras food and eats her own food with gutso. Here are some photos that were taken today and I have included a wombat one especially for Raz.
  3. For the third time I will add mine to the list. Abbigail Abby AJ Alika Alchemy Amber Amelia Amy x 2 Anais Annie Anastacia (Annie) Angel X 4 Anishinaabe Annabelle Annabella April Arizona Asante sana Ashka Askari Astro Audrey Aura Ayla Baba Baci Bailey Becky Bella x3 Bit Blossom Bonny x 2 (Bonnie) Bonita Brandy Bree Bridie Buffy Cally Cassie CC Cedar Chelsea Chevy x 2 Chloe x 2 Charlotte Cinta CJ x 2 Claire Claudia Clover Cleoparta Coco x2 Daisy Dallas Delilah Delta Demi Dexta Diazz Dinky Durham Dyzney Ebony Echo Elizabeth Ella Ellie Ellie x2 Emily Emma Erin Evie Faith Fanta Finta Froggy Gabby Gemma Genie (not exactly a girly name but I thought it suited my goldy) George Ginny Gita Glitter Grace Griffin Gypsy x2 Harlow Hayley x2 Heddy Heidi x2 Holly x 5 Honey Honour Imme Imogen - Imy Jade Jane Jay Jay Jenna Jessie Jezebel Jindi Jodie Juliet Kara Kari Karma Karmen Kaos Katie Katy Kayla Keilani Kelsey Kenzie Kiesha Kizzey Krissy Kuean - (Queen) Lacey Layla Lea (lele) Lexi Lily x 2 Lobo Logan Lola Lottie Lucy x4 Mable Maddison Maggie x2 Mallee Marie Claudette Marlo Meg Meisha Merrique Mia Millie x2 Minnie x 2 (Mynni) Mischka Molly x5 Molly Coddle Moochie Mya Nala Narla Natasha Ness Olivia Paxy Pearl Peggie Pebbles Pip Polly Popcorn Porridge Prada Quince Reba Rebel Reno Rhoda Rogue Rommi Rosey Rosie Roxy Ruby x3 Sabrina Sadie Saffron Safire Sally x2 Sascha x 2 Satu Savannah Scandal Shae Shandy Shannon Sharnie Sheba Shine Sinta Sienna Skye SkySnow Sophie x2 Sophia Springy Spook Stella x2 Stimpy X2 Storm Sue Suzie Sybill Tara Tasha Tayla Teegan Tess Tessa Texas Tia x 2 Tilli Tilly x3 Tinny (tin tin) Tori Tully Tyra Vada Voodoo Winter Wilhelmina Xanthe Zillah Ziva Zoe x 3
  4. Benny Brock Brockie Charlie Cooper Gandor Jack Juggie Kasper Raffy Shadow Tazz
  5. Thanks. I will give them both a call.
  6. I was after a recommendation for a really good puppy school in Adelaide. I live at Forestville but will travel for the right place.
  7. Alika Alchemy Amber Amelia Amy x 2 Anais Anastacia (Annie) Angel X3 Anishinaabe April Arizona Asante sana Ashka Askari Astro Audrey Aura Ayla Baba Baci Becky Bella x3 Bit Blossom Bonny Bree Bridie Buffy Cally Cassie Chelsea Chloe x 2 Cinta CJ Claire Claudia Clover Cleoparta Coco x2 Cristie Daisy x 2 Delilah Delta Dexta Diva Durham Ebony Echo Elizabeth Ella Ellie Ellie Emily Erin Faith Fanta Finta Glitter Grace Griffin Gypsy x 3 Harlow Hayley x2 Heddy Heidi Holly x2 Honey Honour Jatz Jay Jay Jezebel Jodie Kara Kari Katie Kayla Kenzie Kirra Krissy Layla Lea (lele) Logan Lottie Lucy x3 Mable Marie Claudette Meg Merrique Millie x2 Mischka Molly Molly Coddle Moochie Mya Nala Narla Natasha Ness Onyx Paris Peggie Popcorn Prada Rommi Rosey Roxy Ruby x2 Sabrina Sally x 2 Sascha Satu Shae Shandy Sheba Shine Sinta Skye Sophie Spook Stella Stimpy Storm Sue Tala Tara Tayla Teegan Tess Tia Tikaani Tilly TIlly Tinny (tin tin) Tori Tyra Vada Voodoo Winter Wilhelmina Ziva Zoe
  8. I just checked my roster and I am not down to work on the 31st so we should be able to come to our first Adelaide meet. Our pup is too young but I will bring 2 or 3 of our others.
  9. Thanks you TrinaJ. I am sure they are watching over Faith. She is a very bossy and determined miss. My daughter gave her some mince and yoghurt last night while I was at work. Faith barked at her and told her off when it was gone. She was then put back in the whelping area and demanded that Tyra brought the milk bar over to her. She only turned 3 weeks on Sunday but she knows what she wants.
  10. My girls are Tyra, Kari, Angel, Prada, Mooch and Faith
  11. I gave Faith some Wombaroo with egg mixed in this morning while Tyra had the last of the custard that I had made up. Faith loved it and started lapping it up straight away.
  12. Why all the sugar and cornflour? That was the recipe that was on DOL. I am pretty sure it was originally posted by Dianne. I dont think I would have sugar cornflour or vanilla - it would look and smell yummy for humans but thats a lot of wasted carbs. It would be great for puppies without it.I let my puppies eat anything their Mums eat when ever they are ready. Thanks Steve. I will make up a bigger batch of the milk and egg and give that to Tyra as well. ETA - Would you give Faith mix it with a whole egg or just the yolk?
  13. Why all the sugar and cornflour? That was the recipe that was on DOL. I am pretty sure it was originally posted by Dianne.
  14. Thanks everyone. Thanks Fifi. We started her yesterday on some human grade beef mince with a bit of yoghurt. I put a couple of little pieces in her mouth and she ate the rest by herself. I have juct got home from work but apparently she nearly took my daughters fingers off eating her mince and yoghurt tonight. Faith wasn't happy when it was finished and wanted more. She is a real little pig. I will mix up some egg and milk for her when Tyra has her custard. That might keep her happy for a few seconds. ETA - I have some Wombaroo so will make it up on that.
  15. I normally feed my nursing mothers a custard/pudding each day to ensure they have enough milk. The girls all love it. A couple of days ago, I gave Tyra hers and left the room for a couple of minutes. When I came back, I found our now 3 weeks old pup, Faith at the bowl eating some of the custard. Today, she kept barking at Tyra because Tyra was moving the bowl away from her so that Faith couldn't get any. Faith seems to really want some of it. Would it be okay to let her have a small amount? We started feeding her a small amount of mince yesterday and she ate most of it by herself. I wouldn't normally consider letting Faith have some but she is so determined that she wants it. The custard/pudding consists of the following: 2/3 cup sugar 6 tablespoons cornflour 1/2 teas salt 1 can evaporated milk plus water to make up to 1 litre 4 egg yolks 3 teas vanilla. This normally makes enough for 4 meals for my girls.
  16. I gave Faith some mince with a bit of yoghurt mixed through for the first time tonight. I put a small amount in her mouth a couple of times and she ate the rest herself. She was then looking for more.
  17. Thank you KM. Faith is very special to us. My daughter has just brought her into the lounge room and Faith is watching cartoons on TV. She is the first one to be on our two week old lounge.
  18. Thanks BB and Becks. She is not quite a wombat but is close. She is our baby bear and is doing really well. She is a very bossy little girl. I was gave Tyra some custard/pudding yesterday and then went to the loo. When I can back, Faith was lapping it as well. Tyra was being very careful of her.
  19. Here are some photos taken of Faith last night at 17 days. My daughter brought her out to watch TV so took some photos of her on the lounge.
  20. Luckily, you can remove us from the January list.
  21. The photos above were taken of Faith last night when she was 17 days old. She is walking and bossing Tyra around. She will sit there and bark at her mum to tell her she wants a feed.
  22. Thanks MM. I know you are busy and have a life outside of DOL.
  23. Yep. Their leads, collars, bowls, beds, blankets etc are all in their own colours. The girls even have all their bedding and towels needed for whelping in their own colour. It makes it easier if we have to grab something because we know it will fit. It is making it harder though to find colours we like that we can get everything in.
  24. Black Dog does have some nice stuff and I have bought from their. I prefer a different type of lead and Black Dog do not have the colours I like. All of my dogs have their own colour for everything that is theirs.
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