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Everything posted by Norskgra

  1. Thats the problem Katey. There is no sign of a rash or any skin problems. There is no sign of anything wrong apart from the itching. There have not been any changes to thier surrounding either. The reason is a mystery.
  2. I know this has been a common problems but my Elkhounds and Afghan are continually itchy and scratching all the time. I have never had dogs as itchy as they are. They are regularly treated for fleas and I have checked and they do not have any. There is no sign of any skin problems. Both the dogs fed on BARF and the ones fed on dry are itchy so it can't be food initiated. They all get fish oil tablets daily and fish at least once a week. I have even tried washing them in wool wash as suggested in a previous post and it didn't make any difference. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Thanks CavsRescue. I have looked at her website and she is at Mortdale Vets and I know where that is/ I will get in contact with her.
  4. Thanks Tiger Jack and Cavsrescue. Yes, that is my area. I would like the number of the Physio as well. There are 2 Vets in Peakhurst and I hop it is the one I go to and not the other one as I really do not like them at all. Mortdale is only 5 minutes away from me. I was actually talking to one of my friends who bred 2 of my fur kids. She is taking 2 of her girls to see Gary Barnsley on Thursday and he was highly recommended by her vet. Before anyone asks, thier problems are totally unrelated to each other or mine.
  5. Thanks everyone. I will give Gary Barnsley a try.
  6. Our problem is that our Afghan thinks he is an Elkhound and can do the same things as them. He doesn't know that he is built differently! He keeps putting his back out being an Elkhound!
  7. Gary Barnsley was one of the ones we were told was better for our Afghan. I would love his details if you could let me have them. We can at least give him a try and see how he compares.
  8. We have actually taken our Afghan to him a few times and we thought he was good. We have been told by other people that he is not as good as some others.
  9. Can anyone recommend a dog chiropractor in Sydney? We have had a couple of names given to us but I was wondering who DOLers use and are happy with.
  10. Our Afghan gets washed once a week. Our Elkhounds get washed no more than once a month but usually longer.
  11. I totally agree that "The best food you can feed your dog is what your dog does best on". I have tried most of the super premium and premium and supermarket brands. I feed one of my girls a modified BARF and the rest are fed dry. After trying Nutro, I intend swapping to that as soon as I have finished the dry I currently have. All my dogs love it, including my finicky girl. I will still keep feeding her her special diet but will feed her Nutro at times. After trying my dogs on some sample packets of Nutro, I could notice a differenc in them. It may not be the best for all dogs but it is the one that seemed to work for mine.
  12. All my dogs love nutro. I own Miss Finicky who used to hate any dry food. I tried her on Nutro and not only did she woolf it down she tried stealing it from our other dogs as well. She has never done this before. Here are the 2 links on Miss Finicky. The first list the problens we have had with her and the second one is about the dry that she loves. http://forums.dogzonline.com.au/index.php?showtopic=49691 http://forums.dogzonline.com.au/index.php?showtopic=52512
  13. All my dogs love nutro. I own Miss Finicky who used to hate any dry food. I tried her on Nutro and not only did she woolf it down she tried stealing it from our other dogs as well. She has never done this before. http://forums.dogzonline.com.au/index.php?...topic=52512&hl=
  14. Tyra is still eating her modified BARF. She loves her chicken frames and wings and fish but she still won't eat the mince unless I have cooked it. I can mix yoghurt into her mince and she will eat it. The other nights we have to actually put it in her mouth.
  15. Tyra has now been eating for 2 weeks and is putting her weight back on! Normally she drops her coat after each season and she comes into season every 4 months. She just starts to get her coat back and she drops it again. This time she hasn't dropped her coat and it is the best her coat has looked for a long time.
  16. Thanks Espinay. Tyra is already getting heaps of hugs. It is so great to see her eat and she is eating quickly as well!
  17. Tyra has now been eating for 8 days straight. She is also putting on weight. I am not sure how much she has put on but I know she is heavier when I pick her up to give her a nurse. I want to thank everyone who has provided advice on getting her to eat. If she keeps this up, Espinay may be right and I may be asking for advice on how to get her to lose weight!
  18. Thanks weveryone for the advice. Becks - we have a hook in the war that we attach her to and anti slip mats and it still takes 2 - 3 people to keep her in as she fights so much. I will try what you suggest though. Netti - Tyra is a show dog. We don't bath our Elkhounds very much and it has been about 3 months since they had a bath. Luckily they do not get doggy odour but they do get dirty playing so they need a bath to get them clean. Our girls have just finished their season so really need a proper bath. KC - I will try the bucket and big sponge with her and make it a game with something yummy but Elkhounds have very thick double coats and it takes a lot of water to get them wet. SAS - Tyra loves the bathroom and actually sleeps in there even in the shower recess, as long as the water is not on. I will also try what you suggest and see if it works. Our other dogs are fine and we don't have any trouble with them. I am also getting a natural flower remedy made up for her to help her fear. Hopefully that will work.
  19. I wouldn't be surprised if She is frightened of water. We take our dogs to a local river for a swim and she will not go in by her own free will. She wants to stand well back from the water's edge. We have tried washing her in the bathroom, laundry and outside and she still reacts the same. We can't use the hose as we are on water restrictions but I might try a bucket and try to make it a game. It will take a lot of buckets to get through her coat though!
  20. Hi Nick, That is how we try to bath her and she is still scared. She is more than a handful. She is our problem child. Our others are fine in the bath, it is just her.
  21. I have tried the treats before, during and after her bath and she is still scared. I will try just putting her in a bath and giving her heaps of hugs and treats and then increasing the time. I think she may be scared of water because she hates going to the river and won't go in the water for a swim.
  22. Now that Tyra has started eating again, I thought it is about time that I worked on another of her problems! She is absolutely terrified of having a bath. Tyra has been having baths since she was 8 weeks old and is now 19 months. It doesn't matter whether she is washed in a hydrobath, bath tub, laundry tubs or shower she is still scared. It takes at least 3 people to give her a bath. She trashes about so much that once she scratched her eye and it filled with blood. We have used tranquillisers but I would prefer a natural remedy. I can't think of any reason that might have triggered her fear. She has always been like this. Does any one have any ideas on how to get her over this fear?
  23. Tyra is still eating. It is 6 days now. She has not eaten this many days in a row since she was a pup. Tyra also seems a lot happier as well.
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