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Everything posted by Norskgra

  1. It is if you have a bitch in whelp who has gone off her food and Ziwipeak is the only thing she will eat. All of my dogs are fed Nutro with a bit of Ziwipeak sprinkled on top. If you check out Ziwipeaks ingredients, you will find that it is superior to other foods and you get what you pay for. Even my girl does not need to eat hearly as much of Ziwipeak as she would with other foods. I agree with Kristie. The price works out about the same as other super premium foods.
  2. I also agree with Miranda but I would also add Ziwipeak. I personally prefer Nutro and that forms the basis of my dogs' diet. They also have some Ziwipeak sprinkled on their Nutro.
  3. I feed all of my dogs on Nutro with some Ziwipeak on top. They all love it. Tyra may or may not be pregnant and has gone off her food but she will still eat straight Ziwipeak. They all love Ziwipeak treats even my fussiest eater.
  4. Hesapandabear, I admit I didn't check all of their dry just the ones that I use.
  5. Gomez, I have just read the 4 different bags of Nutro Natural Choice I have here and their website and I could not find anywhere that it contains corn gluten meal. Their website actually says that it doesn't contain food. All dogs do differently on the different types of food. What works for one may not work for others. I know that mine do best on Nutro Natural Choice and I have tried every type of dry from Super Premium down to supermarket brands. I also now add some Ziwipeak. Nutro Natural Choice has not been recalled and I have no intention in changing from it unless my dogs have a problem with it.
  6. I buy Nutro and Ziwipeak from here: Natural Pet Foods Australia They have the Ziwipeak Cuisine, Canned and Treats.
  7. I also give mine Ziwipeak Treats and the dogs absolutely love them.
  8. I feed all of mine Nutro with some Ziwipeak added to it. Everyone one of my dogs love both Nutro and Ziwipeak and go berserk when it is dinner time.
  9. I have been feeding my dogs Nutro for quite some time. I use the Adult Lamb and Rice or the Chicken. I also feed some the Lite and my HamiltonStovare is fed the Large Breed Puppy. If Tyra is in whelp, her babies will be raised on Nutro Puppy.I have been feeding Tyra Nutro Puppy for a couple of months leading up to her mating on the advice of our Repro Specilist. I have recently started giving them a spponful each of Ziwipeak on top of their Nutro and they love it. Kasper has been very finicky since just before Tyra came into season and he is now eating his dinner without any problems. Mine also get the Ziwipeak treats and they go berserk when they see me go to the cupboard where I keep them. I really have to thank Hesapandabear for introducing me to both Nutro and Ziwipeak. My dogs have gone from being finicky to scoffing their food. In fact Tyra used to be so finicky that I started a thread asking for help. Now she washes up the other dogs dishes.
  10. I am glad the problem has been fixed. I hope you are feeling better soon and try to relax. I have never been able to fault the service and I am glad that everything is getting back to normal and so are my furkids. They get sooooo excited when their food arrives.
  11. If you do a search of the forum, you will find lots of info on BARF, raw and what people feeds their dogs as these questions get asked regularly.
  12. I feed mine Nutro with turkey necks, chicken frames and necks etc. They also get sardines and eggs once a week.
  13. Thanks everyone. I think Brock's whole diet is doing him good. I bought some sprays to make his coat shine for shows but so far, I don't need to use any of them.
  14. I used to have a very finicky eater and tried every dry food available from cheap supermarket brands to Premium to Eagle Pack. Someone suggested I try Nutro and sent me some samples. My finicky girl loved it from the first mouthful. I feed all of my dogs on Nutro and they go crazy when they see me going to the food containers. They are in much better condition and their coats are fantastic since I changed. Eukanuba suited a couple of my dogs but Nutro suits all of mine. I am raising my new puppy on Nutro as well and everyone who sees him comments on how good he looks. We never have any trouble getting them all to eat their dinner and it seems to be a race to see who finishes theirs first.
  15. SUCKA He will eat if he is hungry, but how could you resist that little face I know he will eat if he is hungry but we are also trying to put some weight on him. If it wasn't for his weight, he would go hungry until he decides to eat. I am not worried about him not eating his lunch as it is only to be expected at his age.
  16. Thanks Benny123. All of my dogs are fed Nutro of one variety or the other and I am sure that has a lot to do with Brock's coat. I was feeding him sardines on Saturday's, tuna on Wednesdays and an egg once a week. He also gets fed chicken necks or wings every day and also some pieces of chicken frames once a week. I am currently mixing some minced whole chicken and veges in to his dry for dinner as well. He also loves the premade BARF patties. He also loves it when I give him some of thre meat from my Elkies lamb flaps. He is also teething so that could be one reason why he doesn't like to eat his dry by itself.
  17. I forgot to mention that I also give them all fish oil capsules. My pup has a beautiful shiny coat but I wasn't sure if I was giving him too much fish. You can see the shine on his coat in this photo and I haven't used anything on his coat to make it shine.
  18. I have always given my dogs sardines once or maybe twice a week. My 3 month old pup has stopped eating his lunch and won't eat all of his breakfast unless I put some fish on it. I have started giving him a small tin of tuna, salmon or sardines on it. Am I giving him too much fish? If not what other types of fish can I give him that will keep his coat looking as great as it does now?
  19. What works for one dog may not work for another. I have tried my dogs on just about every dry available from the cheap supermarket brands to super premium ones. The only food that all of mine will eat is Nutro. They are all doing great on it and are in the best condition they have ever been in. I am feeding my 11 week old pup on it and at this stage it would take a lot for me to change to another brand.
  20. Fido's also have an Aloe Vera Gel shampoo which is great.
  21. I know that they don't have a lot of money but I did suggest Advance to them. I really think that the best the pup will be given is either Supercoat or Optimum.
  22. Thanks Gretel. I would never not help a pup. As you said it was not her fault. At least the new owners, even though they got her the wrong way, have asked for advice. I have given them as much advice as I could including some of my puppy handouts but I wasn't sure if there was anything Rotti specific I should tell them because I have never had much to do with them.
  23. I know these have been done before but my pc is playing up and not letting me do a search. With all the extra hours I have been doing with work with added penalty rates, I have been thinking of finally buying a hydrobath and dryer with the extra money I am making. I am currently working a 13 day fortnight and there is no sign of it letting up. The hydrobath will make it a lot easier than trying to wash the dogs in either the big laundry tub or having to have a shower with them. The dryer will definately come in handy especially when the Elkies blow their coat. The dryer I have been using is not powerful enough. I was after some recommendations on what would be the best hydrobath and dryer to get for my Elkies, Afghan and soon to be Hamilton.
  24. Thanks CavNrott. I did tell my daughter that Optimum would be better than Supercoat if they could afford it. I also told them to feed 4 times a day. I don't go on the recommended amounts with any of my dogs. I know how much they each need and it is never what is recomended. That is why I said about a handful for each meal. That is approximately what I feed 8 week old Elkie pups.
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