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Everything posted by Norskgra

  1. I posted a thread awhile ago about whitening shampoo and how to remove stains from a friend's white dog. It had some great ideas that worked. The replies said to use either sunlight or sards wonder soap and then a whitening shampoo. I noticed in a current thread that someone said to use the whitening shampoo and then sards. What do people use first, the sards/sunlight soap or the whitening shampoo?
  2. I agree that Gary Barnsley is fantastic. We take our dogs to him.
  3. Someone told me about some herbal tablets called Be Calm that could help Brock and his travel phobia. Does anyone know where I could buy some?
  4. Thanks Sandgrubber. We did wrap it with one of the bandages that sticks to its self. He is not bothered by having to wear a bandage. It is not too bad. I have a feeling he is like his mum. When she was a pup, she noticed that our other male was getting attention and not her. Tyra started to limp and of course we raced over to see what was wrong. She gots lots of cuddles and then got up and started limping on a different leg. She would start to limp any time that she thought Kasper was getting too much attention. We have already caught her female pup doing the same thing. ;)
  5. One of my 13 week old pups has a split in the webbing betgween 2 of his toes. I have put some Betadine on it. What is the best way to treat the split? He doesn't want to put his paw down.
  6. Thanks for the replies. I also prefer the refrigerated types but I thought that I could put one in their first aid kit for emergencies or until I could buy some. We have been lucky and none of our dogs have had upset tummies apart from the babies when they were little and that cleared up with some yoghurt. This time they were quite bad, especially Angel.
  7. My 2 12 week old pups both have both had upset tummies. They have both been vomiting and had diarrhoea. I took them to the vets who tested a sample and has given us a couple of different tablets for them. The vet also asked if I had any probotics to give them. I actually threw out some Yakult on the weekend that was past its used by date. Are there any probotics that have a longer shelf life that I can keep in the dogs first aid kit?
  8. All of min eat Nutro of one variety or another. We have never had a problem with the food or delivery. In fact for the last couple of days, Shadow one of our 11 week old pups, will only eat his puppy and won't touch his meat or chicken necks.
  9. Thanks again everyone. As always your advice has been very helpful. My friends dog is a Malamute. Can the Glo awhite be used all over the girl or only on the whites and another shampoo used on the coloured coat? ETA- When I used to breed and show Old English Sheepdogs, I know I used to use Bluo but I couldn't remember the ratiio. Bluo used to bring them up really white is you made it up properly other wise they were blue.
  10. Thanks everyone. I will pass on all of your suggestions. I am so glad I don't have white dogs apart from the white on my HamiltonStovare.
  11. One of my friends bitch has been crated while she was in season. She was let out supervised for toilet breaks but she still managed to pee in her crate. Her coat is now stained yellow. I have tried Animal House Mighty White N Brite and another whitening shampoo I had and although it did decrease the staining she is still not white. Does anyone have any suggestions on what shampoo to use and how to get her girl white again?
  12. I agree PW. I never feed the amount stated on the feeding guides. I don't weigh my dogs. I always go by sight and feel.
  13. I feed some of mine Nutro Light and it always works when I want them to lose weight. I have 2 permanently on it and it is the only way I can control their weight.
  14. I am curious as to what really is the difference bewteen normal and large breed dry? My Elkhounds are at the high end for normal breed and my HamiltonStovare is at the lower end of large breed. Would it make much difference if I fed them the same dry?
  15. I have first aid stuff for my dogs all over the place and I have decided to put it all in one place so it is easier to find what I need just like my whelping kit. I was curious as to what people have in their doggy first aid kit.
  16. For that recipe I use about a cup of wheatgerm. You can use the one you find in the cereal aisle for it.
  17. I feed all of my dogs on Nutro with a sprinkle of Ziwipeak on top. They also have a couple of nights a week where they just have bones of some sort. I am currently raising my pups on Nutro and they love it and are doing really well.
  18. If they have the Salmon heads next time I am there, I will get some to see how the kids like them.
  19. While we were out shopping, we saw some Salmon heads for sale in Coles. They were quite cheap. I nearly bought some for our dogs for a change but wasn't sure whether they were okay for them with the fine bones.
  20. I am also very surprised. All of my dogs are fed Nutro and my current litter has been eating Nutro from the start. One of my dogs has had nothing but Nutro since he started on solids and another one has been fed Nutro since she was 8 weeks old. We have not had any problems of any sort with it and I am more than happy to keep feeding my dogs and pups Nutro.
  21. I am also not a fan of Supercoat. I tried a couple of mine on it when I was trying to find a food they would eat but they didn't do well on it. They poohed too much so they lost a lot of the nutrients that were in the food and the ingredients were not very good. There are several foods better than Supercoat.
  22. I just received a message that a friend's Elkhound has died. Some how the friends dogs were let out 2 - 3 weeks ago. They were all found but one of the girls became sick. The Vet thinks that she may have absorbed some poison through her paws and possibly digested it when she washed herself. She went down hill fast with her immune system failing and she was experiencing siezures. She required a blood transfusion and was likely to require a second one. We all had our Elkhounds lined up to be tested for compatibility. Tyra probably would have been the closest match but could not be used because of her recent whelping and the fact that she herself had lost a lot of blood. She didn't make it. Her owner is totally devastated as you can imagine.
  23. I am so sorry Hesa. My thoughts go to you and Cara's owners. RIP Cara. ;)
  24. I feed mine Nutro and a bit of Ziwipeak on top. Two or three times a week they have bones( chicken frames, turkey necks etc.) instead of their dry. Once a week I will add a tin of sardines to their dry. I like to give them a variety because I know I would get bored eating the same thing for every meal.
  25. I feed all of mine Nutro with some Ziwipeak sprinkled over it. When Tyra went off her food early during her pregnancy, Ziwipeak was the only dog food she would eat. They also get chicken frames, turkey necks etc as well as sardines with their dinner.
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