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Everything posted by Norskgra

  1. I am doing some research and was wondering whether anyone use probiotics on a regular basis with their dogs? If so, how often do you give it to thsm and do you use Yakult or another type?
  2. Depending on the dog, they either get Nutro or Eagle Pack. I am lucky with where I get it. I order online and normally have it the same day or else definately the next day, weekends included.
  3. I would buy a small bag of Eukanuba and mix in the Eagle Pack, gradually increasing the amount of Eagle Pack.
  4. Thanks everyone. So far she isn't showing any other signs of coming into season. It may also have been because the class was a lot bigger than normal because of the Royal. She was her normal self when we first arrived but when all of the others got there she went really quiet. By the time the class had finished she was almost back to her normal self again. I think I might just take her for a walk to the shops tonight and see how she goes. I will just give her some training at home.
  5. That is what I was afraid of. It will be her first season and I know it is common for the first. kari was like that for her first one but has been fine for her others. I will take her to show training again tonight and next week and see how she goes.
  6. I took Angel to show training last night and she was not herself. She was very skittish and more sooky than normal. She would jump at the slightest sound. The trainer said that she acts like she is coming into season and I have been expecting it for a couple of months. Is there anything I can give her to make her feel like her old self? I am giving her Evening Primrose Oil. We have the Sydney Royal coming up soon and I have already withdrawn 2 dogs, I would hate to have to withdraw Angel as well.
  7. I hope so. I am really looking forward to starting some clicker training with Angel, my youngest girl. I am going to start this weekend, probably with an old box clicker because I doubt that the new ones will arrive today.
  8. Thank you so much. I have just bought both of them. Have you had a chance to read any of the e-book yet? I have a paper copy of the book and love it. The other book must be new and I haven't seen it but it looks worth the money to me I had a quick look at the e-book last night and will have a good read on the weekend. It looks like it is going to be a good tool. I ordered the other one as well. I hope it doesn't take too long to get here. :rolleyes:
  9. I have ordered an I-click and a triple crown one to see which one I like best.
  10. Thanks everyone. I will buy an I-click one or 2 tomorrow. I have an old fashioned one that I haven't used so I might start with that until I get the I-click one. It is for show training for 2 of my Elkies so the I-click will come in handy as it is quieter as well. I want to start training our new puppy when it arrives with a clicker as soon as possible.
  11. I want to start doing some clicker training with my Elkhounds. I have seen a few different types of clickers. Is there any difference between clickers or are they all the same? Is there one that you would recommend?
  12. If anyone is bored, could you please make me a logo I could use on our stationery and website as well. I am having enough trouble getting my daughter to make us a new signature. I would be waiting for ever for a logo as well.
  13. I am so sorry for your loss. RIP Miss Mollie.
  14. It is strange. She is healthy but has an intolerance to certain fats. The vets can't find anything wrong with her. She can eat beef fat but can't eat chicken fat. We have to take every bit of fat off chicken for her. The strange thing is that her dry food was based on chicken and she doesn't have any problems at all with the dry food. Maybe because it is cooked. ETA - Now that I think of it, she can eat BBQ chicken without any problems.
  15. Thanks NC. She is a bit of a snob anyway and likes nothing but the best. I could just feed her dry but I do like to give all of my dogs meat, fish and bones once or twice a week. Mine love salmon as well.
  16. Thanks again NC. This is the first time for Kari. I will have a look in the Halal butchers. It's not a silly idea. Kari loves prawns and crab. She doesn't get it often, only a bit if we are having some I haven't tried her on oysters or lobster though.
  17. Thanks NC. Money is not important, espeially with her. She will eat her dry without ay problems but I like to give her meat and bones occasionally. We hae a few Halal butchers around us, so I will try them. It isn't confirmed yet that she is in whelp but she is definately showing the signs.
  18. Okay, we can cross rabbits off the list. I only gave her a couple of peices of one and it really went straight through her. Her bowel motions were completely runny and ended up just like water.
  19. I think I will have at look at some gourmet butchers and see what they have to offer. I would never dream of shopping at a gourmet butcher for us but I don't mind for my dogs.
  20. Thanks TT. I know Kari loves fish but I will try her on some Venison to be traditional. I don't think any butchers arouns me sell moose though.
  21. She can eat chicken breast if i remove the skin and any fat. I really want to give her some variety. If she goes off her food, which is normal if they are in whelp, I want to have a few foods that I can give her. Jed: I have a few ethnic butchers around us so I should be able to get goat.
  22. Bush's at Roselands. Other Bush's would probably have them too. I don't normally buy my meat from there but I remembered a friend saying that she had got rabbit from Roselands and I guessed it was them. I rang them and they had some.
  23. The butcher I am getting the rabbit from sells them for $10 for a wild one and $20 for farmed. I don't know where you can get goat from but I know that Stapleton butchers at Sutherland has venison/deer.
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