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Everything posted by Norskgra

  1. They are not quite the same but are made of aluminium. Carry Crate and Fixed Crate They are made in Qld. This is the same site as Kavik posted while I was posting.
  2. I have decided that I will switch their menu around and Thursday can be their chicken mince night. I will turn it into a large patty with their favourite vegetables and other things they like and decorate it.
  3. I was thinking of a meat loaf as well,. I thought of making it out of chicken or turkey mince because Shadow can't really tolerate beef. I suppose it wouldn't hurt them to have the meat cooked just this once.
  4. It is hard to believe but Angel and Shadow will be 1 on Thursday. I feed them a raw diet. I am at a loss of what to do for a birthday cake as all of the ones I have found have grains in them. I am after something healthy to go with their raw diet.
  5. The ones in the link I posted are really easy to put up. I have a stuffed thumb on one hand and I can manage to put them up and down with out any problems. The ventilation is really good as well. My dogs are nice and cool in summer.
  6. We have four of these in 2 different sizes that we use at shows and they are great. Soft Crate They come in a few different sizes and have outlasted other soft crates we had.
  7. Luckily, Elkhounds may look like shorter haired Keeshond but they are not normally paddlers.
  8. Thanks Rysup. As I said, I have never had an Elkhound paddle before. Prada loves the water. I will try raisng the bowl and maybe putting a rock in it. If that fails, I will just put the bowl down for her, Gandor and Kari to drink out of and then take it back up. I alrady have lots of towels down but then she and Gandor think it is fun to pull the towels away.
  9. I know it is a reasonably common problem but I have never had an Elkhound that paddles in their water bowl. Prada, who is almost 10 weeks old, loves to go swimming in her bowl. I changed from the ceramic bowl to a metal one with a lid that has a small opening in it to see if that would stop her. It didn't she still paddles in it and when it is empty, she will move it around the room. I am up and down most of the night refilling the bowl and wiping up the water. How can I stop her going for a moonlight swim?
  10. Thank you. It makes it easier than peeling it. Do you feed the seeds as well?
  11. Normally when I do the vegetables for the dogs, I leave the skin on them. When I do pumpkin, I take the skin off more from habit. Do you feed your dogs pumpkin skin?
  12. My dogs get dried tuna and Hoki for treats.
  13. Our first male Elkhound was half the size of his brother and smaller than his sisters. He was so small when he was born that the breeder wasn't sure he would live. When we saw him at 3 weeks, he was still definately the 'runt' but was healthy. He had a great temperment and was very loving. Once we picked him up at 8 weeks, we didn't see the breeder until he was 5 months old and by that time he was bigger than his brother. He still has a great temperment and is still very loving and loves his cuddles. He is healthy and sired his first litter last year.
  14. I have changed my dogs from fish oil capsules to flaxseed oil but I am not sure how much I should be giving them. They weigh from 18kg to 25kg. Can someone please let me know the amount I should give them?
  15. I think it may depend on the breed/dog. My Elkhounds are supposed to have a soft, dense, woolly undercoat and coarse, straight outer coat. I have been giving the supplement to Kari since before she came into season and her pup is 3 weeks old tomorrow. Her outer coat has not softened at all.
  16. Thanks everyone. We are feeding some of ours a breed specific diet and the dried fish would be ideal. I have given ours chicken breast and I know they like it but we aren't feeding the ones on the special diet much chicken.
  17. I was wondering what those who feed their dogs on a raw diet, use for bait for training or the show ring?
  18. You could moisten it with some water. If he is really bad, I would probably add some olive oil as well.
  19. You could give him some wheat bix or 1 dessertspoon of Olive oil.
  20. That is what I normally do Oakway. This time I want to feed it a totally raw diet with no commercial dry.
  21. Thanks Tess. I have some of my adults on raw and feed them approximately 3% of their ideal weight. I wasn't sure about a pup. I would be starting it at around 3 weeks. Thanks Persephone. That gives me an idea for a baby.
  22. I would like to wean Kari's pup onto a raw diet when it is old enough. Has anyone weaned a pup straight onto raw food? How do you calculate the amount for the pup? Is there anything you should/shouldn't give a pup that you do give an adult?
  23. I always make sure that I have some Protexin when I have a litter but I have been lucky enough not to have to use it.
  24. I actually have Protexin in my dogs' first aid kit but have never used it.
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