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I dunno if anyone will even read this but anyhow... I gave Mr B a raw chicken wing (i couldnt find chicken necks on the weekend) i watched him like a hawk. He loved it (obviously) although he got a upset tummy the next day is this normal? It was some i brought a week ago and put in freezer straight away when i brought them home from the shop and the morning i got them out i put them in the fridge and let them defrost before i gave only one (1) to him. - was this wrong? I'm looking at Science Diet at the moment my vet reccomended it. I went to Petwise and they told me his dry food is all he needs as pup as dry food give them everything they need. hmm i didnt know this. thanx for everyones help.
Thats what i thought. Hes a wriggley little thing so maybe i should do the visit without him i know how much he weighed 2 weeks ago if they need to know that when recomm food. They also prolly clean the floors for the pup preschool so i wont risk it just yet! thanx for your help!
2 dogs rampaging in PetWise... Hmm dont think it would go down to well! I finish early today so im thinking of going there to get him some new food. Because has only had his 2nd vacc its not advisabe to take him there? (Even if i carried him whilst on the leash?) I dont think it would be smart but none the less i thought i'd ask.
He He! He is gorgeous! But i'll spare you the comment on the feet coz to be honest i wouldnt know any different! Has he got any bigger since the photo? I'd wanna show him off too. (im the same with Mr biggles) I think we have a German Shepard pup where i go to Puppy Preschool they are so cute when they are still really small. To me they just dont look the same when they get older (not that im saying thay are any less cute because they still very much are!) I think i drive my partner insane with the amount of time and money I've spent at the pet stores over the years ive known him I used to have lots of fish but managed to kill them all - the poor little things Im now banned from the fish section. its only small animal or dog section for me now. Well if i do go there i'll keep an eye out and say Hi.
ahh thinks i will have to do that or i will be getting very confused thanx!
I usually go to the one at cannon Hill its really close to where i am.. Tho i have been tempted to go to the one at Kessles Rd coz i work near there and my partner loves CD's and is forever going to JB's right next door. Also if there is a lady who actually groomer there it would be good i like PetWise. I'm gonna look around tho My friends mum used to be a groomer but its out in Ipswich so im not travelling that far! And it wont be hard to miss my SWF he will be the naughtiest one you will ever see. (well i think so I've never met a small dog like him with so much beans he never stops like one of those wind up yap yap dog toys that were around heaps when i was a kid luckly tho he dosnt yap and unlucky for me when im tired he NEVER unwinds!) what is a GSD?? Has he/she got Huge Feet coz he/she a pup? I heard when they have huge feet its coz they are gonna get really big. (i say he/she coz i dont know its name or if its a he/she and i dont want to offend)
He He i think most dogs are tarts. Gaps a bit of a bother to get to tho (from where i am sort of anyway i always think of the traffic and how i without fail get lost there!!) but if you say she's good then i'll look into it more when i plan on getting him professionally groomed. Thanx for the information on the Barf thing too.
Thanx i'm looking at it now! Ahh and i understand BARF... it ws actually sounding pretty gross at first... the word BARF dosnt sound too nice to me!
How far on the north side?? Im near the South east (maybe i dunno what you'd call it i only been there 6 months) I never seen the PetWise Ad i didnt even know they had one. I just live near one so its easy to go to. Where did you find out all you needed about the home diet?
I went to the BARF site but it was just some weird site seemed to have nothing to do with dogs.... is it right?
I'm going to head down to PetWise and look at Advance. As well as go to the link you gave me for the balanced diet for dogs. Thank you or your advice about PetWise. Also is the Hydrobath there just self serve or also a professional groomer? At moment im grooming Biggles at home but will definatly be getting him groomed professionally (i think i have to wait till he has his 3rd Vacc) I also understand now that people arnt being mean so sorry if any of my replys are defensive its really hard for me to get used to conversation with out voice changes, facial expression and body language - like SMS i somethimes take things the wrong way. I totally understand now! thank you Molasseslass
I've seen that and filled out the from a 5 times then always lost it! Im shocking! Do agree with you about spending money at Petwise rather than PetCity something about PetCity left me a little cold a few times i've been there. PetWise seem to be helpful and nice i buy my Guinea Pig stuff there. Is that where you go mostly?? Seeing as your from Bris you'd know some good places. If you dont mind me asking. My partner wants to do a home diet for Mr B (he used to do it for his old cattle dog) i was a bit wary tho i heard that dogs dont get all the vitamins they need from home meals. Still i was interested in it. What is kibble?? Sounds like something you feed chicken he he I'll go visit the link shortly Thank You
I know this!! I was never planning on buying my dog from there but i just fell in love with him and lucky for me mum brought him (so thats why i could afford it). Aside from buying him there i dont plan on buying animals or items from there again. Especially more so now i feel like I've been givin bad advice. I been going to Petwise and PetCity and a local store Guppy's To Puppy's to get my stuff. Mind you aside from PetWise i find the others expensive too. (But i figure i love my dog so its worth it) That is also why i wanted to know a good brand of food because i dont plan on buying Innova again when its all finished. I'm near the Camp Hill suburbs if you know it (I dont know if you'd say this was south east or what but when ever i say this it makes me think well all of brisbane is south east - and that probably sounds really dumb!)
Drey i did this post seperate coz i think it will take me a bit!! After yesterday i started him just on the dry food and increasd it a little (to make up for the fact he isnt getting the tin food now) I didnt think until yesterday that it goes off i was under the impression coz it came from a can and i keep it in the fridge in a sealed plastic container it be ok.... but i lost my common sence. (also the pet shop gave me this impression). I'm dong all this with my Vet. I go to GreenCross Vets in Brisbane - i didnt just go choose the cheapest one if anyone is thinking this. My parents old dog went to a vet that turned into a GreenCross and they were excellent. Mr B got his first vacc there when he was still at the Pet Store so i just kept going there after i brought him. Mr Biggles is 12 week old Male (Mr) Shih Tzu X Maltese (Please i beg dont start on the cross breed thing with me (it makes me sad) i know puppy farming is wrong and i may (stress on may because i dont know) have encoraged it from buying him from a pet store (i really didnt fully realise this at the time) but i just fell in love with him and every dog x or not deserves a loving home) I'll try and post soem pics for you to see! Thanx for your feedback. Starting to finally realise people are trying to help and not be mean (well i hope this is the case)... -Moogs
Yeah your right KitKat thats what i ment duh! ha ha i was getting myself confused. Thanks also for your other advice about foods. I was thinking soemthing like Eukaneuba (sp) coz i always hear heaps about it. I got the innova from Pets Paradise hope i can say a store name and not get into trouble - if not SORRY!!) Thats where i got Mr B from. Thanx Katetk i was definatly gonna do that no way would i leave him alone with them i dont want to come back into the lino area and find a choking Biggles. Also I'll go look for Brisket bones too. I know you were trying to help Baliey's Mum i appreciated sorry if what i said sounded totally wrong it wasnt ment to. Thanx every one who is helping!! Appreciating it muchly!
Also finally i went searching on the net for the dog food (i went to the internet site the pet store i brought him from has) and it's called Innoxa for Puppys. it didnt start with an E (i thought it was Ennoxa or soemthing similar.) Now when i said its not commercial i could be completly wrong i jsut thought coz it was from and reccomended by a pet store it would be a good brand.
Excellent!! Thank you for your advice KitKat!! :D :D
By the way just to add another question can i give my biggles bones like raw chicken wings??????
Thankfully!! I actually thought that too.... Pretty gross thats why i want to ask the vet. Mr Biggles weighed 1.4kgs when i took him to the vet Monday 30st May he is 12 weeks and yes they said one tea spoon a meal only with 1/4 cup dry food. = 3/4 cup dry and 3 tea spoons wet a day. (i feed him three times a day - morn afternoon and nights - (afternoon coz i work)) ok i will then. at the moment i just soften it the slightest bit. he still seems to have his baby teeth tho to be completly honest i'm only saying this coz his teeth look small still. he gets those denta bones for small puppys he loves them, he did have small raw hide chews the store reccomended by he didnt like them. Mr B has enough chew toys etc to make a very spoilt baby jelouse.
ok... Sorry im really shocking at replys so..... I no that my pup will not be fed on older dog food for a quite while yet im going to the vet on Sat for his next worming so i am asking them then. its just the tin of pup food is so big and i was told to give him 3 tea spoons a day (so 1 teaspooen with his dry food each meal) that its going to last a long while (till he is about 6 months) (im only doing what the girl where i brought him from said). Its not Pal or anything like that i know it was in a maroon tin and alfoil type bag for the dry food and it started with an E (not a common word i dont think either thats why i cant remember it) Its designed for puppys. and i just wanted idea for what people thought were good puppy foods it didnt really mean i was going to drastically change anything. i feed him 3 times a day at each meal he gets: 1/4 cup of dry pup food softened slightly in hot water and 1 teaspoon of wet food. his treats for training are puppy liver treats. He had tummy upsets on the change of environment he had. i had him vet checked the next morning after getting him home and they said he is healthy and the small tummy upsets was normal if it didnt clear up by next day then bring him back but the next day is was fine. One in Brisbane i wont specify tho what one, i'd rather not. What i should of said is we touched base slightly on the issue but the lady said she would prefer us to be talking to the vets when taking our pup there then to her primarly (i guess coz the vet knows more anout there health then the trainer). Thank you for telling me what you are doing its good to have a comparison tho dont think im going to be nieve and silly and do what you do with out the advice of my vet (just incase you get this impression i dont want to start anymore negative stuff :D ) sorry if i am upsetting anyone im trying not too - i hate confrontations etc im just trying to do the best i can. :D
I've only had him almost 3 weeks and while im at work i cant just get to the packaging to see what it is (because its under the sink at home). I have a terrible memory for names of things etc unless its in my face all the time. I know it isnt just cheap stuff and it was recommended by the pet store i brought him from because its the same pup food they were feeding him and said that with the amount of wet food they reccomended i feed him - when the can is finished it would be time to speak to the vet about an older diet for him. (I'm only doing what I'm told and its the best i can do unless im informed otherwise) i'll go home tonite and check what it is, which is what i was suppose to do last night but i had puppy preschool and was busy. Im all new to this so i cant just rattle off dog product names from the top of my head. -Moogs
Thank you... Im at work at the moment (Yup working really hard) so i cant remember off the top of my head what im feeding him. Will talk to vet more about it tho i think. i know i have to do it gradually i definatly dont want to make him sick or have to clean up upset belly messes again it was bad enough when i first briought him home ;) - Moogs
Hi, Was just wondering if anyone can tell me if its ok for me to start introducing some new foods to my 12 week Maltese X Shih Tzu's Diet i am currently feeding him what i was advised to from where i brought him but untill i get to my vet i was curious. If i can could someone please tell me what they recommend and how much... If not i mite ask my Puppy Pre-School tonight tho she did say she didnt want to talk about diet etc with us as she was to just train them. Thank you! -Moogs ;)