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  1. There are plenty of homeless people living with their animals and are no problem to anyone or themselves. There are plenty of housed dog owners who fail to prevent their dog harassing other people/dogs when they are out in the community. From my memory, when looking at the picture accompanying the article a few days ago, I had wished the dog was on a leash, sitting nicely and looking at its owner, or leashed and laying on the ground. Was the photographer ignorant or biased or unable to get a nice shot because the owner and dog couldn't achieve that? The article mentioned other people living in the vicinity complained of unwanted dog behaviours and poor control by dog owners.
  2. I have had to learn the hard way not to say anything to other dog owners if they are doing the wrong thing with their dogs in public. No matter how calmly or nicely you tell a rank dog owner that what they are doing is wrong/unsafe for other people/dogs you will be shouted and sworn at. Grown ass men are the worst for it - so entitled, so ignorant and so ready to abuse anyone who dares point out a thing to them.
  3. "When the pair tossed the piece of wood towards the family, the dog ran at Waheed and dragged him to the floor." This. Idiot owners. A few months ago a dog owner did a similar thing around me. We were in a large off leash area, me and my little dog were obviously skirting the edges and doing our sniffing out of the way of the main center section. The owner of an overgrown staffy type was chucking ball with one of those ball checkers for his dog and for some reason started aiming his chucks in my direction. We left.
  4. From a pet Industry point of view any breed of dog which requires services to be maintained is highly desirable. Breeds that need clipping are a huge client base. I wonder how many hundreds of millions of dollars are spent each year in Australia on clipping dogs. The explosive popularity of Ooodles has been driven by something and it's not “stupid people”, I think it is Pet Industry. Just as the clothes Fashion Industry dictates to us what we will like and buy, the Pet Industry does the same. Designer dogs? You betcha, designed to need services in order to be maintained! I think there are many lovely examples of the Oodles. From a breeding perspective it would be helpful to investigate high levels of body sensitivity though - I was surprised to learn that this is an inheritable trait identified and removed from at least one seeing eye dog breeding program. I thought it was simply a conditioning thing. With my poodle cross litter I was diligent in combing each pup on a table every day and for the two that had the poodle coat I also buzzed them all over with the blunt end of my clippers. They have zero trouble at the groomers. I have a friend with a dear little dog who is very reactive to being clipped and it is such a genuine downside for her. She is happy to pay the financial cost, but the emotional toll every few months is really sad. I don’t think he was ever comfortable with it and he doesn’t even like being held closely which is a shame, because my friend would love that. He seems happy in all other respects.
  5. The lack of a single database to be used by all is ridiculous. We are an Island for *sake and it beggars belief that there is no genuine interest in knowing basic information about our Nation's dog population. Why is this so? Perhaps each State is assessing the dollars the dog industry contributes each year and is reluctant to mess with that aspect? Perhaps the Pet Industry lobbyists are working hard to protect the supply of animals? Perhaps there are reasons which we are not privy to? The more I look into dog genetics I realise that the dog is an important species for identifying genetic markers for heritable conditions in humans, and dogs are also great subjects for hip replacements, cranio-facial surgeries, cancer treatments, congenital eye disease, skin cancer etc etc. Dogs contribute to our understanding of psychosocial disorders as well. Taking a big picture view, the supply of genetically predisposed, genetically diseased, and physically challenged dogs into the general dog population is a boon for research. Dogs in research has always been a distressing notion for all people, we don’t like to think of dogs in research and as lab animals they are big and have psychosocial needs which are hard to provide for over time and they live so long … But now thanks to our canine population many many conditions and possible treatments are being researched through the contact these animals necessarily have with Veterinary practices. More and more diagnostics, more and more possible treatments etc. Dogs will benefit too in the long run, but I don’t think we will have an end to congenital defects in dogs until there is no longer a use for them in research. In the mean time, each individual effected dog will be owned by an individual person or family who loves it very much and will spend lots and lots of money on it paying for tests, surgeries, treatments and palliative care, and experience distress and heartbreak at their pet’s suffering. If you read some of the Industry literature, there is much excitement about the potential for research. I am excited too - the potential to bring our dog population to functional health is great, but I have a sinking feeling that there is still too much to be had from the current mess and it won’t be resolved until it has been wrung dry. In the mean time the show has its prescribed Villans' (breeders) and its prescribed Heroes’ (rescuers). Responsible breeders will lead the way out for us all. Buyers rights seem to be the only thing that might put pressure on those selling faulty animals - can’t wait for someone somewhere to bring an action against a supplier of a faulty animal. Fit for purpose is a thing. Companion animal is a thing. Database is a thing. Genetic testing needs to become a thing available to all at very low cost, and dna profiling should be funded for shelter and rescues. Shelter and rescue protocols should be standardised and quality data collected.
  6. Pity they didn’t include the reason for the Beautiful dogs blindness...
  7. The only way to ensure an individual animal is not bred from is to have it spayed/neutered. Where is the strategy from the Industry as a whole to this area? Breeders are not well placed to hold animals through to a good spay/neuter age, owners are well placed but enforcement seems impossible - though for this breed it would be plausible to create an obligation in that there could be no argument made for wanting to keep an animal intact for drive in sporting/trialling disciplines… are these breeds involved in any type of activity? They don’t seem built for it! Given that animals can be tracked now with microchipping and these breeds tend to have an increased need for healthcare interventions it might be more plausible to have an actual legal requirement for spay/neuter attached to individual dogs of the breed based on animal welfare grounds. If such a requirement was in place the introduction of it would make it very clear to buyers of these dogs that they are in fact buying an animal which is not fit to be reproduced based on the difficulties the dog itself will face over its life time because of it face. It might begin to dawn on people that they are actually buying seriously deformed animals - though I understand from research that owners of brachycephalic breeds seem to experience cognitive dissonance when confronted with their canine friend's physical challanges and what it means for their quality of life.
  8. If public spaces and services in general were more accommodating of dogs ordinarily going about the place with their owners, I suspect many people contemplating the assistance dog credentials route, would loose interest and simply own and live with their dog quite happily enjoying the assistance without the palaver! The accrediting bodies being involved with particular breeders is understandable in order to secure a reliable supply of fit for purpose dogs, but refusing to test the credentials of any other dog not bred for, and supplied by them makes things murky… The testing protocols are the testing protocols. They are competency based and testable. Access to the test and opportunity to try for credentials is a must if people want to cape their mate up and get going about the place together. The airline is only seeking to limit its liability around risks associated with people travelling with their animals. No Vest? No credential? NO WAY! I am ambivelant about the assistance dog sector. I think the dogs can be great. I think the benefits can be real. I think there is a lot of shite going on also because demand for fit for purpose animals is through the roof.
  9. I would rather buy a pup (purebred or mix bred) whelped in an environment where the dam is living an enriched life and has all opportunity and lifestyle to display all her mothering and socialising behaviours to her offspring. As I understand it, this is the element that contributes most to any puppy becoming a happy and balanced animal. Put another way, the absence of a competent unstressed mother, produces anxious and unbalanced dogs. I don't think its impossible for a dam to be unstressed and competent in a kennel environment, but when the numbers get beyond a modest number I think it becomes really important that those pups get the hell out of that environment and into their homes at eight weeks or asap - because what they then need is so much more than what can be provided in that environment. Individual attention for young pups goes a very very long way IMO and it simply cannot be achieved in establishments as big as the one mentioned above.
  10. Worse fail for extendable leash I saw just last week. Old guy walking little dog on footpath and poor guy simply had to take a leak in the bushes ... felt bad for him as he obviously couldn't hold it. BUT, he was facing into the bushes and his little dog happily trotted right onto the road - I had to break suddenly and give a light toot to the old guy who spun round doing his fly up. I'm sure he thought he was being tooted because he was having a leak, but he he quickly saw what was happening and fumbled around trying to retract the leash. I just smiled and waved... but really retractable leashes - why run your dog on something where human only reacts when dog gets to limit of leash?
  11. When I had my Georgie euthanised at the vet I brought her body home, wrapped in a sheet. I unwrapped her body I the garden beside the pre-dug grave so Jilly could see and sniff her, which she did. We sat together for a small while before I wrapped Georgie's body again and I buried her. She was still warm and soft when I put her in the ground, I waited until Jilly inspected her all over and seemed to realise that Georgie was not asleep. Jilly seemed a bit quiet, but within an hour was bopping about the place. She was only a pup at the time. When my old dog Jazz was euthanised at home, my younger adult dog Jackie inspected the shrouded body and sniffed it all over, she seemed very serious and quiet. She watched from a distance as we put Jazz's body in the ground. Jackie was very quiet for the rest of the day and did not go near the grave. By the next day she seemed to have moved on. Jackie didn't see Jazz euthanised, nor did she see Jazz's body - only wrapped up in a sheet.
  12. Maybe some naming and shaming would be helpful for the general public. I am not suggesting to do that on this forum, but elsewhere. Truth is a solid defence against defamation.
  13. Oodles is understood as a cross breed involving poodles.
  14. The way you express yourself seems creepy. Your words come across as passive aggressive. The triple love hearts at the end of your message are very dark.
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