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Posts posted by Cordelia

  1. Any vet worth their salt should know that Collies are typically sensitive to Ivermectin etc... no different to knowing that Greyhounds metabolise certain anaesthetics differently (and faster) than other breeds... it's something every vet should simply know.

  2. There is no compulsory desexing for impounded/adopted animals in NSW..

    Blacktown council has an agreement with Camden University to desex adopted animals for free. The animal is not released prior to the desexing and once it leaves the pound with the owner, it is no longer owned by council (therefore not eligible for the free desexing programme).

    The dog (as stated) hasn't finished its impound time and will need to wait another week and a bit before it can taken to the Uni for desexing.. then it must stay at the pound for 5 days (approx) so that it can be supervised and stitches removed prior to the actual adoption taking place (from the end of the impound time to the day the dog is picked up, it belongs to Blacktown Council.. not the person planning on adopting it)..

    This means that if anything happens to the dog during the surgery etc or afterwards, the 'soon-to-be' owner can't sue or anything.. no money changes hands until the day the dog is being released to its new owner.

    If the dog is going to catch any disease.. it will already have it by now....

  3. Wouldn't touch a pup with a grade 3 heart murmur in a pink fit.... an adult? well, depends on how old it is... if it's a 12yr old Cavalier.. well, it to be expected... if it's a larger breed and much younger... nope.

    Grade 3 is a decent murmur... you need to talk to your vet... and the vet who diagnosed the problem. It WILL cause the animal issues over time and it WILL get worse.

  4. I can not fault the rescue place as all the dogs seemed in great care and the rescuer was a lovely person.

    Who gave you a pup with diarrhoea.

    Why wait until 6mths for microchipping or desexing??

    Desexing should have been PRIOR to leaving the rescues care (after pups tummy complaint was completely resolved)... same with the microchip....

    Did you take him to the vet?

  5. Desexing can occasionally increase the risk of intestinal upsets in pups if there is also a whole lot of oter stressful things in their little lives ie: going to a new home etc.

    The stress of changing environments, travel and new people can cause a drop in their immune system, leaving them more open to infection/virus/bacterias to take hold.

    Do you mean that the rescue only had the pups for a few days before you picked up your pup?

    The blood in the stools could be just from trauma (diarrhoea) or it could be the start of something much more sinister.... Parvo Virus has an icubation period of 7-21 days... which would put you right in time for a display of symptoms.

    Please let us know how you go at the vet.

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