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Everything posted by petmezz

  1. hi cardowens in QBN is great they have fresh meat and large bones. not shour on the other barth stuff.
  2. hi first of all i hop you and your dogs are ok it must be hard to go through. i once rescued a malt that had the same syimtums you mentioned in your first post, some thing coming out of the bum, pink looked like the insides of the dog, i took the dog to a vet aproved by the rspca and was told that the dog had disloged the intestine and needed emergancy operation. when i found the dog he wasn't in good shape, and keeped trying to go to the toilet making things worse. he was in their for 4 days recovering, and in that time the rspca found the owners, they where very releved. i realy hop this isn't the same thing, watch your dog and make shour if you see that pink thing you get the dog to the vet asap. hop all goes well
  3. i have watched domestic dogs catch wild birds so easily it is amasing. one of the familys dogs (this going back to when i was 14) a red ACD and a true red not these show things, would be lying down on the grass suddanly jump up and catch a bird in mid flight, the way he did it the bird never had a chance he out grow of this (with a little training). so i can't see why a wolves can't do the same, whill not activaly hunting in packs. for such a smart creature it would seem easy to pounce on a bird for an easy meal. but i'm not the one who has studdied this and i will acept what you say. ;) (honastly i do accept i do) . i rember seeing this on a documentry, as being reprisented as a yearly accorance, though usualy not by a pack but by individuals, that belong to a pack. do you agree with this?? and wasn't it these solitary wolves that came to depend on mans discards as a way to survive, eventually turned into the modern dog? thus these dogs/wolves had a higher % of vegitabal matter due to not discarding the insides of the small animal they just killed, and sum time of the year their will be grain in these creatures stumics. and also the gain remains of the setalment they would eat this to wouldn't they?? thus showing that they have eaten grain for hundreds of years, to sustain them selves. (yes i know what makes them survive vers thrive) (i yeald realy ) probably has but i don't realy know not good with names and all my books are locked up in storage. though you have convinced me to vertually discard all i know of wolves and re reserch to become more informed on things. you have acually convinced me to relook at what i know (you did this after your 2nd responce to me but part of my learning process is to question what i know to what others know size the different opinions up and go and reserch all the avaliabll options that came up in the talk/debate.) i find doing this gives me more ground then reading a book, and ansering a few standared questions. (yes i think i'm a rebal) good on you and thank you for educating such a porly educated persion like me. ;) edited i know i can't spell but "dird" i couldent leave up their it's been a long day
  4. no not the discarded meat, uneated food tossed away, the stuff that comes out the other end after we have eaten. i know it is gross i hop you whernt eating. but in every historical book they mention this usually regarding sled dogs and their facination with trying to get it. some dogs will also eat the partially digested plant matter that herbivors disperce. and indeed herdavors eat grain at some point in the year that will occashionoly be eaten by a dog of some sort. that is controdictory to what i have read, and learned so far, i understand they work as a pack, but in slow times or if an easy meal is apparent i can not see why they would not kill a bird and eat it. though the alfa pair will probably want the bird?? i know dogs can catch birds and some are more eficent at it then cats, so why would it be different for wolves. opps i just copied the link from a saved web page (not to my self read the title of things i'm sending a link to) yeh yeh i'll state what i sead to start with, dogs need some grain. though i will change this to dogs require plant matter in their diet, this plant mater can consist of dog friendly (dosn't harm, create scikness, or kill the dog) leafs, stems, aquotic plant life, frut, flowers, some nuts (be very cafall with this and always consult a profecional befor feeding), seeds from safe plants. dose this sound ok. i bet you come back with another set of interesting facs
  5. well espinay2 you do seem to know you stuff, i still disagree with "dogs do not need grain" but i do have a hard head at times and it dose take a lot of thumping (4 by 2 usually works) to get info in their at times. i will sertanly look at the points you have mentioned, i have always been facinated by what animals eat. i must say i envy you working with wolves that must have been something you will always remember. i haven't done much reserch on the wolves (yeh i know i should have since huskys are so much like them) so i have to take what you say as facts as i haven't reserched it enough to make a coment. though a friend that has done studdies on the african hunting dog, have mentioned that the internal organs is what they eat first, as this containds the highest nutrient value for a fast feed. though they did say they eat the stomic i'm now going to re ask them. i still find it hard to beleave they don't eat the stomic or the intestines as you mentioned?? and if they do eat them they shake out the contence?? is this just with herbovors they have killed or is it different with omnivors and carnivors?? the reasion i ask is their is great documentation of sled dogs fighting over who got to eat the wasts of people so i just asumed they would eat the wasts that where still in the animal they have killed or found. (the above i read in several escmo historial books, and have unfortunatly seen how eagerly they will eat it, never ever let a sled dog lick you ) as for seeds, yes the grains we are using today are different to the wirld ones, hence why people are starting to have reactions to some "human made" grains. but any seed is a grain, weather wild or coltervated. may i ask what do birds commonly eat?? seeds, insects, frute, and necter. is it common for wolves to catch a bird to suplament it in between large kills? so isn't this also a way of eating grain and other things and as you mentioned they are to small to sort out good and bad stuff to eat so they eat it all? sled dogs i have herd of those (or simular) but haven't actually read them. i have talked to mushers in Alaska, and they are so interested in things like this if you mention any thing about nutrition for dogs (they usualy don't think about their own) be shour to know how to divert a conversation, it can go on and on and on and on and on and on. the main studdy i would lick to get is this one, unfortunatly i can only see the contents of the studdy, to see it all i need $265 us dollers (it has come down since last itime i looked), money i don't have at the moment studdy content one day hopfully. oh and back on the grain thing. can you tell me why my husky insists on eating the bird seed, she has managed to figer out how to open dors, draws untie rope and the only incentive she has is the bird seed that she loves it (yes i have used it as a training treat when i figered out what she was doing). this is bird seed that hasn't come into contact with birds yet, i could understand if it had come into contact with birds, but it hasen't. maby i just have a werd dog it is nice talking to a persion who is chalinging what i know. thank you
  6. hi espinay2 you are wright that dogs don't need lots of grain, if you re-readwhat i wrote (if you can through the spelling errors ) i did say some grain and in brackets i did say that comercial diets use way to much grain, and your right again, they do use them as fillers. i am well awair of all the studdies and what they say is needed by dogs and cats, i'm educaten on it through other e groups, and hopfully i will be able to purchas the documentation from such studdies, to help me creat my own specially formulated food for my sled dogs. this is some thing i have looked at for a while now, but can't find the cash to spend to get this info i want. but i still say that dogs need grain, not lots, but they do nees some. to try and explain how dogs eat grain to all who try and follow a natural feeding plan for your dogs. lets look at the way they get it naturaly, their is a pack of dogs/wolvs/ferrel dogs they make a kill, some type of grasing animal, or a bird, and after they have killed the animal what part of the animal do they go for first??? 89% of the time they go for the stumic, and what's in it. then they will comsume the rest of the animal provided their not disterbed. so what is in the stumic, well their is seeds (grain), grass and roots, stumic fulid. so do dogs need grain, i do beleave they do, but their is always going to be bedates on this issue, you should see how mushers talk about % fat %meat %cardo,trace eloments and relat that to performance out put it can be amasing to see the differenc just adding or taking away a small % of those things can have on a dog. just my thoughts
  7. hi the main reasion you shouldn't feed cat food to dogs is that cat food contains higher levals of meat based protean as cats are almost 100% carnivorous, and thrie body requires meat and dosn't use plants unless it is sick, or finds the plant atractive (smell). dogs how ever are omnivours, they require meat, plants, some grain (though comercial diets have way to much grain), and even frute. if a dog is keeped on a high animal protean diet (like cats) it can develop nasty kidney probs, and a host of other things i can't rember at the moment. also the vitamin requirment veary for dogs and cats. i feed cat food to my dogs around once a week, their favioat is the home brand cat food tuna (smells just like human grade food) mixed with boild rice, vegies and occashionaly some greated frut. they love it, they see me cooking the rice and start dancing and talking.
  8. hi i don't think so, but you can look him up in the yellow pages under pet supplies, give him a call he will deliver to you if you ask.
  9. hi i can recomend cardowans in QBN, i have seen how he treets the meat, and he is realy good, he minces his own meat, it arrives in chilled vans, and keped in a cool room, every thing is disinfected every day, the prices are good and he has a high turn over so what your getting will always be good. i know a lot of the grey hound people buy most of their food and medical items their, if he dosn't have what you want he will get it for you.
  10. hi i can say garlic works. my belated corgi RIP was alergic to fleas, after trying every thing (this was befor fruntline and others) we started adding garlic to his food, in about 2 weeks all fleas where gorn. we then re spraies and washed every thing and as long as we keped up the garlic we didn't have a problem.
  11. hi i would give it a go, i used it on my dog that had a cut on the paw pad after sledding (a pritty bad one blood every where) and in 4 days time it was all better and you wouldn't know what had happened. it didn't irratate the dog at all.
  12. hi i feed fish at times to my dogs they love it. the fish will be any thing that is cheep at the time, i feed it raw or cooked. you realy see their coats shine after a few weeks off feeding it, and their energy level is great.
  13. hi all i can surgest is to have the carpet profeshionally cleaned by some one. but i would ask what it kills befor doing it. also call your vet and ask him about how to disinfect the enviroment. be carfull with parvo and do your reserch it will stay in the enviroment for years if it isn't delt with properly. keep a close eye on your other dog, vacinations arn't 100% and their is still a SMALL risk off your dog caching parvo. you now know the symtoms off it so can get help asap. also sit with the dog offering water every 3 min or so. i hope all goes well good luck
  14. hi my first sibe is 1 year old she was from Ulladulla, out off Arcticmate stock my puppy is from Keelinga Kennels Cowra - from imported Anadyr linage (working siberian huskies) where is yours from
  15. hi i would use a nylon limited slip coller on him (just my opinion use what you fell is apropriat). i have a 5 month old sibe and have never had a chocker on him only a flat buckell coller but i'm not showing him eather. . the difference to you is your dog knows what to do and how to act when out, and i hop it has been socialised. the puppy that i was talking about hasn't been for walks, hasn't socalised other then dog training. i was watching them use the chocker and their is no way this puppy knows what it is, and the owners don't know how to use it. in my opinion this dog dosn't need that sort off corection it just needs an owner with half a clue on how to traine him. these people seem to think a chocker will fix their problems with out them doing any thing apart from taking the dog to obediance class. i did say i wasn't totally against using a chocker and that they have their place, but i think this is wrong to subject this puppy to that considering it's limated socalisation, and training. i to am interested in showing and have seen a chocker used properly it was great.
  16. hi all i have just been to our local obediance club and met up with a friend i made through puppy preschool. i was shocked, their pore little puppy had a chocker on and was toled to do it by the instructer :D the puppy is about the size of a jackrussel (can't rember his breed at the moment) and is most adorable ( i would love to take him home) when i asked about the chocker the owner sad "we had to because the puppy was wanting to play with the other dogs and not listening to them he was to distracted so we need to correct this, if we do it now we whont latter on." pore puppy i find this to harsh for a puppy. i asked if the dog had any socilation out of class and the answer was no, i asked if he whent for walks the answer no, i asked if they do any thing with the dog apart from feeding, they sed they traine at home and played a bit. they say he will listen at home so they whant a perfect puppy in an enviroment he is in only once a week. i find this horred that dog dosn't need a chocker and the owners don't even know how to use one properly, well most people their don't know how to use a chocker :D but still attempt to use one, :p pore dogs. i'm not totaly against chockers they have their place but people using them with out nowing how to and on a dog so young ;) sorry just had to vent
  17. hi all thanks for the reply. i have just finished building my first bar jump and have placed it in the yard and got the dogs to jump it. it was a lot of fun watching them run straight throu it, or placing their paws on the bar to push it off. i made it using pvc piping and the bar will come off easily it they hit it next is the bord walk and A frame. for tunneles call your local child care center and see if they have one that their replacing if not they often have fundrasing toy sales wher you can buy the heavy duty ones for a smaler price then agility shops.
  18. hi all i'm interested in agility and i'm planing on making the equipment my self, dose any one have sejestions on how to do this, is their any realy important things i should know??? thanks
  19. hi i have 2 huskies and a mastive cross i feed working dog dry food and sience diet active dry food mixed togeather, cooked rice with meat or fish, vegies, and some fresh home made stock, they also get bones of all sorts. the average cost is $30 per week but this is mainly due to the science diet food. one of the huskys is doing sledding so after training and racing she gets recharge for grayhounds (it works for other dogs to) and a chicken wing with a small amount of sience diet this adds to an extra $8 per week.
  20. hi again as for the dog burieing the kong, place a peice of rop (if he is a chewer you will need to use chain) into the king thred it through the small hole in the back tie it off and pull so the knot is inside the kong and tie the other end in a loop big enough to put ther kong through then fill it and wrap it around a poll and place the kong through the loop pull tight. this way you know where the kong is and the dog can't bury it
  21. hi this is grate more things to try i have done these use cream chees and spred it around the inside of the kong. get a chicken neck and place it in the middle brake up some week bixs and stuff it eather side of the chicken neck. this one works well and lasts for ages as they want the chees stuff. stuff with mince mixed with an egg frezz fruit juice or stock with other bits of food in it place dry food in cong and sock in pet friendly milk
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