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Everything posted by petmezz
me thinks steve is having some fun . though cheep training equipment sounds good
have to say if the dog alredy knows sit, i would use the first method to help proof the behavioure.
What To Do With Dominant Aggressive Pup
petmezz replied to CP*'s topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
the breeder would be looking at her structure more then her personality, if the breeder is experianced enough to take her back they should be able to do the best thing for the dog, be it showing or rehome to an only dog family. may i ask what training are you doing with the dog and what motervaters are you using??? -
depends on the dog, how often and how much it is fed, weather it likes toys, how much training and one on one time you have with the dog. lots of things to consider. i would experament and see what your dog likes and diss likes
hi i also use a check chain and have never had a problem with it, if you are conserned with the check action of the chain you can clip the chain so it dosn't slide, effectivly disarming it so it whon't give a dog a correction. it creats a chew proof pull proof coller for bathing.
Hi all i have just come back from a 10 month working holliday over seas. the people looking after my dogs have done a wonderfull job i couldn't have asked for better from them but now i have a dog that is a little over weight and my parents dog is obease. i was wondering on opinions for the best way to get the dogs back into shape. i am fearly active with my dogs and always teaching them some thing (except when on holiday) dog sports i do are sledding (not at the moment not in the shape of the dogs) obediance and have started (pre holiday) agility. any info on diet would be great, i uset to feed 1/2 kibble (nutrence active) and 1/2 raw (meat, veg pree) so now i'm thinking light kibble and raw. your oppinions would be great.
How Did You Get Into Dog Sports
petmezz replied to leopuppy04's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
nop... he he he probably late may. probably be spending a bit of time in melb to. -
How Did You Get Into Dog Sports
petmezz replied to leopuppy04's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
But.... how did you get into dog sports? i was walking my dog one day and came across flyball practice the people where realy nice and helped me train my dog unfortunatly beau was to old and we only practiced for 5 months after that his arthritis and age cought up it was so good to see him have fun but the pane he was in afterwoods was to much. Did you get your dog specifically for a purpose? yes.... i needed a dog that would get me walking and/or pull me along. Have you since taken up sports that you had never considered doing prior to your dog? yes, obediance, agility, novalty tricks Has your 'obsession' in dog sports spurred on additional dogs that probably wouldn't have made it to your house otherwise? YES i would never have gotten a second dog and be looking at a third... WHAT did you do in your life prior to dog obsession? dogs where always my obsesion along with every other living thing around. -
lol mooper he isn't excited at all lol now imagen 15 to 30+ dogs doing the same thing......... i have a cut down star picket you could use if you need to, just let me no if you whant it, or you can by them at the hardwear and garden center across the river, i think mine cost me $2.50 each. i would recomend using a chain but that is only because mine are chewers. i hop you have fun, and i hop i get to see you again, though i don't know when i'll be back.
hi mooper almost any dog can particapate at the club their are many breeds that particapate, kelpie cross, GSD, GSP, border collies. i once came across a site that ran borders with a pem corgie running lead it was an interesting sit and apparently they did well in races. general roule about health watch for dehydration, don't run if it is wormer then 15 c, run on dirt, grass, mud never pavement to much shock on the dogs body, water your dogs, vacinations and yearly or more vet check up. most inportantly listen to other mushers they are a nice group.
hi every one, gess what i'm going to be doing in 44 days or so he he he it is only a buss trip to get to the iditarod YAY i'm hoping to follow it and be their start to finnish. that is if i can get the time off work and if i can extend the the time my dogs are being looked after for. i can't wate
Barking Then Howling When I Am Not Home
petmezz replied to Muttly's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
hi muttly why not try a desencitisation program?? try remote trainers?? can you house your "problem dogs" in the gerage will out?? that way you can give them bones, kongs and stuff, they can't see people walking by, and if the do bark at least the sound is muffled. deffinatly exercise them they need this more then other dogs. it is late i will have more idears tomorrow -
i would most likly go with A, even though their is a lot of cerials and if they where all clased as rice then rice would be no 1 ingrediant, you still have the comfort of knowing that it is only rice and only lamb that are the sorces of proten. product B seems like a marketing campain, you don't know what type of cerials and bran are being used and potential causes of food alergies, the lack of desicif ingreediants maks me wonder what is actually in it and the quality of it. the added vegetable protein being so high in the list is also a worry for me, such protein usualy deplicks a cheep manufacturing process and porer quality diet for the dog, this proteen is usualy soya protein and with all the genetic experomentation on such product and knowing that products used for dog food are considered unsafe for human consumption i would stear clear of it. in saying all that i always read the entier ingreediant list and base my need on that and weather the dog would eat it of course. 1.Would you feel that paying 4 times as much for one over the other is justified and if so which one. ? that all depends on how my dog would go on them, if they where happy on the expencive one then yes i would justerfy it, if they where happy on the cheeper one then they would get that. 2.Would you choose to try the most expensive or the cheapest first ? depends on the rest of the ingrediances, but probably the cheeper one. 3. Do you choose your dog food based on something else? yes, reputation, reaserch, trialing a product for best performance.
hi to colloidal silver it works a treet, also to Robert McDowel, wonderfull products that work, if they don't he wants to know so a different tretment may be needed.
Australian Schutzhund Champiionships
petmezz replied to RealityBites's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
No because the law doesn't say your dog cant attack a ball, or rope or toy, it specifies person or animal!! If the sleeve is attached to a person the dog is attacking a person. BTW Police / Defence / Licensed security providers have approval in writing to conduct this type of activity. Hi SEQ the dogs trained in Schutzhund are trained to bite the bite sleave only, the sleave is very distinctave to the dog and i doght a dog would misstake an arm for a bite sleave. the sleave is not attached to the persion the sleave is usualy made up of pvc round pipe, wood forming a V around the pvc pipe (easer for the dog to get a good grip) kevler covering the sholder and elbow areas to allow flexability, padding of some sort over the wood and pvc pipe, several layers of Jute to form a replacable gripping serface that allowes a distintave look and feal to the dog. the decoy places his arm down the pipe and their is usualy a bar at the end to hold on to, when ever the decoy want's to release the bite sleave all they have to do is let go of their grip and the whole sleave comes off. thus it is not realy "Attached" to a persion they are holding it. it is a bit like a tug game realy. the goal of the dog is not to visouasly bite and harm the persion, their goal is to win the bite sleave (or another name for it a tug toy). in all honesty that is all they want just a bit of plastic wood and jute after a bite and tug game.should dogs be baned from movies, adds, any film ec that depicks dogs attacking a persion or animal?? do you realy think they allow the dog to attack a persion just to get the sean right?? these dogs are trained to place their teath on to an item that is then placed onto the actor/stunt dubble. the dogs know only to tuch the spacific item as they have been trained to do so, the "bite" item may be hidden in the actor/stunt dubble cloths and is located by the dog by sent. these dogs that do "bite work" for film must have simulare qualities to the Schutzhund trained dog that is recognising the "bite toy", being calm and in controll in unusuall stressfull situations, have briliant obediance, be confident around strang people and most inportantly NOT BITE ANYONE, only the trained bite toy be it a bite sleave or a hidden bite toy, they are not to bite the human. SEQ you have your opinions, that is great and thanks for being friendly i hope this thred can stay that way. -
no not usually. i would consult with the pratishioner that you bought the remody from. or give Robert McDowell's a call i have had hugh sucsess with him and his remodies, both on the dogs and on myself and mum.
no, no change to the coat, i have huskys with the implant and it hasn't changed their coat, but shrinkage is the main notacable change.
Dog Training....which One In House Or In Home?
petmezz replied to auzloz's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
i would go with Hanrob, heared to many bad things about bark busters and dog teck varies to much from franchise to franchise. good luck. -
hi i would go with the Nutrigel stuff . this is what i would do. Morning give a small handfull of mince with a dose of the nutrigel. arfternoon give a small amount of kibble (high quality brand high in fat and proteen, low in grains) night give a small amount of mince with a dose of nutrigel. attempt to give a dog soup possably leave it out all day as an alternative water supply for your dog (please maks shour their is a fresh water supply to.). exercise the dog! in some strains of northen breeds they actually need to get exercise to stimulate the need for eating. following this your dog will hopfully gain all the nutriance it needs. gradually start increasing the amount of food over months. and rember northen breeds where selectivly breed to require little food, and run sometimes for days with out eating.
i have had KC hear to though a mild form. i placed every dog on a herbal KC mix and after 2 treatments (one day) they have stoped coughing. only a week to go untill they are off the herb stuff. i recoment trying herbal treatments
Instructors And Obedience Clubs
petmezz replied to Zhara's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
hi Zhara just a note dogs are not just a hobby for me, they are my life. i have been doing a profesional dog training course, i do volunteir work in a pound, i instruct at one club, i use to assist at another, i compeat in sledding, i work as a privat dog trainer, i have apparently been nominated to a commity positition at a obediance club (some thing about refusing to use their techniques and getting my husky through 3 leavels in one term) i'm hoping to open my dog day care center some time in the future. do you get the idear that i'm dog obsessed . the club will become a great club, they just need to get some quality trainers in their, but if they keep isolating people well......... not much anyone can do. -
Instructors And Obedience Clubs
petmezz replied to Zhara's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
hi Zhara i'm assuming your post was in responce to the other thred started by me? if so good and bad news. the border colly owner has started to gain controll over the dog and has got the dog into herding , unfortunatly i had to place a head coller on the dog this lowered it's reactivness to a leaval that they could work with. the dog hasn't compleatly shut down and can still work just not overly happy about the thing across its nose. the bad news, i have decided to leave the club, i can't stand the way they run the club and the dogs that they are giving a pass i would have repeat the class again. i'm not asking much i just wan't to see dogs not pulling their owners over (even with head collers on), and when doing heel work actually heeling in a relativly close position to a heel not pulling out in front of their owner. sorry i'm disapointed with this club however they are offering education and to the ones that don't fall through their program great! Zhara in the first post you are right on so many leavels, this club is volunteer based, they have been recrooting from low leavels within the club to make up instructor leavels. this incadent was descused with the uper leavels of the club and i was toled that, that instructor wasn't their any more some thing i found out today not to be true. i basicaly feall that this club will brush any one to the side if they have a difficult dog and i'm not in a position to stop it from happining. -
hi what were your favourite topics and why? loved Psychology and behaviour, so many things to look at, so much viriaty and with out a good understanding of this i fel you are litraly stabbing in the dark for a answer to a dog behavioure problem. i don't realy think the course ever left the subject, every thing keeped comming back to this. Who were your favourite instructors and why? Owen, Julija, Cathren, Boyd Owen, his enthusiasm, dedication to what he was teaching, he managed to get the info to sink in to my thick head. Julija, wow what a great persion, more then willing to explaine and explaine again, demonstrate things realy well, ease to ask questions to and get an answer pointing you in the wright direction with out telling you the exact answer. :p Cathren, didn't realy have much to do with Cathren excep signing me up for the course, and helping with travel plans and logistics of doing the course in a different state. however Cathren and Julija at the recent agility workshop where great if i wasn't so cought up in my self i would have enjoyed it even more. Boyd, what can i say ... i think he managed to get through the first 10min (a record i think) of the class with out cracking a joke (at a perticular gender)! Judy, great to talk to outside of class. though could give a bit of a clue of whear to look when asked a question What did you get out of the course? the knowlge that what i was doing with my dog training was spot on (and i should not have listened to the "purly positive" trainer). friends. the knowlage to get myself around melb... on public transport lol. a new insite to training equipment, i no longer think of check chains as evel, mearly a tool, and have greater respect for other training tools. i beleave i could train most dogs that i come across, and any i can't i can refer them to a more experianced trainer in almost any feild of training. an even greater love of dogs, the ability to see what the dog has problems with it's human. the desire to continue my k9 education.
no dogwise is based in the US still very competative though, and reliable shipping.