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Posts posted by shekhina

  1. An old friend of mine took the top off a heavy birdbath and filled that for her Rotti, I think it was glazed on the inside so easy to clean.

    That might be an idea. Although we'd probably come home to him trying to sleep in it.

    Horse trough?

    Just having a look through some now... can't do any kind of plastic, instantly destroyed. Can't have it too big either because young kids in the backyard... can drown in less of course, but just less safe the bigger it is.

  2. We have big water bowl problems with our young Rottweiler. He tips everything up, digs around in them, has very loud arguments with them and throws them around the yard. Coming into summer I'm getting worried we wont be able to find something suitable to make sure he has enough water unless it's bolted to the concrete :eek:

    Does anyone have any tried and true bowls/containers/whatever! that he just wont be able to tip over and empty. Playing in water is fun and all, but we wont be home 24/7 during summer and I want to know he's safe!

  3. I have had much the same problem and have stopped showing my puppy for this reason. He just loves people too much and he had no hope in hell of standing still with someone even approaching him let alone touching him!

    We have started teaching him to stack on a stacker with his trainer (at home we use a mirror and 4 bricks). It has definitely helped him in learning to keep his feet still or else he falls off. He can now hold it for a decent amount of time for a baby with bait in front of him. It's still a work in progress to have someone go over him but I've found having him up off the ground certainly does help. He's still very happy to do it, tail wagging and very alert, so it isn't frightening in any way for him :)

  4. So we've been implementing a few things and so far, so good. Lots of practice at ignoring cats while on his bed, on the leash, doing some training, walking around the house with me etc. etc. Not anywhere near solved of course, I expect it to take quite some time before he can be trusted not to chase/stand over/paw a cat. But this evening when Lincoln came in after dinner he waltzed straight past Gomez and laid down on his bed. Progress! :D

  5. Thank you for all the advice, I really appreciate it all and it's been very helpful and given me hope that we can sort this out :)

    I've had two other Rottweilers before, and a German Shepherd Dog and they were all very good with my cats right from the start... Lincoln is just so busy and full on and confident that cats are there for the chase and the pounce and he will stand over them. Hopefully using some of these ideas will help us get to a point where he is as good with them as my other dogs were.

  6. There is absolutely no way a pen would hold this puppy, he's destroyed my garden because the fence did not withstand him :laugh: He has lots of toys in the lounge room that we give him free access to, but from now on will keep the cats well out of reach while he is having free time so that there's no opportunity for chasing.

  7. OK, so I need a collar then :D

    So training on leash with cats around, feeds on his bed, LAT with the cats and some time and patience and this will all be better, yes? I hope so :) And in the mean time separate when he's not on a leash inside, so he can go in his crate so he cannot chase them? The idea is not to teach him to 'leave it' but to not want to do it in the first place, is that right? Sorry, I am just confused as this is very different to how I taught my other dogs, but quite happy to switch things up for something better for us all :)

  8. I have very, very busy puppies in my house! This is what I do....


    - have baby gates into a dog free zone and they know they can escape

    - huge cat tree in the living area that the cats can get out of the way

    - I repeat to them regularly "this too shall pass"...this is Lilly's 5th puppy including ones I've trained for friends.


    - make sure she is tired, physically and mentally.

    - teach a settle on her mat - entire meals are fed, biscuit by biscuit.

    - LAT is great too - especially when on the mat

    - use the cats as distraction training with pup on leash working for tug games and awesome treats - work on tiny recall games. Be more fun than the cat.

    - teach a really confident collar grab so pup races into your outstretched hand - translates really well to recalls in the real world too.

    And patience. They do grow up I promise.

    Thank you! And that is such a lovely photo... I can only hope ours looks similar one day... although I might be a bit squashed!

    I already have a baby gate up across the laundry that the cats can go through (kitty door, or jump over) but that Lincoln can't get past. They also have a big kitty scratch tree in the loungeroom that Cheech especially jumps up to, to get away from him. Unfortunately for Gomez, Gomez is probably the most patient cat in the world and wont even try to get away from him and then Lincoln just pounces on top of him. This is the cat with the heart issue so this really, really cannot continue! I absolutely cannot have a 50kg dog throwing himself on my cat :eek: Gomez being Gomez would just sit there!

    I really, really hope this is a puppy thing that will come to an end, because at the moment it feels so impossible to get this to change. For now while I am doing his little bits of training inside I lock Gomez into a crate otherwise he will come and interrupt the lesson trying to get Lincoln's treats. Gomez is as good at sitting for a treat as Lincoln is :laugh:

    What do you mean by collar grab? Lincoln does a pretty good recall, but not if he's decided the cat is what he's going after, then he 'can't hear' me.

    He's extremely keen to learn and I think could end up doing quite well in obedience which I would really like to do with him... but my god, the cats!!

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