His name is Diesel, up until last night I had him on his bed next to mine which was good no crying but he would wake up walk through the hose and luckily pee or poo on the wooden floor not the carpet, I get up at 5.155.30 take him outside for a pee, then we feed our 2 chooks then the 3 cats I get dressed, we play outside for about half an hr then I feed him, we play sommore then he goes to bed on the back verandah on his bed, I close the glass sliding door but leave the verandah door open for him, I turn on the radio then by 7.39 I leave for work, I get home about 4.40, he is usually quiet till he hears me but today he was barking and winging, when he calms down I get changed we play and train a little then we feed the chooks the around 5.30 He gets fed, I get my dina ready by that time he is ready to play again, we play for a while then come inside and he usually lays at my feet, take him outside a couple of times for a pea then by around 9.30 to bed.He is clever he has started to sit stay and come, I am trying to get him used to the lead, He has a few toys he loves tug a war and fetching his ball, he has a Mickie mouse chew toy a pet dog as big as him to cuddle and a smaller teddy bear, I thought if I let him sleep in my room he might not want to leave.