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  1. We have recently had to have our 15 year old rescue put down due to cancer on the liver. Devastation is an understatement. We are trying to move forward and have decided as a family (of 4 adults) that a puppy will help us move forward and fill a void in our hearts. Having done a lot of research about pedigree vs cross breed dogs, the issues around puppy farms and backyard breeders, we are still at a loss as to what we should be expecting to pay for a pup. Our rescue 15 years ago cost $180 !! (We know that we will be paying substantially a LOT more than that for a pup). We are looking at two breeds specifically, Cairn Terrier or a West Highland Terrier. This dog will definately not be a show dog nor do we intend to breed with it, but just to become our fifth wheel in the household. Can anybody give me some indicative prices of what we could expect to pay for these breeds? thanks in advance.
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