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Everything posted by rubiton

  1. WOuld have thought it would be unsanitory to have a cat freely wander around. But then if we ever went anywhere that had a free roaming cat no one would be able to hear anything for about a week (forget the lunging - if you cant chase a cat may as well bark as loudly as possible at it).
  2. OUr dog is trained to walk properly - its not that hard as long as you keep enforcing the rules. I walk at speed and she trots along side usually on either a contact (horse term) or slightly loose lead. She can sniff as we go by but no stopping no charging ahead no flat out pulling and the important one her side is the left of the path mine is the right - no crossing the line. And with that we go out for a walk and can go slower or do the flat out sprints (walking - I couldn't run due to the knees). She is permitted to walk a little ahead but knows 'left' right straight ahead and does respond to pressure on the harness to move over if needed. SHe does get off lead time at the park where she can stop and sniff as long as she comes when called.
  3. You do need to get a good quality monopod to use it with as it is quite heavy (unless of course you are very fit and have good arm muscles!).
  4. Depends what features you want in a camera - some people would use both and not find any difference and others would say one over the other clearly. Best site to compare caemras is www.dpreview.com . I've never had any issues with quality of an image due to filters - though my stuff is mainly horse sports (equestrian, racing, yearlings, etc) and some dogs/animals. If you are trying for arty stuff I guess it might affect things but I don't 'do' arty stuff!
  5. I always have filters on since I am outside and would prefer to replace a filter than a lens. I use skylight which are similar to UV but apparently better for the type of stuff I do. I find the hood on the big 100-400 is great to keep the rain off the lens when taking pics in awful weather and guess it helps with the sunglare (I try to keep the sun behind me though if possible). That lens also has a filter on at all times.
  6. Agree with what kja says - if they are a high res file they should look OK (well unless they are being printed the size of a house) from jpeg files regardless of where they are printed. I do all my printing (well everything really) using jpegs. I did scan all my negs in as tiffs but always save as jpegs for printing. Being copied from your computer to a CD and then being read by a printer will not degrade the image for printing.
  7. On public land - no not really any restrictions HOWEVER the images must not be used to make fun of or belittle the subject. I daresay you would also need permission from the person if they can be recognised and the image was to be used for commercial/advertising purposes.
  8. Did you tell these dogs off at all? Doesnt sound like they showed you any respect if they were trying to knock you down (dogs should always give people space - always or they are just asking for a hostile reaction from you). Now emus & kangaroos will crowd and try and knock you down but they arent household pets.
  9. IN the middle of summer why cant the hose be used - they shouldnt get too cold in this heat (if you are in SA or Vic)? If the dog is getting a proper bath its in the bath but if she is getting the quick version its in the backyard with the hose (though this takes two of us due to issues with the dog & dislike for hose).
  10. He's another suggestion - she may also want to think about if her dog came past you (and anyone else ) and you happened to step on the lead and you were knocked over and injured she would be liable for medical costs as well.
  11. Wow was thinking thats nearly dark think the pic below was on a setting like that Try ISO 400, F8 1/1000th with back to the sun and try taking action pics - and remember to pan with the dog (even better if the dog is running side on to you). With the focus on AI Focus on equivalent if you keep the centre focus square on teh dog it should all work fine. (should being the operative word).
  12. Its not about size its about attitude - if you stand tall and growl deep and loud and eyeball them most should stop in their tracks and 'give you space'. My dog was off the lead in an empty park and a little ahead of me - rounding the bend in the path she suddenly started staring at something around the bend and stopped. Seconds later when I got there I found out why three loose dogs (perhaps belonging to a person way over the other side of the park in the shadows-well thats where the leader went). Lead Dog was eyeballing mine til I broke its gaze and growled at it and instant change of posture when it looked and me and it took off as did its followers. Even when a huge dog spotted mine when I went to the post box the yelling worked. I wasnt sure as he was huge and had gotten out of his yard (I dont think it was a good outcome for him as where there once was a huge similar dog a few weeks later it was replaced with a SWF - yard was in a neighbouring street). Huge dog came straight across busy road - just avoided getting hit due to drivers stopping and was intent on coming up to mine. Was bold/dominant rather than aggressive but didn't feel like taking the chance to yelled at him to go home. He followed us the 20m to where the house was then took off further up the street (away from busy road) but kept his distance. Felt bad later not grabbing him but my dog comes first and he was gone by the time I got her inside and turned around to see where he was. So we go shopping and 2 hours later there are 2 dog rangers outside our house seemingly looking for a dog - this was the only one that was out wandering and must have scared someone to have two combing the streets for him as it got dark. I now know the number to call for loose dogs out wandering. But he was big and putting on the bluff of 'get away from my dog' still worked even though he was a little bigger than beign able to be kicked if needed in defence.
  13. As was mentioned - I make sure I am between the oncoming dog and mine (she has been taught to stay behind) - then I drive the thing off by roaring and threatening to kick it . The majority of dogs are NOT human agressive and if YOU get their attention off your dog and towards you most of the time they will back off and stay clear of your 'space'. I have come across one dog that held my gaze and growled - it was in the centre of the road and its mate came around behind at a distance. I dont think it even looked at my dog I think it was human agressive at me but I just roared git and kept going along the path at the same rate til I was out of its perceived territory. By picking a dog up and trying to hold it out of reach you are making yourself a climbing pole - and as poodle explained if you are confident and stand up to an oncoming dog it should back off and give you space (as ceasar is always going on about with owners who have dogs that rush the front door, gates, etc). Guess its a hard choice though especially if you dont see it coming and you have a doubt in your mind about confronting an agressive dog. And once you get out of the situation report it to the council/ranger. I've been bailed up (or they tried I drove them off once but saw them ahead) by two agressive shihtzus at the park. They are well known amongst dog owners but appears Im the only one that has reported them to the council - and if I think they are staying put I will ring the ranger as the complaince person at the council advised as the owner just seems stupid and ignorant of the rules.
  14. We use Agoy Cards but they are in Adelaide for business cards.
  15. At home printers or commercial printing businesses?
  16. Is it set on whatever nikon's equivalent to AIservo for the auto focus. This one setting makes a MASSIVE difference to movement shots. You also need to pan with the dog when its moving.
  17. You dont padlock your gate Agree - you dont padlock the gate?
  18. Um why is this dog not being kept on the lead? Uninvited - ok its NYE but good manners by the visiting people to KEEP IT ON THE LEAD. Why arent you asking them to keep it on the lead as a visiting dog should not be allowed to leap all over the furniture - or are their kids allowed to do the same thing? Kids & dogs both should be under control and have manners - if not then they shoudl be restrained.
  19. It could all be all above board and easy but since it took about 7 years for us to hold our dog around under the neck (this would have had her fail one of those early animal cops shows temp tests) IF I was actually interested I would want to know exactly what tests are done and exactly what the dog is expected to do. BUt why the DNA swab too (if it was to try and work out what breeds were in a mixed breed yes could see but otherwise why bother?).
  20. Agree with kja - the little canon point and shoot cameras do a fantastic job if you just want something to turn on point and take photos.
  21. Be aware that if its a small business then you must tell your insurance and see if they still cover it as a lot will not include camera equipment you are deriving an income from under the household policy.
  22. There is also AON and a few others and its usually 10 mil unless you request the higher amount and often they also include some equipment insurance (since your gear is not covered under household insurance if you are out making an income with it). If you are involved in sports photography it is becoming more common for organisers to ask about public liability insurance just in case you or your gear causes issues as mentioned above.
  23. Thanks for keeping a look out - they have also tried to approach the Advertiser to try and get more publicity but have not had interest from them. There was a letter published in the messenger last week but many people dont read that. I'll keep a look out around my area but Im a fair way from Glenelg and surrounds. Hopefully its just a case of mis information and the people who found him just haven't reported it to enough places since Glenelg is some distance from both the RSPCA and Animal Welfare League so they may think to a council and vet and perhaps mentioning it locally is enough when in reality with his owners being from Victoria they are well and truly too far away to see anything.
  24. Thanks - hopefully someone has him but hasnt put notification in the same places that the owners have been looking. I did suggest contacting vet surgeries and grooming places in the surrounding areas - in case someone has mentioned finding the dog there.
  25. Mickey a poodle - pomeranian cross became separated from his family, who were visiting Adelaide from Victoria for the Australian International 3de, at Glenelg beach on Thursday November 12th around 6pm. He had a purple collar with a pink lead and was seen with people who were not his family. His family are desperate to find Mickey as he is greatly missed and have spent time returning to Adelaide to look so far unsuccessfully for him. If you have any information that could locate him please contact Alison on 0434 303124.
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