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Everything posted by rubiton

  1. Throw away the broken filter and just buy a new one (thats what filters are for to savew the lens). Then take the camera and lens out and try it on something such as the dogs or cars driving down a road or anything. Just because you dropped it doesnt mean its broken unless it doesnt work properly. Its such a hassle taking them to get fixed why waste the time if it actuslly ends up being ok when you try it.
  2. Ours does try the head butt thing with it on (its off when we are around as she wont go near the stitches if we are around) as we are trying to go out the door. Also discovered how she got teh food she could just get it if she pushed hard enough for the collar to flex a tiny bit and also it moved slightly towards her shoulders.
  3. Yep they make you feel bad but seems they can do plenty with said collar on. This morning open new packet of those naturevet liver treats (little round balls described as training treat or mini treat on the packet) a whole 200g packet. Do footy tips (she picks the food - and I was three years ahead of the octapus and the bird with the food choosing a team idea) then I roll up top and place it seemingly out of the way (especially when you remember dog has the collar on) in a space about 20cm wide (on the lounge but its surrounded with the arm on one side and DVD s on the others - only access is from the front or on an angle which was seemingly blocked by stuff on the floor at the same spot). Now collar is wider than this and I dont know how she did it but she stole the bag of food took it across to a gap between her bed and the stairs and opened the rest of the opening (quite neatly too) and worked out how to flip it up so the food came out. Nothing else had moved - she hadn't knocked anything to get to the bag of food and the angle needed to get the collar into the gap is pretty difficult. Needless to say she got very little for tea tonight. (I remembered the bag and it wasnt where it had been left and couldn't find it anywhere til I told her 'find the food' and thats when I found the empty wrapper). So they can do plenty apart from lick at stitches while wearing said collars they just wont let on that they can
  4. If you have a gastro type thing its good for you too - boiled chicken (the bits I tried) tasted a lot bette than I thought. I cut the chicken into tiny bits. However while the dog loved the chicken she didn't like the rice. Far easier to get the ID food.
  5. 1D - if I win lotto (however there are maybe two photographers in my sports that use 1D level cameras the rest are the 40D 7D type level including those who do it full time ... I need it to be guaranteed to last longer than 3yrs before repair if I spent $10,000 on a camera but they get treated harshly being out in 42 degree heats days on end, dust, rain, cold, etc). If it doesnt get sorted this time I'll probably have to sell it and get a 7D sooner than planned BUT wont be happy that within the warranty period the company wont sort it out (ie if the old 'focus is within parameters' phrase gets used). I would suggest anyone with a camera that seems to have focus issues try to borrow another that someone is getting good shots on and try the same shots on the same settings to see if it could be the camera before thinking its just them.
  6. Dogs dont actually get 'colds' - you might want to get it checked by your vet if its gone on for a 'few days and nights'.
  7. And report the attack to the council and make damn sure you include that after your dog it attacked you.
  8. Just slightly out as if its focusing a metre ahead of where it should (ie closer to the camera) be but some photos are ok usually the ones quite close with little zoom used - only noticed that as a horse was on the edge of several frames and it was in focus but the main subject was not and the horse on the edge was not moving into frame just in the same spot. Thats in Landscape - the portrait images are usually OK. Got sent away and returned within two weeks apparently adjusted and fixed - its OK on still single shots but not on the continuous autofocus of a moving object BUT its only obvious once the photos are on the computer. Looks fine when taken looks fine on the sceen on the back even zoomed right in but horrible on the computer. Someone new to cameras may think its them and not worry about numerous shots not working but I can see clearly the camera is underperforming and thats no good when Im trying to photograph racing and equestrian (no 'do over' opportunities). 40D last week I have about 10 discards with the 50D this week I stopped counting at 60 discards. Average on a low light difficult conditions day is perhaps around 25-30 discards at most with the 40D. It looks like camera shake but it isnt and no amount of micro adjusting to lens works either (I did this for the lenses and the single shot for that was fine but once in location the photos were hit and miss). Its going back again via a camera shop to try and get it sorted as Im not happy about paying good money for a dud camera that I cannot use for the purpose it was bought for.
  9. Bathe in salt water and try to stop him licking (it will only inflame it). Salt water bathing will help and may take some redness out if its a bite (did with mine who was scratching under her neck and batheing that moment and the next morning took a lot of the redness and irritation out.
  10. Yes - mine ones have done the weird crackly/clicky sound when the red light thing did the pre flash stuff (if that makes sense). Though very disappointed in my apparently fixed 50D that has the exact same focus issues that it had before the warranty 'repair'. Bet when they checked the repairs they didnt put the images on a computer (they look fine through the view finder when taken look fine on the screen on the back even at the full zoom and end up out of focus and crap once downlaoded onto the computer - 2 different computers too). But then I seemed to have ended up with a dud camera for what I need it for - its fine for posed still images of even just one horse close up just not moving horses taken at around 120-130mm on the zoom. Anyway yes it sounds a normal if weird thing for it to do as long as the flash fires and takes the pic fine.
  11. Thanks for the advice about the home made treats. Yes yellowgirl she now has a bag of prescription k/d to slowly change over from her current food and has the daily half tablet too. Was told its ok for her to change over the diet gradually as the levels are only a 'little' higher than normal range. Vet said look for the levels on the treats and then its ok to have occasional things as long as we are mindful of her overall diet (eg a few small pieces of chicken once a week or less is ok but is out as a major part of the diet). Dry food at night and in her food ball in the day makes up the bulk of her diet but she does gets treats now and again and once the current stuff runs out have to work out what to restrict her to (nothing isnt an answer at this stage). Luckily it was picked up on the routine blood test. Is the phosphorus level usually on the packaging (as that or something else?) or did you have to contact the food companies?
  12. For wet food (cans) we use the optimum healthy weight but I needed to find something that was low in fat but at the supermarket and that had the closest to the prescription diet she had been on
  13. The best dry food it the one your dog does best on. If not eating the current one try a small bag of something else and just be aware of any changes both for better or worse. There is one dry food we got (came in a cool barrel which we still use for storing her food) and after a while she got a lot of dandruff and her coat looked dry and flat. Switched back to previous food and her coat returned to normal - so after that avoided the one she did not do well on. RAW food can be high in fat so while they are young no problems but some dogs cannot have the raw bones etc when they get older - not always best.
  14. The 3yr vaccination seems to be a particular product - its not the usual one and then not bother (and thats the dangerous thinking that many read it as). Therefore if you want the 3yr one you have to ask your vet before you get the vacinnations done.
  15. And dont forget that those in certain jobs or going to certain countries also have further vaccinations to just what they had as kids. But think some just go 'oh well I aint vaccinating anymore' without some guidance from their vet (such as making sure they get the 3 year product not the 12 month one then ignore remindars for 3 years thinking the dog is covered) or ensure that they do regular (yearly) titre testing in lieu of vaccinating. That is dangerous as you just dont know if your dog is one that doesnt hold the immunity. Parvo is quite a regular epidemic around Adelaide as every year there are a few warnings of make sure your dog is protected.
  16. baifra that is the look I got (think lab x) and then she went to the wuffles pic face when she gave up and sat on her bed. She went to throw her head around wildly when it first went on but put a stop to that quick and then she quickly realised that going past stuff too quick resulted in a very quick stop. Will leave it off for a while now then back on for the night (she wont lick while we can see her)
  17. Well according to the dog anyway. Obviously feeling a lot better she was so happy til I put the collar on (she started licking the stitches and surreounding area last night so got a collar for her today). She just sat there for a good 20 minutes just staring at me. However seems to slowly be learning how not to walk into stuff (still hoping the house will not be destroyed when she is left on her own with it on). If she tries to scratch with her foot the next step will be a sock on said foot - she really wont be impressed if that is added to.
  18. Vet said it was ok as long as to keep mindful of what percentage said treat would make up in the diet. So I guess its a bit like having a piece of chocolate cake say once a week in a human will hardly pack on the weight. Her levels were up in the blood tests and apart from sometimes drinking a little more than usual there have been no obvious symptoms. Though he did also start on medication as well as the food. However the food can be weaned over from her current food its not like change today like it was when she had gastro a few years back. Though at the moment she is very sore and sorry for herself so its not like she'll be having much dry food for the next few days.
  19. Mine had the iv fluids included on the list in the overall charge but then I also had a lot of other stuff added today for her other issues. Poor thing is very unco tonight and starting to get stiff & sore from the lump removal
  20. OK not only did the poor dog get her teeth cleaned and have a couple of lumps removed but her blood tests showed the start of old age kidney diease. She's got tablets and food but when it comes to treats I was told to look for low salt and low protein. Which is worse of the two as looking at her treats the ones that are low in salt are the highest in protein and the ones lowest in protein have the 3pc salt. IN similar sized treats which is the lesser evil? Replacig the bulk of her dry food will replace the bulk of her diet and she doesn't get anything bar the fetching the paper in reward every day but for future treat buying have to start deciding which to cut out and which she can have on a restricted basis.
  21. Ours use to take bones then bury them then dig them up later after tea and swallow chunks. Said chunks would come back a few hours later usually in the house (she'd just get the cujo look stand up and stare - running to the back door WOULD have been a better choice). So she got them more sparingly and then not at all after she had the gastro thing due to the fat content. However do find another way to clean their teeth (finding something else that they chew or physically find out how to clean them) or in a few years get ready for the big vet bill for the dental under GA.
  22. As lillysmum has listed there is more than just cleaning the teeth. And then there is the level that the teeth are at (1 is best 4 is teeth being removed). Ours is to go in tomorrow for her's but they are probably removing a couple of lumps as well so that adds to the cost- ours is 11.
  23. YOu could probably ask a large chain book store to order the book for you (probably cheaper and quicker to buy online via Amazon if they have it though). DVD depends on if its been released on Region 4 otherwise unless if you have a player that will play all regions or can handle watching it on the computer it would be unavailable
  24. The light needs to be directly behind you and shining on a dark coloured dog. And the photo needs to be taken in the morning or afternoon. I have a black dog and thats the best way to bring up detail. Only thing is sometimes they will squint if looking into the sun. The other option is to use flash and take the photo outside but in the shade (makes a different effect). The one below was with the light behind me and the settings from earlier (F8, 1000th, etc) For the sun on light like the two you have (to OP) you need to have something reflective on the shadow side of the dog and that will light up the non sun side.
  25. They are missing anything thats not a small breed. Yes stamps went up as of yesterday to buy but no idea if there is a period of grace to use up the old stamps. Aust Post got their way with it not that long since they went up to 55c (only a few years)
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